If you're white then why don't you support Nazis?

If you're white then why don't you support Nazis?

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Because REAL Nazis chased my father and his family out of Latvia when they came goose stepping in, you piece of shit!

Niggers and nazis are bad, m'kay?

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I do?

Nazi's are LARPing closeted faggots
Get a job loser

Killed my people for being serbian

Fuck off slavshit

Because I'm waiting for the anglosphere

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cause I'd lose my job? lol

Okay closeted fag

Besides the immediate fact that it's morally wrong I also live in an area where white people are the minority; roughly 25% of the population and you would literally get shot for being this autistic; as it should be elsewhere tbh

Because they kill mostly white people.

You're one dumb/smart nigger OP.

Maybe you shouldn't of started ww1 then faggots

Austria wanted war they got war you nigger

Whites don't have the numbers but they do have the money; Hitler was just taking a stab at the increasing issue of wealth distribution that's been leaning on the whites for centuries.

And yet after it all calmed down you accepted to join yugoslavia where each nation within hated you... good job retards

My grandfather fought em

because im not stupid

Nazism is about a strong central government, not race.
You can have black national socialists who want to strength the government of Ethiopia or whatever.

Historically the Nazis were spastic, mostly drugged out weirdos

Fuck yeah! We love Croatia!

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this; they were degens so maybe that's why OP belongs with them

Cause facists are fucking idiots, their entire ideology is litteraly a big cope

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Mainly because the majority of tgem and even the smart ones are just actual idiots. Im white and i believe that 6 mil jews died. If you were a nazi, wouldnt you want to velieve such an awesome thing? Anyways nazis are as narrow minded and stubborn as sjw and blm niggers. They are idiots and i cant willingly allign myself with such retardation.

because I'm American, faggot

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I would only associate with nazis if the world was in some dystopian tribal shit and it was blacks vs whites, no exceptions. Better than getting raped and killed for being the wrong color.
This is just a hypothetical and I generally enjoy peoples of all races


I'm not an edgy teen

cos im not idiot.

I do

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Looking for trump supporters or nazis to humiliate my feminist gf kik publicgf

Heil Hortler! White Pride! Stock up on tendies mom, we need to prepare for the jewish communist negro invasion! Mom I can't get a girlfriend cause jews are promoting racial intermixing! How am I supposed to compete with Tyrone and Jamal? Oh my god guys, I saw an mp4 file of a boy twerking, clearly this is the end of western civilization!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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Because they lost, fucking losers

nobody gives a fuck you zionist nigger cocksucker

Whiteness is such a weak and loosely defined idea that I frankly don't understand how nazi ideology hasn't collapsed into some kind of political implosion.

Because they hate my family
We all descended from bacteria

Because my hate for Jews does not outweigh my love for my country and respect for my great-grandfather.

34th division forever bay-bee

I'm not a Nazi but a Confederate

So... Your family is like an infection or something?

Why would I want to be associated with a bunch of fat retarded white niggers who think they're special?

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Well you see we all are humans and so we all are family
The point at witch I cut off human is when we can have language

>live in a minority
>it would be morally wrong
>probably believes in the "holocaust"

Because Nazis didn't support all whites, just German whites. If you were an American during WW2 and loved Hitler he still would have killed you for being American. I don't know why white supremacists worship Hitler when they should worship Donald Trump.

America was never an exclusively white country you dumb nigger lmao

Does anyone have the 2nd pic of black cock next to the Israeli one?

Because I am a White Nationalist without all the socialist baggage.

The founding fathers where white,most of your people where.But why am I talking to a burger.You have fallen in sasspoll of leftardation,diversity and turned out as a tranny loving faggot state.Your jewish overlords brainwashed you beyond hope.

In a perfect world I would. The problem with any authoritarian government is that even if you love who's leading it, and you love everything they are doing, eventually they are gonna die and the next nigga in is a complete wild card to see if he's either chill and loves his people, or only cares about power. In a perfect world, I would love to be in Nazi Germany, but sadly, we don't live in a perfect world and it wouldn't work long-term

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America was built by Europeans, the Jews only came over once America was already built and safe to corrupt. Slavery was the worst thing to happen to America, if we would have picked our own damn cotton there would be no niggers in our country.

