So, do y'all believe in the 6 moon-landings or does any of the missions belong as Sup Forums discussion?
So, do y'all believe in the 6 moon-landings or does any of the missions belong as Sup Forums discussion?
North Koreans are all actors
Is that guy Eric Dubay the leader of a cult or something, looks like Eddie is possessed by him
Bravo, Eddie
The moon landings were faked because you cannot land on it as it is made of radioactive van Halen belts. Also its flat anyway just like everything else in or solar system.
I hate that someone this stupid can function and succeed in society
What's so special about buzzs instagram? I checked it out and didn't see anything.
>solar system
all CGI compsites, look it up
is there flat moon conspiracies?
that would be entertaining to watch
it's just like...such a bizarre concept to me...
I think Eddie is above average intelligence because he actually questions stuff, that means much more than a retard telling you that the Earth is round because the teacher told him in school
No but seriously check out Buzz Aldrin's instagram.
Pull it up now.
>I think Eddie is above average intelligence
the earth is flat and its clear to see if you would actually look into it, instead of talking a bunch of shit about something you have no clue about.
He questions everything and then believes that everything is fake, how the fuck is that intelligent?
Questioning things is one thing, but to think EVERYTHING is conspiracy is what dumb fucks do.
Exactly, people just haven't looked into it.
3/10 bait. You almost had it, just came on a little strong
He questions everything that comes from the government or government funded scientists, that's a pretty intelligent position to take if you ask me
his attitude is at least slightly commendable, I only believe what I can prove myself/view with my own eyes because there's a lot of false information out there
But when it comes to concepts that can be easily proven and SHOWN to be easily proven/cross referenced he just acts likes a retard and denies all logic
it's all about striking a balance
>I know this is bait
>here let me reply to it to let everyone know
Again he is not questioning, he is saying it's the exact opposite every time regardless of what they say.
I'll give you he is better than most people that blindly believe everything CNN/CIA tells them, but that's not a big step.
Imagine being Joe in that episode and having to be all like "damn, Eddie Bravo, I love you, you're my long-time friend and overall great bro. I would totally spend time with you off-podcast, both my "Rogan" character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is talk to an actual human with a functioning brain capable of thought. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe and not only sit in that chair while Eddie Bravo flaunts his disgusting mind in front of you, the favorable audio quality barely concealing his raspy voice, and just sit there, article after article, hour after hour, while he perfected that "I'M CRAAAAZY" line. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking beliefs but his haughty attitude as everyone in the room tells him he's STILL A GOOD DUDE and DAMN, EDDIE BRAVO BELIEVES *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been having nothing but a healthy diet of professional athletes and celebrities and later alleged woke victims as guests for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in New Jersey. You've never even heard anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his wrinkled forehead as he attempts to understand subjects he knows nothing about, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "crazy (for that is what he calls it)" beliefs, the beliefs he got from watching videos by obscure YouTube channels in the previous years. And then the clock tells you you're there for another fucking hour, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Eddie said many times that he doesn't believe the Earth is flat, he just wants undeniable proof that it's round, I don't think that's an insane thing to ask
that's just a blatant logical fallacy though, everything in this earth has to be taken with at least some basis of faith (nobody has time to pour into every concept known to man down to a science)
and with something like the flat earth there are NUMEROUS examples of proven data, the greeks figured this shit out hundreds of years before christ for god's sake
there's a difference between questioning something and being blatantly misinformed and contratrion, with eddie falling into the latter
and no one can provide that proof. yet the horizon is flat.
>when all he really wants to do is talk to an actual human with a functioning brain
>I don't think that's an insane thing to ask
This was literally figured out more than 2000 years ago, fucking Bible sucking Amerilards and their dumb shit.
>the greeks figured this shit out hundreds of years before christ
and then they were disproven. and no we're back to what they believed in ancient times? doesnt sound scientific to me...
Why are you blaming flat earth on Christianity you stupid fucking redditor?
There's no such thing as 100% undeniable proof of anything at all, go sit a philosophy 101 class
If he's going to dismiss every single piece of existing evidence the question is how exactly do you prove it to him? What experiment should be performed that he wont think is CGI or some big government scheme to fool him specifically?
Because that's where it came from you fucking moron. You're being tricked by Christians and you can't admit it.
Not the person you replied to.
Nah this doesn't work any more user i'm sorry.
They argue that the sun is tiny and like 3000 km away and works like a spot light so that it travels in a spiral selectively lighting different areas to different degrees.
