Rate my wife's chesticles

Rate my wife's chesticles

Attached: this.jpg (3888x2418, 1.07M)

And rate my peepee

Attached: IMG_0485.jpg (2816x2112, 1.97M)

Well she needs to pop the top off and you need to take about 4 steps back with the camera...

post her scrunched up soles?

My feet?

Here's her magic vajayjay

Attached: IMAG0243_1.jpg (2688x1520, 1.07M)

Now we see her spread butthole

No butt holes perv

bottom of feet, like pic related

Attached: 1577416431921.jpg (1080x1285, 125K)

She was asleep when I did this

Attached: Screenshot_20200116-005659_MX Player_1.jpg (1467x666, 79K)


Good luck finding a vagina loser


fucking disgusting

30 isn't even on the scale

Your mother is disgusting

pretty run of the mill, nothing special

You're nothing special

Show the full bare boobs, for a better rating.

Disgusting and fat/10

Here's my favorite pic of them

Attached: IMAG0233_1.jpg (2688x1520, 958K)

Decent tits, I'd need her to stand further back to judge

It's on the small size and fairly unimpressive. I'd give it a 3 or so.

This looks like a fat person cunt. 1/10

yeah...gonna go with another 1/10. About what you'd expect with your dick being the way it is.

Still to close to the camera to tell. maybe a 5/10?