Got layed off from my job because they hired too many people. Why me?! There was people who was working less than me...

Got layed off from my job because they hired too many people. Why me?! There was people who was working less than me. And people who couldn't speak English. I FUCKING LOVED MY JOB! it was all the joy I actually had in life. I feel so lost now.

Attached: sa peepo.jpg (225x225, 7K)

I'm sorry, OP
What did you work as?

A lot of people found you ugly, the secretary didnt like how you were looking at her, some complaints were made

probably because you're asocial aspergers faggot that caused more trouble through his bitching than he caused profit through his hard work

Just kill yourself, it's a better job than you've ever had


did you work in the maccies down the road from me? I heard an aut was fired and some normies were angry. eitherway, you have friends Sup Forumsro, they're just degenerates.

What was your job?

OP doesn't exist, these are just slider threads meant to distract you from other more substantial threads on Sup Forums.
>lurk moar

Oh do you mean the trap thread or the YLYL thread? Maybe the endless Trump bait or the faggot shit? Please, educate me on worthwhile threads here on Sup Forums user.

I was a jeweler. I make chains, rings, necklaces you name it

Oh god, so you're a faggot, huh

How does working with gold, silver, fire and toxic chemicals make me a faggot?

You may as well be a chink working for a few cents. You're making jewelry- you're a faggot.

I laugh at women who can't get pregnant

>being this retarded

Please educate me on the threads I’m being distracted from. Am I suppose to be paying attention to the trap or cuck threads? Incest maybe? Please tell me

Well I did work for asians lol the place I worked at was one of the best known in Detroit and they work for people world wide so. And I loved working with me hands I didn't care about they pay. I was doing what I loved.

DAMN That sucks. My boss pays me $15 to fucking do easy ass prep, i get medical and a 2 week payed vacation. I just today got back from a drug filled company vacation we do every single year

I considered all my coworkers almost like family. I gotten so attached to them it felt like I lost friends and family in a crash. I'm going to hit up the old store I worked at tomorrow and hope they have a opening

Lol, what a fucking fat loser, I hope your kids come out as retarded as you, maybe a little less beard on the chin

You probably never had a job. If you know anything about the industry. You would know there is alot of teamwork so we make bonds with eachother