My 10 years old niece wants to go camping with me for a week. Should I do it?
My 10 years old niece wants to go camping with me for a week. Should I do it?
Just because your asking.. The anwser is No
What does she look like
LARP faggots kill yourselves
LARP faggots kill yourselves
LARP faggots kill yourselves
LARP faggots kill yourselves
Like the pic in OP desu.
Do it, or do her?
Either way. The answer is a resounding YES
No, you faggot
thread can 404 now
Of course you go, what kind of an uncle are you if you don't user
But it's an entire week, what do I say to her parents? And how do I make sure nothing happens to her? I'm nervous, user.
You gotta let her ask her parents first, if you feel nervous then grab another sibling of yours user, bring a gun perhaps for safety
Ok and do I hold her hand when she's 10 and we are in the city, or is that too much?
And by "camping" you mean that you are going to put your beenor in her? Go for it.
>And how do I make sure nothing happens to her? I'm nervous, user.
You should be nervous. Dingalinging a young girl in todays age is a walk on the edge. But it is worth it.
user why are you making my thread naughty
Yeah why not, as long as you shower and don't look like a pedo, no one is a going to raise concern and even if they do, your niece can prove she knows you
I would usually hand hold if the city is crowded so she wouldn't get lost or hand hold if it's a happy situation while you moving
I thought 10 years old are too old for that. I don't want to make her feel awkward.
Just go camping with her. Camping... only camping.
Yeah. Agree
You like her?
do what? sexual things?
I love her. I babysit her often.
Just hold hands when it is needed like a big crowd of something (that doesn't mean to charging into a crowd). Just ask first of she's okay with holding your hand, she's in school, probably understands
And should we sleep in one tent? Or do I take extra tent just for her? How do I make sure she's safe during the night when she's in another one?
but, like her body? or only feelings?
ask her
Don't you dare do anything you know you shouldn't.
Id be pretty scared of I were to sleep alone, she should never sleep alone, that's dangerous for a 10 year. Is the tent big enough for two to move comfortably
I would say nothing, but as you already asked and maybe you will do it, maybe just spy on the bathroom
Spot on
user is right. Ask and the awkwardness will lessen, because it shows you care. Don't go alone, tell some scary story to keep the niece wary and not to wander off alone. Buddy system bro
Obviously she is lurking. Super intelligent
Read about sex
Knows English
Feeling like an adult.
Posted on Facebook. Probably has it too.
For a week are you insane? you will be bored outta your brain. What are you going too talk about for a week? Minecraft? Overwatch?
We talk about tons of stuff, from movies to books to Minecraft and even politics. She is super nerdy.
marry wt ur niece
Oh.. Please don't, you are going to ruin her life.
you can see her body
your personal loli
>sage goes in every field
Makes no sense, super nerdy niece wants to be cut of from tech for a week. Nice LARP far.
Not OP, but that's exactly why would she want to be cut off from tech for a week, idiot.
go remove your testicles first. cheap in mexico. your life will be better
You SHOULD take her camping.
You SHOULD NOT take advantage of her.
Just ask her to be gentle OP, and if she gets too rough tell her firmly but politely to stop.
Why not! it not like your going to fuck her, is it?!
Unless she come on to you, then it ok (somewhat?!)
"You all know what going to happen here, in six month he will be in jail for child rape...)
shure, just remember to "forget" her sleeping bag