Is alcohol and sleeping pills a painless way to quit?

Is alcohol and sleeping pills a painless way to quit?

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Go to the gym faggot

yeah, go to the gym you bernie supporting piece of shit

What do you mean go to the gym?

Lift, faggot.

I wash unisom down with a rum and coke every night and I still only sleep 4 hours. You on the other hand would probably end up in a coma from chocolate milk and ibuprofen. Grow a sack of balls.

Eustace will you fuck off with these posts. Suicide is a deplorable act that traumatizes those around you. Just stop opening log threads if they affect you like this

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Im not eustace im 19 i live in the netherlands
Go fuck yourself

I've never really wanted to do this but any sane person has thought of it, warm water, bubble bath, slit your wrists. It's supposed to be painless, like from the *M*A*S*H* opening song.

>Im not eustace im 19 i live in the Netherlands

Screams the autistic child

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>Wants to KYS

Go out like a man OP

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I dream of this shit. Could even talks a scalpel from work

lift a fuckin weight

It's intellectually goofy to not think natural things through, it doesn't mean that I've ever wanted to execute them.

Sleeping pills will not help you quit alcohol and alcohol will not help you quit sleeping pills. Youre best bet is to pack a bag and leave home.

Insulin or beta blockers

Have you tried just killing yourself?

The amount of gymfags in this thread. Kys. Sup Forums has really gone to shit

I have too much problems i cant get a normal job because of my criminal record everyone i knew my entire life turned their back on me

Op here, i cant go to the gym because im Broke as fuck and i dont even feel like going im really stuck at this moment

Anyone know wanna try to get a milf work out bunny on a snap? Kik me. Wannatryyup

This is why you leave home on a journey. You will be on the road so youll be panhandling and oddjobs. Hanging out with other travellers and homeless people.

Yes. Go ahead an try for yourself.

Painless? Yes. But will you die? Probably not. I was close to death from 12 beers and 7 mg of clonazolam, but looky here, I'm still alive, an clonazolam is one of the strongest benzos on earth. And that was with a low tolerance.

Stop jacking off so much
Take your meds

You could eat 100mgs of clonzepam and still not die. Very safe downer. Get some Barbiturates. That'll get you down for good.

Maybe to quit living

You have years and years to start a new life. It would be way more fun to erase your identity, run away, and start a new life completely. You can do it over and over again too (with practice). Suicide is never the answer, you have way too much time ahead of you. You only got one shot at life and it’s a long shot. Don’t waste it because your have been and are currently in a shitty situation. You still have the future

Exactly man, you know what’s up.

Your best choice would be a helium bag, seriously.

Alternately, a large overdose of fentanyl or carfentanil, if you can find anyone selling the pure product.

Shitty answers are shitty itt. Barbiturates are the older, not prescribed anymore unless through pph (peaceful pill handbook). It’s legal in some states to acquire them through a Dr. but you have to be terminally ill to get a lethal dosage 12+grams. My medical cocktail would include: opiates, alcohol, weed, metoclopramide- to inhibit vomiting, pentobarbital, Valium, and just for fun some whippets. It would not hurt at all and you’d be rendered unconscious in under an hour. Other than overdosing, jumping more than 10 stories, blowing yourself up, or a slug from a 12 gauge partial suspension hanging would be my #2 option just because you’re not choking but instead cutting off blood to the brain so passing out in about 15 seconds then gravity does the rest.

Lulz, no. I’m on both nightly. Hard liquor, benzos (halcyon) and meperidine and I don’t even sleep sometimes. Not even self medicating here. Doc prescribed me the drugs knowing I drink as much as I do. I have clinical insomnia. The hallucinations suck ass after day 4.

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