Rate my wife's chesticles
Rate my wife's chesticles
And rate my peepee
Well she needs to pop the top off and you need to take about 4 steps back with the camera...
post her scrunched up soles?
My feet?
Here's her magic vajayjay
Now we see her spread butthole
No butt holes perv
bottom of feet, like pic related
She was asleep when I did this
Good luck finding a vagina loser
fucking disgusting
30 isn't even on the scale
Your mother is disgusting
pretty run of the mill, nothing special
You're nothing special
Show the full bare boobs, for a better rating.
Disgusting and fat/10
Here's my favorite pic of them
Decent tits, I'd need her to stand further back to judge
It's on the small size and fairly unimpressive. I'd give it a 3 or so.
This looks like a fat person cunt. 1/10
yeah...gonna go with another 1/10. About what you'd expect with your dick being the way it is.
Still to close to the camera to tell. maybe a 5/10?