What are your top 10 favorite movies?

What are your top 10 favorite movies?

Here are mine

>Terminator 2
>Evil Dead 2
>Die Hard
>Little Shop of Horror

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all movies are bad

Oldboy was boring

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Idiot troll.

Naw man. I’m talking about the Korean one not the American one. The spike lee version is shit

clerks 2 > clerks

RIP Peter Sellers
So much of the off script improv has become great and famous theater.
Love you dude

>apocalypse now redux
>the wind that shakes the barley
>pulp fiction
>no country for old Men
>o brother where art thou?
>the godfather
>public enemy (original)

>No Country For Old Men
>The Fifth Element
>The Fountain
>Children of Men
>Ghost in the Shell
>The Dark Knight
>Princess Mononoke
>Mad Max: Fury Road
>Moonrise Kingdom

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Not even man. I like clerks 2 but clerks is better in everyway

>The Terminator
>Immortal (ad vitam)
>The Big Lebowski
>Blade Runner
>The Watchmen
>Reservoir Dogs
>Conan The Barbarian
>THX 1138

I like those movies except braveheart. Idk something about that movie always throws me off

I like what you chose (also some to look into)....but......
>No Country For Old Men
I read before and watched. Disappointed 2X.
wtf? Why?


I don't know. I never read the book, so maybe that affected my opinion. I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like it. It's bleak, slow-moving, and there are long stretches where nothing really happens. Still one of my favorites.

The score is a bit "dramatic" and scots will always sperg over the historical inaccuracies but it'll always be one of my favorites.
It's a wholesome, heroic tale of self sacrifice that doesn't hide the dark, violent side of war, but makes a case for it being worth it when the cause is noble and for your people.

You somehow managed to name nearly all of them although I've never seen whiplash so swap tha with eraserhead

Go watch whiplash

Avengers Endgame, Star Wars The Last Jedi