Drawthread: hand-holding edition

Drawthread: hand-holding edition

Attached: 1552587073906.png (900x900, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off


Requesting a drawing of Charlie

Attached: dd2yvtp-f5159ac4-f243-4081-86cd-708a93c12e53.png (552x705, 108K)

Requesting mero as a nurse and putting on latex gloves

Attached: 6BB5A1A4-54CB-4DE4-9005-D3FCA01401D6.png (340x446, 163K)

Bad art thread?


Attached: image0-8.png (1454x2005, 824K)

the best kind of art thread

Attached: artism.png (800x745, 161K)

Requesting Grug and Thunk Crood in a full body draw wearing just their caveman underwear and showing off their beautiful muscular and slightly chubby bodies, with brown or cheetah prints for Grug and greyish brown for Thunk. Keep it SFW please.

Attached: Grug and Thunk Crood Request #2.png (1867x688, 1.8M)

Attached: 1578196474121.png (866x800, 124K)

Fuck off

Requesting pic related but with this loli i.imgur.com/niPEUvZ.png instead

Attached: 052c0ac2bc943b34cba294597cdd7a35.jpg (1000x1030, 687K)

Oof, fuck off guy lost his edge

Requesting a conjoinment of Palutena and Pit like in the reference, their fused form would have both penis and vagina

Attached: SR23.png (1280x525, 739K)


Attached: 20200115_192345_HDR.jpg (3264x1836, 1.76M)

Attached: images (5).jpg (554x554, 31K)

Ain't you a cute little critter!

Attached: 20200115_194012_HDR.jpg (1836x1836, 1000K)

Requesting this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake v0re references: imgbox.com/g/QMi1dnPYlz

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252K)

Attached: dormouse08.png (1500x1400, 1.19M)

Cat :)

Attached: dormouse02.jpg (1200x1650, 465K)

Attached: 8GVK7EL2_o.jpg (689x1020, 82K)

Attached: dormouse13.png (2175x1500, 801K)

Requesting Dwarf with shrapnel in head and an Eye patch like Punished Snake from mgsv.
Thanks and much appreciated!

Attached: Fwarf.png (666x760, 659K)

On it


Aye aye captain

Attached: 20200115_195100_HDR.jpg (1836x1836, 843K)

Fuckin hell why do the pictures keep flipping

Taking only patrician taste requests. Art sample.

Attached: sample-f46f2f6bed4549b7c6c8cd07ec244816.jpg (1400x933, 189K)

Fuck off



Attached: 20200115_195932_HDR.jpg (1836x1836, 791K)

Fuck off

Stay mad

Attached: 20200115_200302_HDR.jpg (1836x1836, 856K)

Fuck off

you're using your phone right?

Attached: bed.jpg (800x1098, 92K)

Fuck off

>fuck off

Attached: DAC06D6E-294E-46F7-ACF0-9E25E92BBD71.jpg (256x298, 29K)

Greetings, gents. I hope you are all doing well.

Yeah I am

Thanks m8!

/r/ Alice (Atchoo!) Taking a Shower

Alice: thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1528/13/1528137876515.jpg


No problem :)

Holy cow, the drawfriends have fled this place. Good for them.

Attached: (You).png (1201x1732, 1.3M)

Requesting this girl i.imgur.com/niPEUvZ.png as futa with a circumcised penis and with the top of her skull removed with the bast of a shotgun like ic related. Draw her dead body with molestation signs(a broomstick into her ass, a screwdriver into her futa urethra). Don't forget draw her brains splatted over all the place. Please and thank you.

Attached: 1524923757495.jpg (800x600, 116K)

Please draw my oc

Attached: FreakyBob.jpg (507x676, 20K)

send request

Attached: dissu277.png (498x261, 7K)

hi shitstain

I'm just an user now, but you are welcome to address me as you wish.

samefag spotted

k sorry


How do I learn to draw?


Practice a lot


It's alright.
Don't. Drawing is a dying medium, you can't do anything worthwhile with it. Do something else.

Requesting any of these two lolis(1,2,) as futanari sobbing after be circumcised with a Plastibell. Draw her tied up and sitting on this way(A) and with these things on her penis(B) Don't forget draw these objects(C) lying on the ground among her useless piece of crap that was already removed, ready to be tossed into the trash.

It would be great if you draw the loli of your choice with the same painfull facial expression as in my references. Thank you.

Attached: god i wish were there.jpg (3148x1407, 553K)

Pic related was only possible thanks to tracing.

Attached: cleop.png (1087x644, 1.03M)

Well it looks like shit so that’s not much to brag about

nigga that shit took me 15 minutes, just plane colors. Do you have any idea about how many time will take make the same drawing on the traditional(and gay) way? Here another one.

Take a look to the things i was able to make thanks to tracing. Internet is your warehouse to find bodies and poses to trace. Yeah, you can learn to draw, but tracing is a booster for begginers.

Bill Gates once said:
hire a lazy person to do a difficult job" at Microsoft. Why? "Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. Im that lazy cunt.

Attached: Ravena molester.png (835x891, 163K)

That looks like shit too.
If you ever want to make something that doesn’t look like shit you need to not rely on tracing.
Sure it’s slower that way but everything you’ll ever make by tracing will look like garbage.

Could someone re-draw these niggas for me? They're supposed to be like Pokemon.

Attached: Fishy.png (1864x331, 18K)

OMG who the hell cares? I just want material to waste my seed.

Attached: Batoria rings.png (953x1153, 164K)

You have been at it for like a week yet you keep posting your shitty requests.
Are you that devoid of attention?

Requesting sarah anderson flipping over and keeping her eyes closed trying to convince herself there isn't someone jacking off over her

Attached: 1541882372029.png (945x931, 90K)

Good for you that you can jack it to such garbage “drawings”

nah, just to piss you off

Attached: 1579132131290.png (1101x1488, 463K)

Welcome to Thunderdome!
Always hopes of a win!
Requesting Pebbles Flintstone helping Penny Pillar take Dino the Dinosaur's dino-knot.
(It's not huge or weird shaped or anything either)
And all three are enjoying themselves.

Attached: 1567559396094.jpg (1888x1618, 594K)

requesting a sequel drawing where he is facefucking user

Attached: 26d0f87f61fc409e8fd1936631c61ec7f985842c.png (347x429, 111K)

Is this "patrician" enough for you?

Requesting the Dolphin Bomber as a busty female feral riding a human as She kisses Him with Her lipstick covered lips.

Attached: 35df2d5f25b0a09df3e55648aa2f84ed.png (1500x1200, 720K)
