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Sore throat, red bumps on oropharynx. No other cold symptoms. Negative for strep.

Any medfags here with any idea? Is it just a viral infection or am I going to die?

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It's aids

Herpes. You been sucking some strange dick?

gargle with some salt water and leave it be

USB endoscope camera ftw

Attached: 2020-01-15-20-58-03.jpg (1440x1080, 601K)

You might have precancerous cells on your cervix.

Just a regular thing bro.

But you are going to die anyway.

Just super slow and horrible.

But isnt that what everybody wants anyway?

just a savepoint in the game CARRION, it'll burst through your chest and that'll be that for you, user.

Attached: Carrion-2019-10-27-16-36-48-212.jpg (1920x1080, 518K)

>But you are going to die anyway.
>Just super slow and horrible.
>But isnt that what everybody wants anyway?
You only get to die once, best you can hope for that it's memorable.

Looks like carninoma. Notice the blood vessels funneling into and feeding it. I would go check with a physician just to be sure.

it's benin

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Sorry for the low quality images but I have a really itchy rash on my arm. Here's a photo of it two weeks ago. I'll post current pics in next post. Any medfags know what this is? Staph?

Attached: 20200115_211010.jpg (720x1045, 506K)

Here is what it's progressed to. I try not to scratch it but I get it in my sleep sometimes. Should i just go to the dr?

Attached: Screenshot_20200115-210958_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 509K)

Severe case of Ligma I'm afraid.

you got staph man, sorry to say

Congrats you have psoriasis. Go to a doctor to determine if it being caused by a viral infection or if you've sparked an autoimmune condition.

Do you live in Florida or on the southern part of the east coast?

How could I have developed that when I have no history of it?

Nope, but I went on a camping trip there in August.

At least staph is treatable

Yep psoriasis. Sunlight helps with the itch and rash but we all know that ain't happening so go get some cream from the doc

Do you have a fever op? Have you recently done anything that could cause trauma in your throat? (vomiting, aggressive felatio, or the like) if the answer is no then probably a viral infection. Gargle salt water and sip ice water / chew ice chips fora few days. If still bothering you make an appointment with your primary care provider or go to afree clinic.

Ahhh poison sumac

If I go to an urgent care will they prescribe me what I need to handle this? Or do I need to make an appointment with my family doctor for this

Yes you STUPID nigger.

Have you had smallpox or Aids recently? Usually thats how you get it

Quite unlikely that I have contracted hiv. I have had the same sexual partner for a years and she tests clean

Assuming you have an insurance plan that covers urgent care or live in a country that has universal coverage go there. If not, or if something they can't handle go to your reg doc.

Thanks. Urgent care visits are 20 bucks under my insurance plan so I think I'll stop there tomorrow.

For future referance most urgent care places in the states anyway, cant speak for other places, can do 90% of a family doc can. They can wite precriptions for acute illnesses and refer to a specialist. which is most of what a general practitioner does.

Auto-immune is usually inherited from your mother's side of the family. Viral just means you were sick at some point and your body has suddenly overreacted to the trace virus still in your system. It can happen decades after the fact. Finally, there's staph infections and shingles.

The cream for it is sold over the counter. It's just a weak acid to dissolve the scaling.

For daily preventative medication, you'll have to see your GP

Yeast infection. Get anti-fungal pill from doc in the box. It'll be gone in a week with meds.