Sup Forums what's the most comfy way to an hero, with no clean up required afterwards? Like no shovels / scraping required.
Sup Forums what's the most comfy way to an hero, with no clean up required afterwards...
Inert gas asphyxia. Quick, clean and painless if you do it right.
Heroin overdose. Don't kill yourself though.
Heroin O.D. is extremely ineffective
>Don't kill yourself though.
You have to go back
Pure nitrogen. Easy to get. Very effective. But dont do it. Don't be that statistic
Yeah I'm not sure how effective that would be.
Once the body starts convulsing, it would be pretty easy for the bag to drop on accident / tube to slip out / etc.
You would need:
- a really sturdy bag
- tube attached in a VERY sturdy way
- probably handcuff your hands behind your back
- make sure nothing around you could puncture the bag when you start doing the dead man dance
Also it takes forever, like 20-25 minutes? You get permanent brain damage after ~5 minutes, but if anyone intervenes you end up as a brain damaged vegetable.
>But dont do it.
Fuck do you care, you'll be dead
Came to ask this.
Jump off a building. Blow your brains out. Jump off a tall bridge. Call the cops on yourself and pretend you have a gun. Literally why do you care?
No need to make this world any more shit than it already is. No need to act like a retarded asshole only because you want to an hero.
>Jump off a building. Blow your brains out. Jump off a tall bridge. Call the cops on yourself and pretend you have a gun. Literally why do you care?
>no clean up required afterwards? Like no shovels / scraping required
Everything you've listed either requires shovels or scraping afterwards.
Fuck you you aint going anywhere.
Don't do it op. This is a society
Then walk into a lake retard, you're gonna fuck someone's day no matter what you do
Rent a boat, go to sea, make sure it's running. Unless you care about the damn thing and consequences for whoever will have to pay for it? Anyway, tie something heavy to your body and make sure that it will pull you down once it tugs on the rope. Now just shoot yourself in the head with whatever firearm you have available. No cleanup. The fish will do everything. The search will be stopped because they won't find shit. And since the boat will keep going, they'll have no idea where you are, if they manage to find it.
Don't live near the sea? Okay. Do you have a gun? If yes, get yourself into a crematorium, preferably one that's automatic. Lie down the table, let it take you in. Shoot yourself in the head, let the fire do the rest. Only ashes remain.
Too convoluted? Uh... go to an empty field. Dig a ditch and fill it with gas. Lie down in it while holding your head up. Set a long fuse before you decide to do it or take the wires that are connected to the speaker in an alarm clock and make it so that they produce enough of a spark. Shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun, so that the pellets hit the earth. The fire will do the rest.
Still no? Every death I offered you was a bullet through your brain. Pretty much instant and if it doesn't work, the aftermath guarantees that you won't survive as a cripple. If none of these appeal to you, consider hanging yourself with sleeping pills. Simply get some strong pills. Take all of them. Put your head through the noose and wait until you pass out. Gravity and the pill OD will do the rest. Alternatively also add a helium mask to make it comfier. Combine it with morphine and LSD for an even better experience. Not that you'd know...
>came just to post a retarded lifeline pic
>came just to post don't do it
newfags are a plague
One might make this work.
>Every death I offered you was a bullet through your brain.
Yeah no guns in Europoor.
>sleeping pills
Sleeping pills are a meme.
But disposing of the body in water is a good idea.
How do you get canisters of pure nitrogen or helium
I’ve heard that the helium you buy online is only like 80%, which would fuck yo the intended effect
80% nitrogen is literally the air you breathe in.
Ok, since you wanted it. Pour everclear up your ass until you're dead. You'll enjoy it too faggot.
The body supposedly doesn't convulse 'cause it thinks it's still breathing in air. That is why its important to use an inert gas.
If you absolutely must do it, I'd recommend valium+fent OD.
T. butthurt newfag who doesn't even know how useless/retarded those lines are, but came to post it because the retarded fuck feels good when posting spam top kek
Go back to watching totally-not-gay tranny porn, newfags
Horse shit. Opioids kill people at alarming rates, mostly unintentionally. A high overdose would certainly cause you to lose consciousness and die shortly after. No?
Would you fuck off with the useless speculation. Nitrogen suicide bag is a pretty good way to die as you lose consciousness painlessly.
I've suggested maybe tubing high proof liquor into the rectum while laying prone. You pass out and continue to absorb alcohol into your blood stream until you die. Thoughts?
>Opioids kill people at alarming rates, mostly unintentionally.
>can't understand how statistics work
Junkies kill themselves by accident, true. Out of 1000 junkies that OD, some of them will die, true. Doesn't mean you have 100% chance to die if you OD.
Keep begging for attention then, you fucking pussy. You dont want to kill yourself, you want people to feel bad for and pity you because thats the only way a bottom feeding piece of shit like you knows how to interact with the world. "Hurrrrrrrrrrrrr im fucking SAD Sup Forums give me the attention my parents never did"
Fucking die. Let your poor fucking animals out into the yard, then burn your god damn house to the ground while you stay inside. You piece of fucking shit.