You think you're a Dick, but you're not. You're a Beth.
>Pseudo intellectual
>Ignorant yet arrogant
Know your place. If you are here, you're not a Rick.
You think you're a Dick, but you're not. You're a Beth
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucked up. Rick* not Dick
Bump so you idiots know your place.
I am not Beth, I am Squiwdard :(
Looks like you're more of a Morty, faggot.
you've watched too much TV and now you're a faggot
Shut up, Meg.
shut up jerry
Okay and?
At least I'm not such a repulsive cock sucker that I'm posting shit like this on Sup Forums and not able to even get some cock to suck.
You are the unwanted glory hole.
They smell your breath and decide, Nah.
They hear you existing from the other side of the wall and bail.
You're a fucking loser Op.
You're Morty in a slash fiction where you chop your own dick off and then get fucked with it.
imagine being so unhinged. take your meds.
I understand your frustration
you took it to 11 pretty quick my dude, but I agree
shock value can be used as a good writing hook, grabs attention
Not unhinged. High Energy Shock Value posting. Trolling is a art as they say.
I'm not going to sit here with my dick in one hand and limply post some Jeb Bush low energy non-sense.
You get the full fucking non-sense turned up to 11 because I care. ;)
Why is everybody playing me on Sup Forums?
what do you think of Trumps recent economic policies easing relations with China? im curious if you're really drinking the kool-aid
Never said I wasn't. I'm a Morty/Summer to be honest. But that doesn't make you any more Rick or any less of a Beth, if anything it makes you more Morty than you thought.
talk to more people in real life Jesus OP
Those who are honest with you, love you most.
I'm a counselor, my job is talking to people. Stop projecting and except reality.
You know Rick, I am a Jerry, and I am tired of you running that down. I will never be as smart as you are, Rick,.. but on my worst day I will also never be as miserable as you on your best day. I am slowly working to be less of a tool, to have people pity me less... But you will never be able to be more then you are Rick. You are a sad man who can alter gravity, but can never, ever, experience any happiness.
How do you think you can punish if I haven't punished you first?
god i hope not, you can't even spell
shut up jerry
God damn. Rickity Rekt son.
China is a Paper Tiger
The USA and China go together like a dick and a boy's ass in Thailand.
It's not comfortable, but it's still going to happen.
We can't vanquish China, we drink their fucking slave labor like its water.
They nuked their environment to make slave phones.
They have a shadow puppet economy.
And they're like a fucking octopus/tentacle rape of the West Coast
If it's on the MSM it's cloaked in lies and disinfo.
I only use the Jeb Bush low energy cause it fit. He was the "safe" candidate. I don't post "safe"
If I'm going to waste my life here, I'm going to burn like a fucking super nova while I'm numbing my mind. Drug hard or leave. :3
Mfw when I see a thread full of looser beths, mortys and jerrys
Fortunately misspelling words occasionally doesn't disqualify anyone from anything. Fortunately, the only people who care are retarded losers who spend all their time on Sup Forums.
Admitting I'm part Summer is worse than being a Jerry.
your job is talking to inferior pieces of *burp* shit retards jerry. Get off the *burp* high horse and realize all you're doing is l-l-lecturing a bunch of retarded disgusting d-dum-d-dipshits
Jerry may be dumb, but he is happy, working on himself, and outsmarted Rick... Twice
A Rick would never see this post, none the less respond to it.
well hey at least you're cognizant enough to realize your country is getting fucked in the ass. Trump did and will continue to sell your people out for money. vote for someone how will fight the fuck back.
It's always sad when a Jerry thinks he's a Rick. Seek help.
Except they would. All Rick's are just wasting time, riding this universe till it bucks them, because it will
takes one to *burp* know one
i'm making fun of how much you rely on this TV show, you're a funny guy
Go Jerry, go Jerry
I don't, I'm helping the people that do to see reality.
is this canon now
are you from America? i can't fathom how this can even be a concern
That Candidate doesn't exist.
Biden? We're fucked.
Warren? We're still fucked.
Mayor Pete? Weak. Kim Dong Un would have him sodomized.
Bernie? He's getting fucked hard. I don't think he'll make it to the nomination. Also the people who are attracted to his ideology? I'd be (Redacted discourse) when it comes to those people.
>I don't
>im helping the people that rely on this tv show to see reality by relying on this tv show
Yes. I see a lot of people act the character Rick, it's not a major concern, but I'm drunk and wanted to point it out.
Not even close. Wanna try again?
Found the Jerry
Nice, original. Found the butter robot.
what sort of clients do you work with out of curiosity? kids in America must be at an all time high for mental illness
>brainlet who uses characters in said tv show to refer to others refering to themselves as character from said tv show
But it literally fits better
read this in angry morty voice
butter robot was based, doofus rick
I do not generally boil my entire personality down to a fictional cartoon character because I am not a huge faggot.
Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Not seeing it in my work, my client's don't watch a lot of TV actually. I'm talking Sup Forums observations.
Bbbbut that isn't true at all... III can see your drunk Rick, y-your drunk aaand I don't drink rick
this is something rick would say which means you're beth
Bitch ima jerry so stfu you dont know shit, cause in yur hearth yu know you are a beth
That's rude.
>assuming kids all over this garbage world don't spend their money on intangible game subscriptions
good on you OP, thanks for not being awful
Then this post obviously wasn't meant for you. But thanks for your input anyway, despite it being unnecessary and redundant.
You're the smart one then?
they dont in the slums of Manila, they just buy rice
Learn how to read. I already said I'm a Morty/Summer mix.
your jerry is showing
No, I'm one of you, just living in reality.
They don't in any slum you rockhard empathist, im talking about the world that matters.
Nah, I'm drunk, this is my Summer time.
>You're a Beth.
Beth is a veterinary surgeon, and veterinarians know and understand biochemistry and ALL animal health -- including human health -- better even than mostly worthless human doctors do.
Veterinarians know about something called mycotoxicosis, a major condition that wrecks even human health, and the vast majority of human doctors don't test or treat for it, or even know about it, for that matter.
Don't even try to put down veterinarians, floorlicker. They've forgotten more about health and how to heal than you'll ever know about literally anything.
you're not a rick though, you silly morty
the world that matters who buy game subscriptions? you world will collapse as all incompetent regimes do
>animals didn't have a chance before humans!
Never said I was a Rick, learn how to read before replying to me please.
I have a lot of respect for Veterinarians. But that doesn't make Beth any less of an ignorant cunt faced bitch.
>This good guy always wins attitude you retards carry.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
America is pathetic, you're so used to being a super power you don't realise you won't continue to be in the next 2 decades lmfao
Only because you say it? Aight beth/meg mixture. Please stfu or kys which ever comes first
>Never said I was a Rick, learn how to read before replying to me please
>No, I'm one of you
silly morty
No, the worst part is that we will always be a super power, so far ahead of the curve that we will not only destroy ourselves but you along the way. What makes you angriest is that there is nothing you could ever do about it.
Please learn how to read
you're ahead of the curve in all the wrong ways
oh look at that cute little morty projection awwww
Cunt you think you are a morty/summer mixture but you cant be more wrong, assuming that both of that ficcional characters are redeemable, no, you are worst than that, you are even worst that meg because even meg knows she is shit, you are the scrappy doo of the world you just talk shit and do shit no one cares. Please shut up or better yet kill your self faggot.
Strange seeing someone so proud of destroying themselves and others