How do we stop it?

How do we stop it?

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Lower the legal sex age?

If I had to guess I'd blame the rise on older women getting pregnant. Women are supposed to be pumping out kids around 18-24

Holy shit, by 2025 two out of every one kids is going to have ass burgers

have pregnant wife
eat organic/non-gmo fruits and meat
only drink/shower in purified water through activated carbon
less immunizations
stay away from smog citys
stop eating gluten
no proccesed foods/ artificial sugar.

stop allowing women over 40 to have kids

that's literally what's causing it

we stop over-diagnosing it in the black population. most of them are just retarded

Stop giving out welfare for autism.

maybe there hasn't actually been an increase, there have just been more diagnoses due to increased awareness and testing? But seriously, I really feel for people having to deal with this and their families. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not borderline, myself.

Get rid of GMO's/Glyphosate, BPA and SSRI's, no more autists.

Feed your kid like that untill he leaves home
Dont expose him to tv or phones at a young age and get him involved in outdoor activities

im convinced that at least 80% of posters here have autism

BUILD SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE COUNTRY, instead of implementing social policies devised by autists and listening to cultural marxists.

It's mostly a difference in diagnosis. A kid with autist today would most likely just be "that weird guy" back in 1975.

>autism in 1975
>clear signs of retardation, inhibited emotional functions

>autism in 2009
>hey Billy, why don't you go out and play or something
>nah mum, don't want to

Its only because people know that autism is a thing that it is being diagnosed more and more. They just apply it to more people. Its kind of a meaningless term. They're just pussies who can't handle the real world. Its not an actual disease or some shit.

we listen

Oh look, someone posted something on Sup Forums demonstrating that they can't read a graph or understand statistics.

Those numbers demonstrate an increase in diagnoses--not prevalence.

Facts matter.

wrong, as usual, leaf

they're figured out the genetic mechanism behind autism. it's deleterious genes. autists literally just have millions of fucked up genes from ALL sources.

it's only going to get worse because w can't prevent gene deterioration without being aware of it.

fucking idiots

Sterilize Sup Forums users?


Better than full blown autism

you know what else is a spectrum? genetic distributions, e.g. MUTATIONS. cancer doesn't exist on a spectrum. sucking a dick isn't a spectrum. but mutations are.

It makes me angry how fucking behind people are. I know about these things at least two years before normies. you watch too much american idol?

Autism is "rising" because they keep expanding the definition of what Autism is.

>eat organic/non-gmo fruits and meat
What's wrong with GMO food?
>only drink/shower in purified water through activated carbon
>less immunizations
Herd immunity is important
>stay away from smog citys
>stop eating gluten
>no proccesed foods/ artificial sugar.
Processed food is shit, but artificial sugar is just as bad for you as natural cane sugar

Sup Forums meme autism:
>has a hobby that isn't sports or pop culture
>has made an infograph or spreadsheet not work or school related
>defends atheism
>makes anti-circumsicion threads
>is a virgin beyond the age of 20
>poor social skills, but can be normal if they worked on it
>writes walls of text in response to banter
>some other mental disorder (s)

Real autism:
>must organize and have things in certain order, almost OCD like
>hypersensitivity to stimuli
>complete lack of social awareness and skills
>genius level intellect, but manifests itself in ways that have no use in the real world
>inability to grasp emotions or normal behavior
>in low functioning autism: sit in a corner and REEEE all day long.

>How do we stop it?
Simple, we petition the government of Japan to shutdown Sega.

>gluten meme
>gmo meme


This and more diagnoses.


Is it illegal in the US to have kids between 18 und 24?
Apart from that it has nothing to do with whether it is illegal or not. In Yurop you can have a wife as young as 16 but only Arabs get them - if you wan't a white girl you have loads of maxist societal poison stacked against you, e.g. "women belong in the workforce and need a good education (waste their life until their 30s at university)"

Was diagnosed with Autism when I was younger. Diagnosis was repealed a few years ago. Schools today want to get everyone labelled with some sort of disorder so they receive more funds from the Govt.

>How do we stop it?
Narrow down definition of Autism, you autists.
Stop giving every childb at school "asperger" brand without actual medical conclusion.

Dont let your cow wife take shit loads of medicine while she is pregnant.
women like to take a pill for everything like its magic.

also what this guy said: except for the gluten meme.
also immunizations have mercury in them.
Fluoride IS a neurotoxin, avoid the shit out of it.

and most wifi/radio tests were paid for by the people shilling for them, most tests were done in a shielded lab, with a single transmitter at a reasonable distance.
In the real world there are hundreds of transmitters putting out a signal in any given area. Go drive around and scan for wifi, and them remember there are also radio, bluetooth, cordless phones, and all kinds of other shit transmitting in the same physical location.

Autism isn't rising. Its popularity is. In older media dealing with schools, there was always that "weird" kid. Today that child would be called autistic, thus adding to the percentage in OPs pic