Drawthread: Music Edition

Drawthread: Music Edition

Attached: unnamed.jpg (677x800, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a drawing of Charlie the dog

Attached: dd2yvtp-f5159ac4-f243-4081-86cd-708a93c12e53.png (552x705, 108K)

Attached: 1564459202201.jpg (699x1024, 84K)

Anyone doing lewds tonight?

tryna draw some giantess feet but dunno who to draw or what pose

>2 weeks
I'll take a non-lewd req maybe

Attached: pepe from memory.jpg (600x600, 49K)


Attached: rider.png (1907x1935, 545K)

Attached: Polterkitty-KeyNegotiationsSketch.jpg (710x800, 303K)

>Music edition
>No music

Here you go faggot youtube.com/watch?v=e2qG5uwDCW4

Very nice, what is it?

The horned one is so excited for the announcement later on they plan on staying up and left me on cleaning duty

Here is a musical piece someone likes

Attached: 1B893B54-AAC5-4D73-BCE1-E41ABCC982BF.jpg (379x379, 55K)

any chance you could pass a message on to the horned one for me? I got locked out of my amazon account so I never got the chance to give them my christmas gift

Will do, they were really upset they couldn’t be on during snow holiday and was thinking of not asking for a repeal at all but something about seeing someone and how they had to double the “impact” for the year reset made them do it

Hey, ride. Nice moth.

Homie I'm crazy tired right now, I can hardly decipher that, I'll check back in the archives when I get time, but that's just spinning my brain and I can't comprehend it at the moment.
Regardless, the first half is my username and the second half is: J6C7YF
sorry it's small
I really want to talk to you more, but my brain can't handle it right now. I'll try to sleep earlier in the day tomorrow so I can stay awake later. Take care, see you soon.

Hey, rider, up for lewds?

didnt you sell your organs into poverty or something?

(UR CRAZY BAKA I APPEALED MY BAN FOR YO- YOUR TRAINING!! WE NEED TO FIGHT MORE!! Just sleep up dummy!! YOUR GONNA NEED TONS OF ENERGY FOR WHEN WE SMASH!!) they appreciate it very much they do speak truth, resting is very important for the body and you should do so now
Out of pure luck a redheaded horned individual took me in to their small apartment so I’ve just been hanging around

Asking for the missile impact from flight 752 in Tehran.
With all 157 souls ascending to heaven while satan laughs from below know that in the future St.peter is likely going to send them all to hell for being Muslims.

Polterkitty, Luigi's Mansion.

The cat with 9 tails? Ah, good luck with that
Are they actually fucking or him just trying to reach her mouth

They're fucking, yeah.
Might add close-up...
A little obscure.

You are still lining-sketching, later when you add the "waps" or lines that make her ass look like it’s being hit-slapped will fix it
I think

I ate a flytri.

thank u
eh i dunno whatchu want?
also no fursheit

Attached: rider.png (1664x1928, 1.25M)

Okay, that actually is a pretty dope moth.
Gay as fuck colour choice though.... How hard is it to palate swap art? What would happen if you just inverted colours?
How many batmans does it take to beat one orphaned child?

I have a very simple request
Please draw Princess Pitch doing the pose of Ryu vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/streetfighter/images/a/aa/RyuVSkill.jpg/

Attached: Pitch.png (1024x512, 106K)

Requesting a continuation where they are masturbating with a big dildo

Attached: 1549063822099.png (1512x1512, 1015K)

Can you doodle one of these girls?

Attached: qRbk6ps.png (865x468, 304K)

How about Red Lucy getting face fucked balls deep?

Attached: Red_Lucy.jpg (340x243, 19K)

Requesting this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake v0re references: imgbox.com/g/QMi1dnPYlz

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252K)

Attached: dormouse08.png (1500x1400, 1.19M)

Attached: dormouse02.jpg (1200x1650, 465K)

Requesting denim chicken

Attached: file.png (497x494, 226K)

well the guy who commissioned me had those colors on his OC sooo kinda gotta get stuck with what you have also i knew those tumblr colors when i see them...it proibably a trans-pan flag or something
how about no sorri i'll pass

Attached: rider.png (864x692, 190K)

do you actualy born a faggot or is it acquired via brainwash?

2 wacky 4 me
Thanks anyways

>Not answering the questions
Pretty much assumed what you said from the get go, fam.

Would you depict our Lord and savior, Fisto?

Attached: 782.jpg (500x375, 44K)

Rider, can we have the goth girl from Duolingo with big tiddies.

