What's for you the best Girl do Porn video ?
What's for you the best Girl do Porn video ?
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E214 for me
Julia, AKA Stephanie Tran, but they fucked up the video and it doesn't play smoothly.
There's this one where if you time it where the cumshot happens at midnight then a man in a black ski mask and nothing else busts into your room and shoots you in the head
will check it user
I love the 314
Does someone has the list of episodes where the girls went to court ?
e165 is severely underrated
will check it dude, I like the 201
anyone here subcribed to them how is the website like ?
190, her complete lack of interest gets me everytime
304 - best ass in history.
Probably in the minority -- but I really like the early stuff. E32 is prob by all time favorite.
Easily E239
my nigga
Easily the best
You kids all forgetting E404 and 409 - she was legendary
Any chubby/bbw/mature ones? Young skinny girls are great but I jerk it to goofy bitches once in a while.
Big tits, hot, pale, dark hair. E242. Also pretty good. Not much moaning tho. Someone find dem hot moaning chicks.
She was silent tho. Hot moaning chicks are the best ones. Like 239
the one where they're all the same so it doesn't matter
go back to /hm/ KEKW
I like that one where the girl looks like she's a wrinkle on the penis of life.
Dawg i got chu
242 is best
404 and 409
What am I looking at here? Why are these girls grouped together.
But she was also kinda silent tho. Compared to 239
jesus learn 2 follow a thread you tremendous casserole
Obv exposing names dawg what do you think lmao. 12IQ
"They went to court", yeah I saw that you unbelievable faggot, but what the fuck does that mean.
They sued
wait they all went to court? I though only 319 and 375
they're being sued for lying about their age. one of them was 15
you're very smart aren't you.
359 was pretty good too.
nah. they claim they were lied to about how wide spread those videos were gonna be. Like it was going overseas on DVDs.
100 percent, brother!
Agreed. Maybe not the most interesting, but by far the prettiest
There is a urban legend saying that one of the girls was 16. I don't remember the episode tho
so many good ones, can't pick only one. I like the ending of E253, she is so shocked and disgusted by the cum one her face.
132 for me
Epic queef to conclude 409
Shame about the horse face though
Someone has q master list of all the ones who are cheating on their bf to film....anyone?
I will say, it goes to show how unfaithful people are when money gets involved. Girls in 3+ year long relationships willing to fuck a stranger on camera for cash.
Every woman has their price point I guess.
There she is. There is a rumor she was 16.
Holy shit, how has someone not mentioned e.198
chicks who actively like dick are pretty great.
This one is the very best. I wanna meet that girl
This from E291 was legendary.
complete udder BS, she was in college at WSU when she filmed it.
Can anyone recommend good episodes with ANAL?
Nooo fuckin way
Her school just won the NCAA football championship.
This chick is pretty hot, pale, moaned a lot and squirted. So yea pretty good ep
I said it's a rumor, nothing sure. Maybe it's not her. But I am quite sure that at least one girl was underage.
Unlikely, though im not sure. I thought someone already doxxed her. She's like a freshmen had to leave town.
Got any episodes where they look genuinely unwilling or in pain?
Call me fucked up if you will, but watching a girl coerced into sex does things to me.
inb4 edgelord
Dawg wait i gotchu
And she gets a creampie! Though it seemed as if she didn't like that. She's fucking gorgeous too
290 Look at that face. She was moaning in pain too.
Another vote for E239. By far the greatest.
does it not bother you guys that these women were scammed?
>Dawg i got chu
Her. She was in pain all the time and her face showed that she regretted the decision
Truth be told, yes. But then again, they agreed to do porn. Scammed or not, this was gonna find its way to the internet
Turns me on actually
this one and e390
Dawg 218 too
Look at those bolt ons
On one hand, they were verbally lied to. On the other hand, they signed contracts beforehand.
22 girls joined the class action. That means hundreds of girls didn't. I bet at least some of those didn't feel duped. Or at least duped enough to sue.
Not at all. You gotta be a fucking galaxy brain to think that the porn you shoot wont end up on the internet,
they've been scamming men their whole lives
She looked like she came at one point near the end and her reaction was basically "fuck this" when that happened.
They did porn for money and though they won'y get doxxed by the whole internet and won't affect their personal lives? Please.
truly the best thing about gdp is they numbered each episode. makes is super easy to search for. when I search for excogi or brcc + a name it's easy to get a bunch of incorrect results. I wish everyone would number like gdp.
also gdp did nothing wrong.
some men are cool with it. You know every man specially in the US is cucked at a certain degree, directly or indirectly.
Women be like honey im gonna fuck some guy for 3,000 dollars for an hour, is that okay? they guy would be like ok honey be back by 6.
This. Not to mention the ones that cheated. Fuck em.
She took it in the ass and was creampied. She was in pain and disgusted.
Then she did a YouTube video singing and playing the guitar but in the comments she was murdered.
accused of scamming. dumb retards like you are why lawyers attempt to release info to taint juries before trial. you just hear something in passing and you made up your mind because it's easier to do than read and take in facts. I hope you get rekt crossing the street today.
which episode is that?
what is the ep number?
E495.... She does 2 can't find the other number
listen to the way she screams as she gets pounded mercilessly... it's heartbreaking
They were told they were going to go to a glamour shoot- not porn.
Then, right before they fly the girls out to San Diego, they tell them it's porn.
That's sketchy as fuck.
They received $13 million dollars from the lawsuit.