I'm on some MOXY,spice and PCP aka angeldust

I'm on some MOXY,spice and PCP aka angeldust.
What drugs are you on?
Lets' dance with the devil!

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i'm drinking and smoking weed, going to do like a quarter of shrooms this weekend. would love to get some PCP, havent tried it, but it sounds great.

I like how weed is legal In canada and you can buy pharma grade lsd online at the click of a mouse pretty wild.

I just wanna snort like 7 grams of blow with a homie drink and smoke cigarettes

PCP is the best

It's called angeldust for a reason ;) I'm on it
What does blow mean?
Meth? Fent?
It's whore slang for cash

Just the basics today
Bath salts and poppers

What are poppers? MDMA POWDER?

12mg suboxone
100mg adderall
going to spend the next 15 hours trying to cum.

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Broke this week so only drinking syrup. Also not a nigger

Jesus. Just eat some food man!
Food makes cum!
Eat a potato or two

Nice mix. I think you nailed the perfect proportions

Add some yeast to the syrup and enjoy alcohol after mixing it up! Ingest after three days. Approximate alcohol content

If you want, mix the yeast with a little water and add to syrup.

pcp is so fun

I won't be able to eat for a while lol.
I've been on subs for 10 years so that doesn't do much, but i fucking love amphetamines. Never tried pcp or molly though.

I'm on Earl Grey

Shrooms work well when you boil it into a tea and add caffeine, coffee or black tea

Thanks user

Tea was army food. Else they were cannibals!

Girlfriend got me to try recreational benadryl. Now I like it too much

Recreational lmao
Now your babies won't be able to make it

Yes do not eat at all till tomorrow. Other user was joking I hope

She already killed it

Going to try that

No I wasn't. If your body is full of drugs, they will make food but food makes drugs

I'm still posting it

What do you think of blue biker meth?
Good idea or no?

Kek. My sides

I'm on DMT as I'm typing... effin' keyboard looks like a chess board

What kind of music are you listening to

Try it or deny it!
I posted it
Lol I saw it. Black keyboard

The Beatles

All wrong

Alpha means being in the moment
Beta is in the past
Omega is in the future
I am now and in the future

Meth is something that seems like a good idea. The bikers by me are so happy

Never eat on amphetamines

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Bad blood!

Adderall...48hrs. Horny and focused on Sup Forums and porn. Im still claiming my heavy prescription from my university days.

Tentacle porn?


Just alcohol actually.

Oh and I have this oil pipe I keep for nostalgic purposes only.

Never made it that far. But I'm def. pansexual by now.. Nah, seriously I better stay at home in my bedroom as at this point I could basically fuck anything human. You? What's you weakness today user?

brain force plus and some ultimate krill oil.

I wish I could do pcp

The risk of psychosis is just too damn high....

Love dxm and ket though. Op have you tried those?