user, when did you realise that college is a scam and most degrees are useless?
User, when did you realise that college is a scam and most degrees are useless?
After the 19th time you posted this. Go fuck yourself pal
>Mad about recurring shit on Sup Forums
Fuck you.
They're not a scam or useless because what you're mainly learning in the curricula is how to fucking act within an organization, something you will never pick up on Sup Forums.
Except you don't. You manage how to handle a project (research, time planning) at best.
Also, the all-important ass-licking skills along with various aspects of strategy as you're planning to get out of there as fast as you can with a marketable degree. One HR person told me a JD is proof that you can read. So, yeah, maybe all that shit you study won't be helpful, but knowing that you did it is super helpful to HR.
still seething that you are to poor for a decent education
Also, consider a degree like English. If you think you can write as at freshman age, you can't unless you went to a Catholic high school or some elite private or magnet school... or if you're just gifted. Otherwise, a lot of the people I see going into grad school would be skipped over for promotions in a lot of companies just because they can't fucking write an email without embarrassing the company. An English degree will get you in law school just because they know you can write.
So don’t pick a useless degree? College is what you make of it. If you want to have the college experience then yeah it’ll cost you, it was worth it to me.
But don’t pretend you can’t get a good degree for under $30000 these days.
Yeah, considering the price, it's a scam. The reason for the high cost is too many administrators. Textbooks are way overinflated, too. Vote Sanders NOW, motherfucker, or stop complaining like a bitch.
age 25 after i grad
OP here. I have a PhD in a useless field because I was young and an idiot. Doesn't help me a bit.
As I said, I picked a useless field.
What field, sociology, philosophy, women's studies?
All that testing clued me in.
I'm was there to learn not get tested for what I already knew.
Molecular biology. Officially, my PhD is in Medical Science since I got it from a med school.
>poorfags be like
Well, just go do some post-doc work or get another doc to piggyback that into some kind of biotech research field.
Rich fags be like
>*hanging by neck*
This thread was retarded the first time it was posted. Oh wait still is..
Decent bank in medical equipment sales, etc.
I've been doing six years of postdoc-ing (50k in NYC) because it is the best paying position I can get.
Ouch. What about getting a public health degree and living like a king in a warm, 3rd world country?
I've considered it. But I am sick of more schooling.
many times.
having a real job and college mangers being useless. going back to college and having entire months on stuff I was taught on the job in a day. The dumbest people passing classes.
The realization that a English degree from Harvard is worth more than an engineering degree from a stateschool, and its just a mask for the class system
Anyone who doesnt think we have a class system in America is blind.
When I was rejected from every college I applied to.
try /biz/ or /sci/ for more bitter people
>user, when did you realise that college is a scam and most degrees are useless?
So you failed, eh?
Better blame the "System" because it can't be your fault.
I did fail. See here