It accounts for this exact piece of evidence even though its retarded.
There are other ways though:
Just watch this and the other one, you'll have more than enough evidence that the world is spherical.
Because I wouldn't be fucking surprised if the first big movement of people who started making that shit big were some faggot ass Ameritard Christians sucking Jesus-Jew dick, same with all those retards against vaccinations.
Buzz Aldrin Instagram
how about an actual picture of earth? oh wait i forgot that doesnt exist.
I'm a Christian because I believe Jesus is the son of God, that's it, you don't need anything else, especially believe that the Earth is flat
what's in it for the people who say the earth is round? why would they lie? flat earthers are so weird
>and then they were disproven
No, no they weren't. Maybe off the exact number, but completely correct in their hypothesis that the world is indeed spherical
Eddie needs to never be allowed back onto JRE again. Edgy Brah is done
>retards against vaccinations.
enjoy your autism then
It's obvious you're a Christian from your autistic response.
You're a Christian because you were either born directly into it, i.e. your family, or because you "came to the conclusion that Christianity was the true religion" because it's the dominant religion around you. Congratulations, you shouldn't be allowed any meaningful place in society. By the way, do you believe a woman can't get pregnant from a rape? Because as I heard you folk believe the female body has ways of shutting that down.
They will never answer this because they don't fucking know. All they know is globalist/Illuminati/Jews/etc
It's not autistic, just pissed me off that you're blaming flat earth theories on Christianity for no reason.
It's the same with Abortion, I'm not against against it because I'm religious, I just don't wanna kill babies
I have a pretty extensive folder of fedora pics but I decided to choose this one, it probably suits you
Are there not like 100 different kinds of Christianity?
Maybe it's not yours, but the roots are still there.
It wasn't even a fucking jab at your religion.
you tell me
The truest form of Christianity is Judaism. Islam and Christianity both exist because of it, so it's the only thing to believe in if you want to jerk off to a Semitic religion and pretend it's "yours".
I think it's an interesting look at how no matter how factual you are or how logically you present yourself the bitter truth is that faith prevails over it all, because nothing in this world can be inherently proven, and you can only influence someone as much as their willing to be influenced
it's kind of surprising how far we've come all things considered
He is actually just stoned and watching shit youtube videos, he has the ability to question only one side. Not both. That is the difference, but yes some people can be dumb and not question anything but I doubt they smoke weed.
if the moon was real we'd know about it, but the idea that louis armstrong went walking on the moon is fucking ridiculous
You should probably stop talking because your first sentence makes no sense.
I've never heard about flat earth being associated with Christianity, most people just say it's a CIA psy op
You should probably start reading up on the history of Christianity, champ.
It could be both, these type of conspiracies have been around forever.
>most people just say it's a CIA psy op
Nice b8, too bad you're still a fucking retard.
>louis armstrong went walking on the moon
bu he did son, USA USA USA USA
>implying I give a shit about old men's make-believe stories
How is it bait? You're the retarded ape actually believing in a Jewish cult.
You should probably read more books and stop going on Sup Forums if you really think in such a simple minded way.
>that whole episode was made to make you doubt the flat earth
Flat Moon confirmed.
this but unironically
It's a simple series of events. Judaism started off as a cult from a nomadic mythological religion. Then Christianity was a cult off Judaism. Then Islam was a cult based off Judaism and Christianity intertwined with Arab mythologies. And then for you, as an American or European, to actually believe in any one of these religions is absolutely ridiculous. Why? Because they're completely foreign.
Dude I don't believe in any of these things, but to imply that they are all the same because they have similar origins is absurd.
I'm not saying Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are exactly the same, I'm saying that they all came from the same thing, and that is Judaism, and because of that that is the closest you'll get to the "truth" in terms of the Semitic 1 book 1 God religions. So for someone to sit and feel high and mighty because they're a "Christian-American" or whatever the fuck they are is beyond insane.
Alright I agree with you and admit it was a misunderstanding. Sorry for breaking your balls, I thought you were retarded.
>ideas and morals that shaped the modern society of which you reap the benefits from on a daily basis
>ideas and morals which are perpetrated by every piece of literature/media to have ever existed
>believing in any of these is ridiculous
condemning religion is easiest way to spot a dumb person feigning intelligence
>and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down
>Joe being able to beat up a literal world class jiu jitsu practioner who's an adcc medalist and trains some of the best fighters on the planet
>Joe being able to beat up a literal former UFC heavyweight fighter who knocked out cro cop
If you equate our ideas of ethics and morals with religion then you are the dumb fuck.
