Sup Sup Forums whats wrong with my tooth?

Sup Sup Forums whats wrong with my tooth?

Doesnt hurt at all, should I go to the dentist?

Attached: 163A6C09-FB6A-48AB-8845-89C78DB68FB2.png (750x1334, 1.21M)


Does it taste bad when you run your tongue over it?

yes you should go


Just a cavity user. Get it filled ASAP.

Swirl some mouthwash in your mouth then spit it into a Petri dish. Add sugar. Buy a microscope and check that out.

that is a pretty deep cavity that more than likely will need a root canal and a crown

yeah i had those ended with crowns

looks like you've got a fucked up occlusal.

Thnx Sup Forumsros

Booking dentist appointment ASAP

go to the dentist, that thing could break and eventually cause a lot of issues


yes looks like some rot, could be some bad staining of some buildup but best go to a dentist.

Also here is alternate shot of the same tooth. Original pic was just the bottom of the tooth

Is this salvagable or am I gonna have to get it removed?

Attached: BAD08E51-DE52-4F9A-A8BB-4394DF27C730.png (750x1334, 954K)

that looks like you will have maybe a root canal and two fillings. i went to the dentist last week. the new "ice" they use before the shot works real good so no worries on pain. hope you make it in soon.

No. The bacteria is gonna infect you nerves, eventually infecting the rest of nerves in your mouth area. Since it's close to your brain it'll likely spread up there through your central nervous system. You got 48 hours tops at this point

it doesn't hurt now because the damage is one the surface, but it will soon over the course of the next few months.

I don't think they're remove it. Like the other user said, you're looking at a root canal. They drill it, hollow it out, file it down, then put a crown on it to protect it. It's actually not painful at all, but it takes a while. Better to get it done sooner rather than later because if you hold off on it, abscesses will start to form.

You have an occlusal cavity and need to get that created ASAP in order to asses the extent of the damage. Generally speaking, if their is no invasion to the pulp you will be able to get away with a filling or a crown. Most likely going to need a crown considering that your axial wall is demineralized. May need a root canal if it has reached the pulp. I can’t see clearly but it may be an abfraction lesion on the 2nd picture.

It looks like the pulp is rotten in the rear cusp. If that is a rear molar you are better off having it removed. If it is your first molar you're going to want them to whatever they can to save it, IE root canal.

That things is completely fucked.

Attached: ohnonibba.png (1451x1024, 924K)

Cavity, looks like part of your tooth is dying

Yea its just a cavity. The decay tends to pool in cracks where acid bacterial waste pools over years. Thats a pretty nasty one tho. Looks like a big capper or maybe a puller.

Yea yea go to the dentist. Bring $500 or so and get em all looked at.

Yeah dude. Take care of it before it gets worse. It'll be cheaper that way too.

And improve your oral hygiene. Maybe stop doing cocaine...ok I'm kidding with that last one just get some enamel while your at the dentist.

(But seriously who the fuck thinks to themselves, I want to put my hands in the nasty mouths of strangers for a living.)

It’s the molar that’s all the way in the back of my mouth, last one. Pretty sure its fucked because when I used to drink sodas (was heavy consumer) I would almost exclusively swish it down the left side of my mouth

Good news is im trying to do better to myself, ive quit drinking sodas for almost a year now, changed my diet up and lost 70+ lbs, damn near 80, now I just have to get my fuckin teeth fixed up

Unless you have insurance you're fucked looking at a root canal and crown. I had an extraction last Friday; to save the tooth its was $3,700, to extract was $350. (I have medical but my job doesn't offer dental)
Although now I'm pretty sure I have a dry socket and it fucking sucks. But at least I'm not out four grand that I don't fucking have anyway.

That's kind of like being the guy who gives colonoscopies. I often wonder who rolls out of bed one day and says "You know what? I'm gonna do THAT for a living."

Yeah, my entire life I neglected my oral hygiene pretty poorly. Almost never brushed my teeth so I honestly don’t know how it hasn’t been reduced to just a rotten stump.

But also hahahahahaha I actually should probably never touch coke ever again, my heart would definitely thank me

if you can afford it go to fix it
if not wait till it starts hurting and remove with hammer

you gonna need a root canal, son.

just to hold your little hand a bit: i gotta say, i've had several, they don't hurt and there's nothing to be scared of.

are you in the US? Cause that's robbery. Max without insurance for me shopping around was 150$ for removal, 1700$ for root canal with crown- the cheap porcelain ones. Per tooth of course.

Yes I am, and yes it is.

State? TX here.


Dentist here, you’re fine, plz make an appointment