You're given control over the British Empire at 1763

You're given control over the British Empire at 1763
What do you differently compared to this timeline?

disband myself

Kill all Fr*nch people

Execute all the niggers

genocide g*rmans

Wasn't their king German?

Lower our american colony's taxes and stop housing our soldiers on their property


Nuke all the colonies I have to prevent contemporary troubles with demography.



I'd chizzle "A few acres of snow" on your gravestone frog

Colonize Autralia, focus soldier pop in Canada, release Australia as a dominion and hit the "play as" button... then I can build up my comfy little industrial level and maybe even reach a secondary power status by 1860 and colonize NZ

british royal family is german and haven't been english since before 1066

>William the Conquer was German

>their property

truly epic reading comprehension

If the Normans are considered French and not Danes then the British monarchy should be considered British and not French or Germans by the same metric

Taxation with representation

You know what i meant

>makes no sense
>lol u just cant read bro

fuck off cunt.

I'd do nothing but bring a bunch of desi QT slaves and fuck them.
Wait what? India was colonized 100 years after? Than not interested, sorry.

>Normans are considered French
stopped reading right there.

it literally does make sense

Burn America to the ground and start all over, this time not with the dregs of society.

no it makes no sense.

Fucking hell man. The English in charge of English

Just lower the fucking taxes in Massachusetts because the American colonies have 1/3 of the world's coal and that's going to be ridiculously fucking valuable in about 50 years.


I'd probably hang out on a beach in the Bahamas before the niggers controlled the island and ruined the Bahamas

Who else can you send to the wild wild west?

Hand it all over the french

>be in post-war debt and levy higher taxes than before the war started

ahh yes, americans

>my ancestor :)
t. Louisiana
Maybe my family would end up in a nice mountain village instead of a humid swamp full of blacks and alligators

to be fair thats the kind of actions that made us exist in the first place

drink more aryan blood by taking more dutch colonies and taking over german city states