Attached: EKXNlgJW4AAAfHy.jpg (363x430, 10K)

Requesting Hyp getting /ss/'d by Reimu and inpregnating her

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-uQz42B2O0aghRWo.jpg (2869x1080, 617K)

ok fag
>How hard is it to palate swap art?
notthat hard just change the hue in sai
>What would happen if you just inverted colours?
he will become green with white outlines in other words look like shit
>How many batmans does it take to beat one orphaned child?
none cuz batman never beats his own kind

Attached: rider.png (658x615, 91K)

Yeah.. well... He beats his own meat all the time... so....
What if someone were to think it would look better with a mixture of more earthy/natural tones? Like browns, greys, orangeseseses and bits of red for accent?
Would that be better than inverted shit?
Or flamboyant homo purple....

For your consideration:

Attached: 65912037_p1.jpg (1158x1637, 1.11M)

sorri user ill pass
i think it will look neat

Attached: rider.png (238x383, 25K)

Shame that it's actually effort instead of just a palate swap/inversion, eh?

I don't know where else I can shill my art so fuck it.

Attached: izuchako.jpg (2850x3851, 1.72M)

It's not bad. But I hate you for doing it.
You clearly had more love for the alarm clock than the core content.
Have you ever asked what you are doing with your life?

Thanks, rider.

Shitposting 8 hours a day on a Mongolian basketweaving forum, what else?


Wait...I thought this was a mongolian fly fishing forum....

Attached: BWV605 .jpg (1920x1563, 885K)

Requesting SCP-173 with a pimp hat and a hooker grinding up on it.

Wait, here is a pic of it.

Attached: cover.jpg (1192x675, 453K)

If it bothers you, though, I have a transparent version without the clock. I only included it because I had drawn the nightstand and it looked too empty for my taste. I'm a sucker for including little details, so sorry for that.

Attached: izuchako-transparent.jpg (3686x4652, 1.42M)

Attached: IMG_20200115_094742.jpg (1067x1043, 137K)

Looks like you are in a goth mood. Can you draw Stocking Anarchy sucking on a hard candy shaped like a dick?

Attached: Stocking.png (1280x2153, 397K)

Ignore that user. You did great. Little details like that is awesome. Not always necessary but shows effort nonetheless.

You put more love in that "little detail" than the rest of the draw.
Why do you whore yourself like this?

Attached: jordan.jpg (800x450, 54K)

Thanks, dude.

Requesting anything youd like with my kitsune

Attached: Sayumi.png (580x580, 221K)

Any more of your work? Doing requests?

Right now, I'm pretty much 'rebuilding' since I had been inactive for quite some time. I plan to open for commissions soon, but if there's some interesting request out there, I might pick it up.

Attached: tsuyu.png (1011x1872, 1.56M)

Putting this down as an anchor for the fella doing this request

Attached: 1543100787037.png (1000x1115, 772K)

For your consideration:

Attached: 74494754_p1.jpg (1637x1158, 892K)

Can you draw a topless nico robin with a cool big jacket on her shoulders?


sorri ill pass
yes it is indeed

Attached: rider.png (633x918, 242K)


Attached: image0-8.png (1454x2005, 824K)

Would you be willing to draw this vessel but with big tiddies?

Attached: Knight.png (600x600, 184K)

am not taking reqs atm
sorri but ill pass

Attached: rider.png (1500x1449, 442K)

U're a fat boy

Attached: DWA.png (477x792, 78K)

Attached: Illustration4.png (800x600, 131K)

Fuck you cunt


Attached: kmikjiokm.png (1030x1031, 364K)

Butthurt retard




Please draw my oc

Attached: FreakyBob.jpg (507x676, 20K)

Requesting Saitama from One Punch Man going to fight some deity while saying "Ah shit. Here we go again."

not on my watch hehe

Attached: rider.png (1500x1339, 434K)

Fuck you

Requesting byleth holding a glass of wine with it saying your tears please. ( you choose either the male or female version of byleth )

Attached: Byleth.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

requesting a sequel drawing where he is facefucking user

Attached: 26d0f87f61fc409e8fd1936631c61ec7f985842c.png (347x429, 111K)


meatball man

Holy shit, depressed fox girl is back.


Attached: 154366667600885.png (645x773, 11K)

Your art is really cute when you aren't drawing disgusting shit


where is everyone?

either lurking or elsewhere

>either lurking or elsewhere
Ah okay thanks.


Attached: 5005.jpg (384x256, 14K)

I have a few on this thread

Ooh that's cute

Attached: file.jpg (1800x3200, 804K)