This comes from a believer.
My 9th grade science class proved the earth was round by measuring the curvature with massive towers and the sun.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch, but I really enjoy watching conspiracy theory documentaries.
It's always interesting to get a different perspective on things -- even if it may appear insane at times.
Smoking weed and getting kicked in the head every day since you we're 18 makes you retarded.
No it's fine.
Where did democracy come from? You know, this "thing" that everyone here in the West hails as one of the greatest things of all time, the one thing, the ONE thing we should all do our best to uphold? Was it Islam? Was it Christianity? Was it Judaism? Fuck no it wasn't you mouthbreathing faggot, it was the fucking Greeks.
>you can't be ethical or moral if you're not religious(and not just religious, has to be Christian)
Whoa dude, you really blasted my cranium cells with air there. Christianity didn't fucking invent these things you absolute retard. Do you think everyone in Europe was just a simple minded caveman barbarian until Christianity came? Go eat shit.
>ideas and morals that shaped the modern society of which you reap the benefits from on a daily basis
I reap the benefits of Europeans, not fucking Christianity you disgusting crypto-kike. I reap the benefits of the people of the Renaissance who rediscovered ancient Greek texts and started doing fucking work, work that the church, Christianity, didn't want to fucking happen. You worthless bag of trash.
>implying people were nice to others just for the heck of it
religion shaped every facet of what you consider right and wrong and what society deems right and wrong, nearly every moral principle stems from a belief in a higher power
They don't want us to know what's on the other side of the ice wall.
>if we don't kill each other we can mutually benefit from it through bartering, building and more.
>let's teach our kids not to kill each other so we can keep doing this
It's the foundation of civilization, being a decent person was crucial in co-existing with others.
Religion did push moral principles but only with the pretense that you'd be punished by god for not doing it.
Who in all the fucks is Eddie Bravo and why I should care?
I'm pretty sure I can beat him in a fist fight easily.
You're looking at it completely backwards, brainlet, modern science has even figured this shit out. When you do something bad, something really bad, it is something inherently ingrained in you as a human. And same deal with something good. People who were fucked in the head, who had their wires wrong, were either killed by the tribe or shunned. All this about "inherent good" and "inherent evil" predates any notions of society, of any religions we know of today. All that shit was biological, and we know that today, because of the experiments. So way back when, THIS is what lead to religions with many gods who all had their power and say in something, and all the laws and rules were based off cultural norms and ethics developed based on what was felt as being biologically true or false. And we fucking know that today because of actual tests on the brain and shit. You dumb piece of shit.
>you can't be ethical or moral without being religious
Never stated this, I simply said that believing in religion wasn't ridiculous because it was the single largest driving force in humanity's definition of morals and what is deemed acceptable behavior among other humans it's a massively important trait of humanity
>benefits which you reap on a daily basis
once again you misinterpret what I'm saying, no shit you reap the benefits of all these other ideas and a million more, but religion is the stem from which these ALL of these ideas were able to blossom from
He actually sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. I wish more people took note of this as he needs to seek help asap.
maybe if you can knock him out with one punch but if he's able to grab you he's breaking some bones
full power?
I'd like to see some sources for this morality trait that you claim carried us so far, not only because it sounds incredibly vague, but also because religion allowed that "trait" not only to be down in written word but also practiced across millions of people it's heresy to deny that kind of impact
not to mention how religion revolutionized the written word and almost single handedly allowed millions to become literate through practicing faith
I'm not even religious, but to deny how it's shaped humanity as we know it is truly brainlet-tier
Maybe in terms of murdering each other, but even accepting that. what about stealing? raping? there's still a massive list of actions that we consider immoral that your theory doesn't take into consideration
taking the moral high ground is a concept introduced by religion, forcefully through belief or not, they're still values upheld today
Then why he didn't shut joe rogan's mouth and broke some bones?
Explain, user.
I'm watching this right now and it's fucking cringey. Eddie showed his true self.. an idiot.
>North Korea is fake
>Dinosaurs are giant kangaroos
>All scientists ever are lying
>6 Moon landings are fake
>Earth is flat
>Space is fake
>Stars are spinning LED's
I doubt he'll be back for a while desu.
>legacy captcha
Eddie Bravo playing guitar sucks:
I can't accept y'all guys believe moon landing was real.
>Stars are spinning LED's
He can't possibly be this stupid right?
>clicks an infinite series of mountains and street signs.
Nice quads bro. Flat earth confirmed real.