Can someone explain the 'british women are ugly' meme

can someone explain the 'british women are ugly' meme

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>thats a consider ed a 10/10 in the U.K.

its just yanks cherrypicking

She's not that cute. I mean she's probably high average. I work surrounded by 2/10 sheboons so I guess my perspective is skewed.

>cue the scandiniggers saying she's not even a 1/10

Well posting this unattractive actress isn't going to help your cause.


A pictures worth a 1000 words

wotcher govner m8 feesh n cheeps

who is uglier, jews or brits

theyve got a few, problem is that any girl who is 7+ knows it and exploits the fuck out of it

4/10 if she wasn't famous

>beady eyes
>pointy nose
>thin lips
>lines everywhere
>chin bumps

Anglo/Northern European features are the stuff of fairytale villains, witches and in general describe poor health and age.

Aesthetically, Asian features are top tier.

maise what ever the fuck her name is williams is fucking ugly. you're obviously a desperate beta male and haven't been with a female in years (or your whole life) if you think that goblin is anything but a 3/10

We have the problem here as well, though I assume its not as bad.


I'd fuck her and lick her little butthole too.

>can someone explain the 'british women are ugly' meme

Everybody does this shit. People will call American women ugly then post cherry-picked pictures of the fatties who need to get around the grocery store on scooters. Or call Russian women ugly and show pics of some Soviet-era babushka.

numale kissless virgins have no standards.

This ogress looks like Madam Mim.

just did ivan.

they are ugly dude, see

nah bro shes cute definitely doable but she will age like milk.

As a male I've exploited other men with my looks.
I use to hang on chat rooms and forums with real pics up of me and got a few hundred bucks and a guitar pedal for sucking some dick at a hotel
Good shit

she already has aged. her skin is fucking awful. especially for a 19 year old. british slags ARE repulsive.

There is definitely an established pattern of British women having spectacular breasts and a pointedly masculine face, and of Welsh women having better faces.

Girls here are so fucking fat that they think not being fat by default makes them a dime.

Simple... British women *are* ugly.

I resemble that remark.

id fug er if you know what i mean

Russian women >>> Russian men
British men >>> British women

people jealous of anglo masterrace

>tfw attractive guy
>tfw extremely high standards
>tfw easily pull beautiful women regularly
>tfw for some reason I can't explain I'm ridiculously attracted to Maisie Williams

I don't understand. I know she's ugly, user. I know it. But for some unexplainable reason I want to fuck her more than I've wanted to fuck nearly everyone I've ever fucked.



She is ugly. If you are going to obsess over an under 18 girl, then here is a /pol approved list:

Genevieve Hannelius
Lily Rose-Depp
Natalie Alyn Lind
Maartje Verhoef

Pick one of the four. All have approved body types that one can find attractive.

You're welcome.

this is a 10/10 in britain

I was with your mom last night, but you're right she probably is no better than a 3/10

Cherrypicked British woman

Americans always put their most attractive women in the spotlight, and they think we do it too. We just aren't scared to let our ugliest people star in tv shows.

that's a 10/10 in my book, dumb nigger.

Thatcher is based. Also she was a qt4.3 in her youth

In my experience Brit girls aren't actually that ugly it's just that everyone competes to look like some New Jersey cunt AND THEY ALWAYS STRAIGHTEN THEIR BEAUTIFUL CURLY HAIR REEEEEEEE

Most British girls look like this.

Britain has very little going for it's women

it's right next to Ireland, like britain but more readheads

across the channel is france, when women do filthy things in bed

then there is spain, like france but the women shave and have a tan

above france is a whole cluster of super-white countries where all the women are hot as fuck

and then there is italy :3

when you could get to any of these places in three hours why would anyone sleep with a common briton

she is ugly but I am attracted to her

I can't pretend to understand it

Yeah. It's not a meme.

