ITT: things only oldfags will remember

ITT: things only oldfags will remember

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When you see it...

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are "it took a crane" or jessi slaughter oldfag enough?

a time when faggots like you were locked in mental institutions
>inb4 butthurt log fags angry responses

they're becoming too mainstream
wtf are you on about

can i stick my dick in your father's ass once cancer is done with him?


I was on Sup Forums when both happened.

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>tfw pepe is a symbol for incels and nazis in 2020

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>ITT: things only oldfags will remember
Guarantee no one in this thread is an oldfag.

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If this was Reddit I'd give you silver.

Well that really depends on what range you consider to be oldfag. Im posting pictures for a backup harddrive from 2006-9

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>posts a non meme started a year ago

I'm posting from an ibm machine in 1989

Do we still have Caturday threads? I imagine we probably do but idk

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newfag detected

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nu-Sup Forums only has log and BBC threads 24/7. Fucking tards.

ITT: Newfags with google and knowyourmeme

Not a meme never will be one


Leave Britney alone!
I'll knock that postcard down.
Daily Boxxy thread.
Newfags can't triforce.
Milton is not a meme.
EFG thread.

Now fuck off.

ID: Heaven

Oh man I want fortunes back

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the video has almost 100m views on youtube newfag

triforce. by odins beard, how did i not remember that

Because you a Roodypoo.

Oh the video THE video you say??
Well guess what??


Remember raiding 2chan for interesting shit. Haven't seen a thread like that in a long-ass time.

>if I say newfag enough my failed attempt at forcing a meme will come true in my head

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Habbo raids, Chris-chan, constant spam and daily CP threads on Sup Forums, anti-Scientology protests, LOIC, MS paint relationship comics, MS paint stoner comics, demotivationals

oh you're just retarded, nevermind

No raids of any kind

grow up

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Why cant I hold all these limes

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/i/, mods are asleep, bring back snacks.

you just lost it

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Inb4 girugamesh


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Cant lose the game if you never acknowledge the game

Roodypoo, thepeopleschampion

Happy negro says
>you just lost the _____

Reminder that ricardo IS the new happy negro and theres nothing you can do about it

you motherfucker


did it work

Anonymous is legion

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>hurr durr look at me i'm so cool cuz i know about all this shit
i've only been here since 2015, and i'm gunna steal all your memes
and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it
now ben dover faggot

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not really. I'd consider you a newfag, a midfag at best. but don't worry, there are more classifications after newfags.

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No need to be a cranky butt. We are just trying to have some fun. See this is why I like Reddit better because people there actually contribute something useful. Plus I enjoy learning about oldfag stuff I might not know yet. Been here for like 6 months now, so it's time I learn.

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>▲󠛡 󠛡▲
newfafs can't frogforce

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Careful, you’re THIS close to getting banned


I never understood why that kid did that ...fucking hilarious

Airwolf Sup Forums

didn't that kid end up killing himself because of this?

'09 i think, not incredibly old but i still reminisce about those days

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nah the videos are faked and for entertainment

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We did great things for HIV awareness

I lost my hard drive a while ago but no ones mentions the cam site raids, with such classic telltale lines being spammed such as “show keyboard” “put shoe on head” “show ceiling patterns”


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>that damn cat


>around snacks never relax.

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>TFW everyone is a nazi because you say so?

Kill yourself.

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Subscribe to Pewdiepie

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Too soon

Alt 225

Youre an og arent you. I watched a documentary about your people

>Dude is 60yo now

Too soon

Indianapolis 2008, I was with some of the Sup Forumsros protesting scientology. Many a passer-by was weegied