Fascinated to get a woman’s reply/feedback to this image. We know that women are jealous of/hate beautiful women. Here is a beautiful woman who has accidentally humiliated herself. As a woman do you look at this and feel pity/empathy or do you lol and enjoy her public humiliation?
Genuinely curious.

Attached: C50EE546-A17A-4603-9031-183EC069F40E.jpg (334x1024, 42K)

>women on Sup Forums

The post was on Facebook, from what i can see in the pic

I'm a lesbian so I appreciate the tits, but I'd also feel bad for her if it weren't such a fake screenshot.

Show tits or gtfo

I find this very offensive, do people ask you to show your dick?

I think other beautiful women are pleasant to look at. Only insecure little girls hate on other women just because of their looks.

However I find this still hilarious. Her beauty has nothing to do with how humorous i find it. I'd react the same if it was a dude that did this. It's just funny as fuck when anyone does some stupid shit and embarrasses themselves

So as a woman you feel no mutual respect or empathy knowing what hell she must have gone through knowing that pic is online forever? How would you feel, hypothetically, seeing this knowing hundreds of anons are jerking off to your tits/laughing at you

I actually have a mix of both feelings honestly. Apart of me laughs at her mistakes but apart of me inwardly cringes at it because I myself could make such a mistake as hers. Some may find it funnier the more they feel jealousy towards them but other then that it really depends on the person themselves.

Also holy fucking shit shes got hot tits I wanna pegg her.

Attached: 1577479687679.webm (1280x720, 1002K)

Nah I don't feel empathy towards others period really. Just because she has a vagina doesnt mean I'm suddenly going to feel bad for her poor decisions.

And if it were me than yea it would suck and I'd be embarrassed but I wouldnt expect any sort of pity or empathy. People are gonna laugh at my stupid mistake just as I expect them to.

Sure it won't be forgotten but it will Eventually pass when the next big thing happens.

Thanks for the answer, what about this though

I would love to see the main op pic and a female hand giving her the finger or holding up a post it note saying “LOL dumb bitch” etc
Like a cock tribute but a woman hating a vulnerable woman tribute

I don't get this shopped to reveal her tits?

OP asked for bitches’ input, so tits or gtfo is not called for ITT. Ok, jizz-knuckles?

That’s fucking hot

What is the accident? She showed her tits...i'm not sure why?

And nah...that's a but cringey. Dumb bitch made a mistake, I had my lol and I'm over it.

As a man, i will fap for her. She looks proud and that should be honored.

>I find this very offensive, do people ask you to show your dick?

Prankmenot is great for personal roleplays but that's about it

Public humiliation is the best