name a better episode
go ahead, I'll wait
name a better episode
go ahead, I'll wait
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That episode is physically painful. It's worse than gore
Why didn't the kids like the lithium ion batteries?
Is Stanley, dare say it, our guy?
It's sad that I agree with this.
oh absolutely
they were to stupid 2 know what 2 put the in
they didn't have laptops
Casino Night honestly
>mfw he actually goes to the high school
Scott's Tots is an episode about a man who gave kids a morale boost years ago. Through hard work, they actually achieved their dreams, but in the end, all they ever cared about was their gibs.
It's a shit episode, just not in the way the writers intended.
Their dream was to go to college, which none of them have the means to do without Scott paying their tuition.
and they feasibly could have paid tuition if they had saved up money over the 9 years. Which they didn't, because they thought it would be paid for. Michael didn't just go back on a promise, he royally fucked them over.
Sounds pretty good to me. Why does that make it shit?
>feasibly could have paid tuition if they had saved up money
We don't even know that honestly. They were poor, inner city kids from the looks of it. They may have already been using whatever money they made to support their family.
They could have applied for grants or student loans like virtually every other college kid in America. If you have the grades, you can go to college.
The office is on the threshold where I enjoy it but wouldn't own it. I think the shear cringiness of some of the episodes is what brings it down.
>"I......... I can't."
If you tell a group of young, poor kids that you're going to pay their college tuition if they can graduate and show up a decade latter and don't deliver, they're going to react with anger and shock. This isn't because their dreams aren't necessarily unattainable now, or because they're going to give up. It's because you led them on with fucking false hope and lies.
We don't know how they feel about Scott beyond that initial reaction or how they responded to their changing circumstance.
We don't know if they abandoned their dreams because Scott wasn't paying or if they found an alternative.
Season 2 will forever be amazing. Season 1 was a ripoff of the BBC show, and 3 to the end just got worse and worse.
Who refers to Michael by his surname? Why do you keep repeating it? Nobody does this
The story falls apart because no one kept in contact with Michael. There's no way none of them, their parents, or the school wouldn't have kept in contact. Plus, a contract would have been formed to make sure it happened. None of it is realistic because its a fucking show.
Agreed. They just wanted their gibs.
All those niggers probably ended up as low level dealers for local gangs and most of them became junkies themselves
That was rough
FIRST, I'm gonna kill everyone
THEN, I'm gonna dig up Scarn's wife, and I'd gonna hump 'er real good
>"You have no idea................
>what your friendship means to me."
Why would they save up money if they get a promise of free college tuition?
They said in the episode that they reached out to micheal multiple times but he just didn't respond iirc
"Not your fault. I'm sorry I misinterpreted our friendship."
>*waits 10 mins*
>goes to literally rape her after she explicitly refused consent
Dinner episode from season 4 is by far the best imo.
Season 2 & 5 are pure kino
The lip dub.
That's his point. He's saying that had Michael not intervened, they could have prepared to pay themselves through college.
That fucking tv gets me everytime.
I've skipped it on my last 4 times watching the series..
yeah, that's what I just said
>Jenna at 0:12
Is this show good?
It gets ruined by the B plot being the 'employee of the month' program. Just like how the episode Prince Family Paper gets tarnished by the Hillary Swank B plot.
Fucking yes.
Yeah. Watch seasons 1-7 and then the last three or so episodes of season 9. You won't miss much.
Dinner party is kino-therapy
I didn't notice until a few weeks ago that Jim cries in that scene
Hands down best episode
How on Earth is it possible that something as adorable as John's irl laugh exists?
I don't think a newcomer should start with S1, I personally really like it but it's not a good gauge of the show.
Start with 2 and watch 1 once you know you love the show, which you will
>this episode
>the scene where Toby puts his hand on Pam's thigh
Maximum cringe
the white girl dancing in the background for michael has a tight body.
i wanted to fapp to her, but i couldnt find any info on her...she's not even in the credits on imdb.
you a dumbass mate
you have to be in the mood to appreciate the artistry of the creation of the cringe, that's for sure.
snip! snap! snip! snap! snip! snap!
The Office is funny. Bu it's loved by unfunny people. I'd say the less funny you are, the more you enjoy it. Everyone who thinks it's the apex of humor has the personality of a box of rocks.
> don't do that
I literally cried bros
>Mmm! ...That has sort of an oak-y afterbirth
Say what you want about the office, but they are cringe masters
That's relevant to the show how? Or are you making an autistic observation based on the 2 people you talked to that liked the Office?
"I know a fair amount about wine."
*sniffs glass*
"This is a white!"
>Say what you want about the office,
It's really good
> their gibs
If you really want to talk about "gibs" you'd be better of directing your ire towards the huge multinationals and milionaires and billionaires who campaign for tax breaks, bailouts and subsidies instead of being a classcuck.
better yet, start with season 2 episode 8 and go up from there.
Safety training. It's my favourite.
It's a fantastic comedy. One of the best of all time.
Basketball is the eternal GOAT
Germanbro here.
In addition to health insurance, if you don't have money you can't even afford college?
It's free over here.
Aren't socialists embarrassed that even with all the catastrophic fuck-ups caused by capitalism they haven't created a viable real-world alternative yet?
>3 to the end just got worse and worse.
You must be retarded
2-3 are god tier.
4 is cool as well
How is Erin so fucking gorgeous for years
This is bait right
I genuinely don't like the office at all, but Scott's Tots is the one episode that I think works well because it actually takes the humor far enough. It's the only episode I've watched more than once.
Angela's face during this scene is what fucking killed me