Post celebs that used to be hot but have since turned into beef cattle.
Post celebs that used to be hot but have since turned into beef cattle
still would.
still hot
Millie looks 40 and has multiple stds
Pure beef.
holy fuck look at those hocks
Billie English has aids if that counts
She is a celeb of Sup Forums
who is this pig?
used to be hot? she's just reached her prime. she's hotter than she's ever been before. and she's even pregnant now, doubly hot
broke nigger detected
She use to have gap teeth. Post those pics.
how do you figure?
>muh "healthy weight"
ur spanx is vis'ble
for poor people fat represents wealth so they find it attractive. plus niggers dig fat whores.
OP specified "used to be hot"
You're breaking the rools
Jesus fuck no
i'm baffled by guys who think pregnancy is sexually attractive. Bunch of closet cucks.
ok she's very cute in the face tho
>still would.
yeah, but she wouldn't touch your faggoty ass
Hotter than ever
Consequences were never the same
>Hotter than ever
you're fucking kidding, right? unless you're into traps, faggot
GTFO, newfag
Thats a shop.
Having said that, I prefer thicc to thin so this image got saved.
She should've just died at 18
>equating fertility fetish with cuckoldry
imagine being this retarded
whatever lets you sleep at night, closeted homosexual pedophile
Demi is a Goddess
Another Goddess Selena
i still definitely would
She beat up her ex and he crawled back to her. Emma Roberts needs a real man
So excited for her
love the thickness
she has one of the most fuckable faces
Imagine cumming on that face
i couldnt pull out
Yes wish she had nudes
I love braphogs hehehehhheheehhehehe
Some thought this was hot in 2010
Need outtakes from this shoot of Demi Lovato
>how old are you?
>idk between 9 and 37
Stroking for it now
I didn't know that. Some dealer somewhere should have bought higher quality condoms