Why are Asians so superior?

Why are Asians so superior?

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Superior at being robots in human form maybe.

Asians are still complete sluts though

Some asian incel unironically made that picture lmfao what a loser

why are you so wrong?

in university the 3 asians i talked to on the regular all had things for white women, 1 specifically for blondes.

I have been to several countries in asia and the women always crowd around you. Once when i was in China i had 3 women want to hold my hands and walk around with me, with one saying she "feels so safe" with me.
Korea reveres the whites, thats why they are so fixated on plastic surgery too look like their white masters. Been to bars in Thailand with signs saying "whites only" or "no Thai men allowed"

sorry OP, but you asian males will always be second class to the superior whites. your hatred to the whites may be on par with blacks, but unlike the negros, your race is too beta to be openly spoken about it.

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I wouldn't say superior but they clearly are capable of competing with the Europeans and their descendents. To be fair the Europeans made some questionable choices in the last decades so it wasn't that hard to catch up.
What we really need to know is if they are finally capable of waging war on a level that's comparable to European powers(this included the US, Australia etc., you know all countries with primarily European descendents). In the second world War the Super star of Asia, Japan, got completely stomped by the US, even the last ditch German troupes outnumbered anywhere between 1:2 to 1:5 did put up a much more remarkable fight than the japs managed to do.

No one cares about Fob AA's

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Hiro is mad

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Chinks are so amusing to watch
It's like giving a bunch of overgrown ants opposable thumbs and a bunch of dangerous gadgets, just watch the ensuing mayhem

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>Why are Asians so superior?
Imagine being this delusional

Is there anyone on Sup Forums besides me who isn't obsessed with race?

why does Freddy mercury have his arm around that Disney character?

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Whores will do anything for money, even fuck niggers, so is it that surprising to see one call herself a chink on a rebel flag?

East-Asians are basically honorary Aryans. They are capable of producing lasting strong cultures making unique art, architecture, and inventions. If it weren't for the cancer of Marxism, there's no telling how advanced China of today would be... after all, look at how successful the Japanese have become.

They are the equals of whites in intelligence and ability to delay instant gratification to achieve long term goals.

This is in strong contrast to niggers and mestizo spics with heavy indigenous descent, or worse yet Australian aboriginals that have a potato IQ.

every board is Sup Forums with a theme

Idk about that, when you spot a white person in a crowd of thai people hes likely the be most wealthy than everyone combined... Sucking a white guys dick to get taken away from their shit hole country is a good deal to me.

Because Jews try to pit the races against each other, especially those that seem natural allies to challenge their small but influential minority.

Whites have been successfully controlled into self-censorship, but Asians by and large have no such PC self-censorship programming. With Asians and whites getting along, and the whites learning that they don't have to fear the Jew, well, that has them nervous and trying to create conflict.

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Ok, so not you, clearly. Anyone else?

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they look mexican

OK Jew.

This. East Asians have an honorable history and are hard working people.

just further proves his point. Thai people and their culture have been around for thousands of years and they are still 1 step up from niggers.

the fact that 1 average white person has more funds in his pocket than the 24 Thai guys walking around him speaks volumes about how they run their country and their inferiority to the whites.

so yes, their women deserve to be cock sleeves for white pleasure.

I’m alright with Asians. They are way better then the niggers any given day.

pick just 1............

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Attached: Hi, i'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the budweiser splooge bottle chugalug with Keiichi Nitta ! (424x649, 183K)

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Because nationalism is a proud and natural tradition for all men. Women can feel free to when starting a new family because matriarchs and patriarchs usually (no, not 100% universally, which is also fine), have different roles. If you feel you want all races to succeed (which you really obviously should) then you have to agree to respecting the benefits that high levels of the beneficent form of racial/national pride can.
Ty, bleeding heart white leftwing anarchist humanist spiritualist (the anti-cuck messiah embodied).

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could be a white self hating asian worshipper.
dunno which is sadder

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I found some free range organically farmed ricecel rage on a local Facebook page


I thought the r/asianmasculinity types were just an overblown meme but they're fucking real

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"Superior" is too vague to actually mean anything without context. Superior in what way? Sure you can name many, but there are also ways in which they are inferior. Also Asian is meaningless. Are we talking Japanese or Filipino? Huge fucking difference.

Framing the question in such a retarded way is a leftist strawman argument. It sets up any real answer to be knocked down. The reality is that there are many racial differences. Japan is a beautiful place because the Japanese people make it that way.

holy fuck that is pathetic

I have an asian gf, so obv we whites are doing something right.

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Good job missing the point. Fuck.

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