I look like this. I'm 6'2, 190 lbs 9% body fat, living on a college campus in Miami...

I look like this. I'm 6'2, 190 lbs 9% body fat, living on a college campus in Miami. I play guitar like an absolute riot. I have a real major (quantitative economics, which counts as the M of STEM) and I am on track to make decent money. I'm not mean to anybody unless they were mean to me first. I am confident and assertive. Why the fuck can I not get laid? Normally when someone asks that question, they're a short, fat, NEET gamer kissless incel virgin with a loathsome personality. Is there something in my personality that's incredibly off putting that I just can't pinpoint? Or are 2020 women really so picky that even a guy like me is out of consideration?

>inb4 "you look retarded XD", if you're gonna claim I'm not good looking post yourself to compare

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Because you're likely a clinical narcissist, judging by how you talk about yourself. You probably creep women out.

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it's because you're ugly

You live in Miami. You better be on your A game in the 305. STart with changing your hair and just lighten up some, you look like youre trying too hard.

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You, sir or madam, display many signs of a psychopath. Mostly in the light of how you portray yourself as this ultimate figure/perfect person. Lighten the fuck up and be more relaxed and approachable. Thousand yard stare wont get you laid. Stop thinking of your own status so much.

U are probably rapey American psycho typr, roids getting to your head too, consider becoming a date rapist since you got the looks.

What he said. You ever see american psycho? And stop fucking pursing your lips.

Nice tits, also business school does not count as STEM you pretentious twat.

I'm afraid to post a picture of myself. You look like the type to try and find me so you can force me to be your top.

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This fucking bleached hair is one of the problems