So Virginia militia gonna raid the State Capitol. I call bull but when it happens, Who ya gonna side. My money on Virginia militia .
So Virginia militia gonna raid the State Capitol. I call bull but when it happens, Who ya gonna side...
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Yeaaaa no im sure they can take out tanks. And A-10 Warthogs. And AC-130’s. They’ll be fiiine.
Never in history did a Militia attack a U.S building since the Civil war.
Kid, go to bed. Those platforms wouldnt even be used against mass infantry in a homeland scenario because youll hit your own people. Not in a "oh the combatants are Americans you cant hit them" sort of way but a literal "We just leveled an elementary school that we didnt even have time to claim they were firing SAMs out of" sort of way.
>Olympic class retardation
Stop reading Twitter you absolute dunce.
We do that sort of shit in foreign countries all the time. The bleating right-wing sheep would accept the mass killing of Americans in a heartbeat if they were told they were 'libtards' who 'hate freedom'.
>I learned all of my military vehicles from Call of duty.
wrong faggot, battlefield 4
Go to bed kid
Ok boomer
5/5 good post user here's an additional (You)
Apparently, even the US Senate worries that one day, if Trump’s back is against the wall and he is about to be removed from office, he may decide to use his Twitter account and call his minions to the streets. If that happens, the real question is whether the police, National Guard and military will side with the President or Congress.
God willing, the Virginia rally comes and goes without incident, but it could also be a bellwether event depending on what happens and if the president sides with his base or the rule of law.
It's bullshit because everyone knows South Carolina always starts these kinds of things.
Yeah, but who is the backbone of the police, National Guard and armed forces? Far right Trump supporters. Do you really think they will fire on “their own”, especially to protect the political class?
>in this thread we discuss our masturbation fantasies
That would probably prove the politician's point. When they're trying to take your guns because they think you might commit violent acts it seems counterproductive to commit violent acts at the protests.
Yes, they would follow orders and tear the militia into tiny little pieces because taking the other side would get them hanged for treason.
This, most soldiers wouldn't care about killing Americans if they can be labeled "terrorists"
I’m not so sure, though I’m praying that we won’t find out who is right.
Why is the right wing so fucking cringey?
I've got my glock ready gonna take out some Trumpniggers
Now Eric Swallowswell, you know Fartacus, said he would use nukes
Lol bullshit
They probably know you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome and of shit goes off their going to set your house on fire and shoot you when you come out for air. no prisoner's. no degenerate's. No traitor's.
Underrated post
One word
That is all
I’d imagine that Virginia politics are weird, no? There is probably a huge divide between the Virginia suburbs of DC, which is flush with sketchy military-industrial complex cash, and the rest of the state, which is rural. With all of Trump’s huffing and puffing of deep state conspiracies, I’d imagine the rural Virginians aren’t happy with the establishment in Richmond.
I fly combat aircraft for the Air Force and we would be on the side of the militias.
Battle of Athens, 1947
Athens, Tennessee
Both of you have no idea what you're talking about.
The Constitution. The military would side with the Constitution.
So whats the maximum age to join the army again?
Milfag here. Yeah you're both idiots.
Glock does have any real range or penetration to be really effective. But good on you for saying the only brand of gun you know.
No you done and no they wouldn't you worthless lying faggot.
In theory, yes.
But let’s face facts. Since 9/11, the elites have treated the Constitution as a joke or, at best, a nuisance to work around. They have systematically put their wallets before the Constitution. If the elites don’t give a shit about the Constitution, why would enlisted men or the police? We are in a far more precarious situation than we may realize.
Congrats Amerifats proving once again that when you make guns widely and easily available it's only the retarded and dangerous people who want to use them
Sad but mostly true.
At least they're also untrained retards who shoot themselves and their family members about 9x more than anything they actually intend to target!
u can’t eat steak tho cuz of knife crime
what about your muzzie knife problem? violence is violence
OK Boomer
>of shit goes off their going
WTF nigger?
As if any of them has read, let alone understood it. They will take any interpretation of it as gospel if it comes from an authority they like.
Glad the tax dollars pay for retards like you. We need a war in Iran just to weed a generation of Internet tough guys.
Communists will be burnt alive. God wills it.
You know that Glock is a brand, but don't realize there are different models/calibers?
What a blanket unbased statement from a no guns fag.
Boomer level meme my dude.
no, you don't. and no, you wouldn't
Well you're a bunch of cucks and monkey lover scum here, huh. I'm going back to Sup Forums now. Wow though, they were right about what a pile of shit your board has become. It really is just 90% porn for morons now, like there isn't 40+ other boards specifically for that. Kek have fun normies 1488.