Somebody explain the hype behind this guy

Somebody explain the hype behind this guy

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Affirmative action

He's funnier than you and he's not a pussy like you, he does his own shit man. Maybe try that instead of complaining all the time.

it turns out you're a fag

His show is quite funny in my opinion. It's basically just 30 minutes of insanity. I would recommend watching a clip or two from his show and see if you like it.

>hurrrrr durrr
>I'm not versatile enough to compete for the top spot
>Mad their giving jobs to nigs, can't compete with regular ppl

go read a book and learn to type faster bozo

stop being a jealous faggot and hating people who are living a better life than you. be better than an internet dwelling cuck is step 1

the only good part of his show was the interviews. also didnt he help get million dollar extreme canceled

>Blah blah blah nigger nigger nigger

Don't be jelalous of my superior digits faggot


his skit with roger stone is funny as fuck

No that was Tim from Tim and Eric

It's different. And the crazy is kind of funny for a while.

hes fucking funny

le funny liberal black man XD

who is this ape?

I think he just knows how to get hollywood types to like him. There's a lot of actors that seemed to be beloved by hollywood and no one else and he's one of them.

he is only funny if i tell him to be

Show was funny meme material, his standup is shit and his audience is a bunch of hipster bernie faggots

that's intersting, considering that if niggers were actually better, they would have lead the west. turns out, that the darker the population is, the shittier and less developed it is. affirmative action is there because blacks can't compete.

I like how the guests on his show are totally unaware of what they signed up for. His public shit is pretty funny too. Everything he does is just so ridiculous its funny. Dude has balls i couldnt do half the shit he does with a straight face.

affirmative laughion

he was funnier when he was Tom Green

Attached: tom-green.jpg (1300x959, 195K)

zoomies think his shtick is OG

What makes you say his fans are like that?

k lol

I fucking love Dane Cook

hahaha yeah I love this kinda shows like Dr. Steve Brule and Tom Green show.

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Is it 2009?

they're not totally unaware Eric, Hannibal, and the guest have a general idea, but get different details so the unexpected still happens

He's funny. Comedy is subjective, OP. I get it. His shit is for a pretty niche audience.

Lance Reddick and the direccter planned this reaction together Eric had no idea.

Interesting, I figured at least SOME of it would be concocted with Eric out of the loop to fuck with him too.

OP; it's a goofy ass 15-minute show, just take it at face value. No deeper meanings, just a guy acting retarded for mild shock value, and it works pretty decent.

Anyone in here enjoy Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell?

Eat some trips and watch.

He's the quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs, who are gonna win with super bowl this year

Tom green made a cameo

Attached: tfoc-tom chalko.jpg (367x499, 35K)

Is that the hamburger in casual attire?

he's funny as fuck and you arent

Anyone got a little Ranch to spare?

Attached: RANCH!.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

ive got some for you brotendo. you down to go bang some freshman in the quad later?

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he's Sam Hyde for normies

fucker burns his set down every other episode. And he unashamedly exposes his dick to lots of hot celebrities for money. I'd say he's winning at life.

You have a great point, which is is Eric just an accelerated derivative of Green? It seems that Eric's show much more quickly becomes Meta in the sense that the desk falls apart or a mug starts shooting coffee and because of that it leaves the interview format and just becomes a show about a show... he does still do the "on the street" fucking with people.. bird up


"Randam loud xd" the comedy.

You know it, broseph!

Thirstiest guy ive ever seen.