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Wrong. Hitler wanted a Third Reich, a unified Europe under a NAZI banner, and had a deep respect for the Roman Empire (Italians). America only became an enemy because it directly, intentionally, and to a strong degree was reinforcing the enemies of that ambition.

If the NAZIs had won the war, its likely that the Muslim and African invasion of Europe would have never happened, nor would the cold war with Russia and the US. The US and Germany instead would be the two superpowers, and likely would have simply been content with their own respective spheres of influence, with the US controlling the Americas, the NAZIs Europe and Africa, and the Japanese East-Asia.


Bullshit. What about the NSDAP/AO? Or the silver shirts. Hitler wanted an alliance with the US.

Because I'm not a retard

Have you seen those inbreds? Anglos don't count as white

also it's "cesspool"

You're really just mirroring my point

If you didn't like black people then maybe your retarded ancestors shouldn't have brought them.

The fault still lies on dumbass western whites who thought they could control the entire planet

They fucking would if todays millennials knew the holocaust happend

Black people sold them to jewish people who used them as slave labor on their plantations. Jews owned most of the plantations and used the slaves because them niggas was cheap

Because the nazi party doesn't exist anymore.

You're not white lel

>Forgetting about the natives

Of fucking course

Land belongs to whoever can defend it, nigger. Whites defended it, featherniggers didn't.

Based Farrakhan poster

stay mad, cucko

I can't find words to describe how retarded you sound.

Not retarded. My cat isn't stupid enough to care about skin color and she licks her ass clean. Follow Hitler's lead and kys nazi scum. Youre making white people look bad. Still.


because I will not follow the ideology of a literal soyboy. Fuck off faggot.

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because socialism

I bet your cat knows not to relax around pitbulls if you know what im sayin.

Chill Molyneux

because im not a moron! I support no one..

why are you so afraid that you have to speak in code? Just what you mean chickenshit.

ayyy bruh you need to ethnocentrize that question more. not all white people are germanic people, and those niggas fucked up the non-germanic white people.

because im not a fag and respect other humans

Because the Nazis hate all of us. Sage this shit.

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Despite being 6% of the dog population, pitbulls make up over 50% of all dog attack related incidents.

Stop the b8 tard stick. Anybody that thinks they're better than entire groups of people is a moron.

Nazis respect all humans of each race. Jews aren't human though.

>still to afraid to say it
I'd have a lot more respect for you if you just said it.


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now now, that's not smart language in Trump's America.

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Here, this comic from a nice young man should help you understand what I mean.

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He's not my president
>t. Trump voter

Why would you hate jewish people? They're just someone else born in this world.

Yeah it's because black people are dumb that they can't be CEOs.

>Meanwhile they CAN run international drug syndicates.

the paradox of white nationalism is that whites are too smart to support retarded ideologies like white nationalism

Hating jews is not racist like hating blacks is not racist

because real Nazis are dead and finished for ever...

current nazis are just semi retarded low IQ poor red neck losers , who have nothing live for and they know it. They have extreme animalistic anger at anything their small minds dont approve of. Current nazis are a laughable subhuman dying race, of cultureless, violent ,confused and below average intellect flith loving apes.

The FBI isn't run by niggers

because just hating a few races is a waste of time It is better to just hate everyone.

hitler was pro german, not pro white. He had brown hair...

I'm a nigger and I support the Nazis.

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ITT: 12 year olds who lack a father figure

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I don't work for the FBI tand ting to get goyims to become Nazis.


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I know exactly what you mean, but it amazes me how ashamed you are of it.

February 22 Sofia, Bulgaria. Come to the nazi parade, Ill be there

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What do I mean Mr. Smartypants?

Nazis are as retarded as the other retards I'm supposed to hate. Theres lots of people I don't like, Nazis are among them.

>If you're white then why don't you support Nazis?
I can't support any group that leaves a job un-finished.