Is it pathetic that the hardest thing I’ve ever done is not picking up a drink or a drug

Is it pathetic that the hardest thing I’ve ever done is not picking up a drink or a drug

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nice pic by the way

more of her please

Damn what a mixed cocktail she is

Do what you want


since op disappeared, heres more of his girl

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I want to eat those sexy pits, god damn...

fuck yes
lets see pussy and butthole?

no idea what her name is

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I love her look, very pleasing to the eye

OP here, pic was just an attention grabber but she is really hot. Glad somebody has moar

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Yeah, please keep going. She looks delicious as fuck

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It is pathetic that the hardest thing I’ve ever done is not picking up a drink or a drug. There. Fixed it

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Yeah, your fear of having any fun at all is pretty pathetic. That's a huge sacrifice and what have you gained from it? You're not rich or powerful, and even those people still get down and enjoy life. Congrats on being brainwashed into being afraid of anything entertaining.

Wouldn't kill you to have a beer with a friend or family member or a joint and chill with a bro. I feel really bad for you. That's so sad.

God damn... I’m in love

Well, what’s stopping you from trying anything? Just not interested?

I can’t drink beer because I will go get crack or heroin. Rich and famous people die from addiction all the time retard

Also, the fun and entertaining part has been over for a long time. I take it you’re one of those rookies that only smoke weed or drink, maybe did coke once.

thanks for posting, do you have any more?

Thank you so much user!