I know more than 30 women more attractive than her. I would rate her 5/10 if I crossed her down the street here, and that's being generous.

posh was okay initially but after she OD'd and they got a necromancer to bring her back I just wasn't that into her.


You have to be connected for quality.

I get the same thing m8.

Shaved heads and tattoos do it for me as well.

So I'm not the only one. It's weird as fuck isn't it?

I don't know why but from the thumbnail I was expecting Real Dolls

British women are like the hillbillies of Europe.


>tfw live in a country of ugly women
>still a virgin

Feel sad for British men getting cucked so hard by women at least 2 leagues below them

>flat face
>subhuman eyes
european features are objectively the best

Women have plastic surgery to be more european-looking, women deerlight over caucasian men

It's the whole reason they had an empire. They had to find some exotic puss puss.

Why does she dress like such a dork? Every fucking outfit just makes her more and more attractive. If she didn't come across as such a slutty looking gremlin, she would be more attractive.

they really are, I traveled europe and the britains were by far the least cultured of the countries I visited (bar eastern europe)

the irony is that I am by heritage a briton, we bailed the fuck outta there

more and more unattractive*

>Picture is taken at an angle.
>Specifically at a downward angle.

OP is an underage b& and high schooler. How can you not know about the effects of angled pictures? Pleb.

How dare you stray from Slavic goddesses? Fuckin' cyka. Pic related, average female Russian spy.

dude she's a fucking movie star. They doll her up and make her look as pretty as possible. When you have a crew of people all of whom make 6 figures working tirelessly night and day to make you as attractive as possible you aren't going to look that bad.

If they're all ugly, that just means the standard itself is set lower. You do also have a large number of very pretty women, but they're treated like queenz n sheeit from what I've seen.

this, it's funny cause any woman here will drop their pants for a guy with a british accent. Shame their women are piss tier.

they're all inbred i.e. they're ugly

Her acting career gives the illusion of having an interesting personality, which makes any woman seem more attractive

It's wierd, shes not that hot, but has a super QT quirky aura about her

Plus her voice is angelic

The attractive women here are all upper middle class toffs, no chance for a working class guy like me

This British Woman 'aint.

my argument is that you long for that you can't have

Oh fuck, I wasted those quads


The backwards hat actually makes me rock hard

could be this

i've actually not seen one moment of her acting, only pictures to beat off to

>thinking anglo and northern europeans look anything alike

go back to school


Her waist to hip ratio makes me fully erect tbqh.

have you seen the WEBM of her sex scene from some movie?
It honestly made me want to bang her.....

I actually really love British women. I've never met one in real life tho. They just seem a little classier and more witty than American women. Seem like they'd be easier to talk to. Some of them can be really hot too.

She'll end up getting plastic surgery like that one chick singer with the annoying voice. arianna or whatever

But there are a ton of beautiful celebrities I can't have that I wouldn't turn down sex with, but Maisie just does something to me that they don't.

It makes no sense to me.

British women are ugly. Any more questions?

This is the definition of angle selfies

Don't fuck with me like that user.


you gotta admit that whites age like shit tho

Asians look p young (sometimes overly so) until they get to like 50+
Blacks and sandniggers generally age okay, don't wrinkle too bad

but whites get wrinkly and aged as shit rapidly
it's worse the whiter you are

I think it's the sensitivity to sun exposure
That, and blemishes are easier to see on white skin

still tho, it sucks

t. ginger

Because your epitome of beauty is Chavs

I think it's just the fact that British women are ugly, OP. Not much else to say.

>sucking some dick
>not sucking a dick

Sounds like you've done this many times.

>This is a 10/10 in the U.K

TV star


their faces are disgusting but their bodies are OK

British women?

Fucking slags.



It's hot because it looks real I guess

I like how more than 3/4 of her head is out of shot

sauce is The Falling (2014)
imdb com/title/tt3294200/

You people are stupid and autistic.
But I wouldn't complain if you were which country has the best looking little girls. Who gives a fuck about used up old hags.