Do most Mexican-American girls act black?

Do most Mexican-American girls act black?

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Who cares? Bitch!

T. Tyrone Gonzalez

ALOT of them do, my Latina gf absolutely hates it.

no. they're pretty varied in the US. some may sound like and even dress to it a bit, but like classic rock and white boys. they're a mixed lot and they pack more misconceptions than your average heifer.

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says n word=acting black kek

It is when you say it all the time.

The blackwashed Latinas I know literally listen to nothing but hip hop and maybe reggaeton (which is basically Latin America's hip hop)


Oh and the blackwashed Latinas I've seen never date white guys at all. They only date black guys and Edgars

Like half the girls here (texas) are mexican american its just a mixed bag... some are some arent. Usually depends on if they grew up with money or not

city ones are like on the surface. Chicago, anywhere in NJ, but if you can get them alone, you find a different girl beneath the surface. which of course is the real trick. race is such a pesky hang-up. they're just trying to fit into the world around them and believe whites don't like them, hate their brown nipples, etc etc.

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Mine is Mormon and acts white but speaks Spanish. Hot!!!

Less money= more likely to act black

those have daddy issues, just like the whites. latinos are probably the most racist demographic there is which is funny considering they're the most mixed in my opinion.

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>believe whites don't like them, hate their brown nipples
Nothing could be further from the truth, Latina curves are amazing

The SJWs and ghetto Latinos always reinforce the idea that white people hate them
And yes there are faggot Sup Forums weaboos who do, however they're in the minority.
And the surface is always consistent with what's below in my opinion. Maybe you can influence them still, but if a Latina chick is over 18 and still wears Jordans and says the N word in every sentence, chances are she only likes hip hop and black culture.

I'm white and I love their caramel skin and brown nipples
I'd fuck a 7/10 Latina over a 9/10 white girl

Is it actually daddy issues? I thought that black guys were just good at tapping into those kind of chicks because they're not afraid to spit game. They also dominate like 75% of popular music right now.

I like the lighter brown ones, gf has smaller tits but has the stereotypical big butt and hips

Like this color?

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i'm just speaking from my experience. i'm white but have always favored them and i either have to work at it or they think i'm fucking with them/experimenting. i think it's the rigid racism from their families combined with lack of self-confidence. even the very pretty ones have issues with this. this is why they put their tits out, wear skin tight clothes, cake up make up... they're very insecure as black women. the country girls are more chill though, the ones straight out of Acapulco shitholes.

>act black

>being this white

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probably, especially with neck tats.

Yeah! Nice booty too

Yeah I was shocked by how insecure my gf was. Seriously she is pretty hot but felt that people only wanted sex but not a relationship

It doesn't help that a lot of white guys are either flat out Sup Forums autists or cringy dudebro types
Lol are you retarded or just oblivious? That is acting black. That is how black people talk

blacks are universally despised, sadly, in Latino culture. the boomer gen actively told their kids to "improve the race". lighter skin is considered better as in Indian culture. dark skin is associated with work/lower class. that's island mentality, but also common on the mainland. it's often a rebellion in my experience.

The ones who use the word nigga in every FB status are always turboratchet
But I do want to try to turn one of those girls out

>But I do want to try to turn one of those girls out
Trust me it ain't worth it

Lol you are way off
US born Hispanics worship nigger culture and even the ones in Latin America basically do too. Reggaetoneros copy 100% of their sound from black American and Jamaican artists, and they are worshipped in Latin America

At what point does it become worth it? Is there a ratchetometer you can rely on?

"Acting black" is an affliction affection influential youth across all ethnicity and so-called races.

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Idk just got fed up with her nigger speak

Lol I know barely any white kids who act like that

i'm actually not. i lived in these countries, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and have lived in AZ, TX, IL, NJ, TN, FL....

i date them almost exclusively, because i like brunettes, big asses, and those crazy accents. i also speak spanish, which is fun as a white guy.

latinos despise blacks and ghetto culture, most of it comes from their parents who are not raised in the US. you're only seeing a very loud minority that most everyone else hates. latinos are very vain in culture and love status, success, and living in the ghetto, selling drugs is not something they're proud of. they want degrees, social status in places outside section 8, good schools for kids...

Did you actually try to turn one out?

Yes, like I said would not recommend

yea, i don't recommend changing people. digging is fine, but you can only take the monkey out of the jungle. you can't take the jungle out of the monkey.

Would you say it's different for people who are still young?

I want to buy a worn Latina thong

yes. the 20s are important and where you really form the whole of what was started in youth and the teens. odds are if they were a shitty ghetto troll in their youth and a scum bag teen, it's very unlikely to change. their attitude will put off the outsiders that would normally accept them. past early 20s, i wouldn't bother. late teens, expect hiccups.

just wear one yourself all day and spray some fabuloso in it. air it out 30 mins, then stain it with baby formula and rice and beans. enjoy.

What about mid teens? Not for me, but like if I were still in high school

still very pliable, but they have to want it. you can't change a person. they have to make the moves. don't waste your time on someone who doesn't want to improve themselves and don't grief someone about like their shitty hiphop music.

Liking hip hop is one thing, refusing to listen to anything but shitty top 40 hip hop is another
And true you can't change people, but some people would be pleasantly surprised to be exposed to new things
Like, imagine never listening to any rock whatsoever, then smoking a joint with someone and listening to Voodoo Child (Slight Return) for the first time

They all have very sniffable soles regardless


I want to sniff their ass and feet
