Cast the Morrowind movie.
Cast the Morrowind movie
Idris Elba
Jackie Chan
idris elba as every white men
Idris Elba as Gentleman Jim Stacey
adolf hitler was vivec
Toys go to
Kevin Hart as Fargoth
the ugly faggot elf midget in the starting village will be played by shia la beuf
more like Faggoth amiright pwahahahhahahahhahahahaha
Neravarine - Adam Sandler
Vivec - William Shatner
Dagoth Ur - Leonard Nimoy
His name is Fargoth and he will fuck you up
Nicolas Cage as players character
Idris Elba in every other role
>Idris Elba in every other role
That's reserved for Liam Neeson, bud. It's not even worth arguing. Even the women will be Liam Neeson.
lets compromise, Dagoth Ur an Tribunal will all be will be Liam Neeson
Jeff Goldblum as Divayth Fyr
Skyrim/FO3 were hilarious.
who plays pic related?
Seth Rogen
Carrot Top
Tyler the Creator
I'm going to go with Henry Cavill as Lord Nerevar Incarnate.
Various brown people as all of the dunmer.
Dark elves are the slaves and imperials/humanoids are oppressing them. Otherwise I don't think the people would understand the racism in morrowind.
The beast races get cut too streamline the movie for a more general audience.
Also the movie needs fast travel, no spears or pauldrons as they are confusing to new watchers.
Idris Elba as Vivec