This is the worst superhero costume in the entire genre
This is the worst superhero costume in the entire genre
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What is the practical reason for the horns?
Clearly you've never seen "The Phantom".
>le tacticool black leather with only muted hints of the original costume color
Are you sure about that?
Those wristbands or whatever they are do look pretty dumb though
he's the devil of the kitchen or some shit
It's scary
>muted hints
Would you rather have him running around fighting crime wearing a bright red skin tight suit? Also, they aren't really hints if most of the costume is that color
goddamn it satan
>Daredevil is red
>suit is like a wine stain
>all that black
>le tactical body armor for some epic realism
I wish The Meme Knight was never made. Fuck that entire season.
>that pigface
At least the Captain America suits get changed with each movie, and actually look like Captain America. Daredevil would unrecognizable without the horns.
yeah faggot I would, because thats what Daredevil actually looks like
It's actual body armor and not some gaudy leotard trash
Take your pick.
what the fuck
>transformers face crotch
The mask makes him look like Downsyndrome Devil.
>Cyborg's weak leglings
>Flash's chinlet and those shitty wires all over an otherwise ok suit
Well ... he is blind.
>Take your pick.
Hard one.
Shitty-CGI man or Papier Mache-suit man
dat 5head tho
Now he's Doom-Imp Man!
how can DC compete
The season 2 helmet wasn't so bad.
Slightly better but that black trim shit is still retarded
>The mask makes him look like Downsyndrome Devil.
This, what the fuck were they thinking ?
All that photo needs is a 'intredasting' caption.
Why does his right-eye sit so far up his fucking face? What the fuck am I look at? Has it always looked that fucked up?
It looks fine. Nearly ALL cape uniforms don't look so hot in stark, bright lighting. Obviously.
But nothing else Marvel is doing looks so blatantly bad. The only way to get DD's suit to look decent is to hide him in dimly lit hallways, which is what the show does 90% of the time anyway
i stopped watching this show when he switched into that costume
>still no DD on the pec
fuck you nigga
Go to bed, Ben.
>i stopped watching this show when he switched into that costume
this. show was cash when he was just kicking human traffickers in the dick with a bandana over his face.
They could have done worse
He looks passable. Multiple Avengers look worse. There are shots of DD in costume that look cooler and higher quality than the shit you see in the movies.
You're fucking autistic.
Why did they make him a down syndrome tiger?
well it was made by a blind guy
the main problem with the suit is the mask only covers half his nose. he looks like he has down's syndrome when he has that mask on.
That was his suit for only about 4 episodes. They fixed his helmet by removing the hard vent over the ear, removing the awkward cheek pads, and enlarging the eye sockets. They exchanged the gauntlets with red gloves, and changed the should thing to red. Looks better but still not perfect.
>the tv version is MILES above the multi-million dollar film version
What's with the ear ?
Looks like some shitty toy store prop ? Was the actor earless ?
all of those got nothing on our very own wolverine at agents of shield.
why is it that his mouth and jaw look fine with the mask off but if you cover up the rest of face they look weird?
his black shirt and bandanna looked cooler honestly. part of me wishes they'd just kept it.
Best Daredevil costume coming through dont mind me
>> I've never seen Batman and Robin
oh nooo 1 inch dull pocket knife blades backed by the strength of a middle aged woman, what will i ever do??
At least he's not entirely made of shiny awful looking cgi like the upcoming shiterman movie
Is that Christopher's bird from Sopranos?
We heard this was a bad costume thread, but all I see are red batman and a bunch of million dollar CG losers.
im almost 100% sure that one of the people working on the show is lurking here
That gives nail files a whole new meaning.
Adriana was freaking hot on the sopranos. She had abs before it was cool for chicks to have them.
Isn't he blind? Why does he have eye slots?
because it spooky to look at his red-eyes
Why would you want your opponents to know you can't see? If people knew he was blind they could just fuck him up with sound cannons or something. Set up speakers and microphones everywhere to disorient him.
What a hag
+10 to headbutts
>just found out that season 3 doesn't come out til like 2018
That movie was a sad joke. Cool costume, doe.
>dem trips
I don't think Melvin knows about that
that's a good costume just bad cgi
unholy shit
Maybe you're the devil or some shit
They're both so bad. My God. Like what the FUCK are those wires for? Just, whyyy?
somebody fetch the holy water!
MoS suit is actually the only one that looks better in bright lighting over the dull grey of the movies
He's like that cool friend, who hangs out with the retards, but he is too cool to call them out on their bullshit. What a waste of an actor and abs!
TV just needs to add more Yellow lightnig patterns, a brighter red, and it would be perfect
>This is the worst superhero costume in the entire genre
It's a weird way to spell "best".
Hail Santa!
Does he have down syndrome or something?
>Daredevil would unrecognizable without the horns
Reminds me of Pic Related.
>That's not a bad thing.
I don't see any yellow
Oops meant to post this pic w/e
>no flash
>no diggle
>no supergurl
>no that red faggot with twisting arms from super grill
are you even trying?
Best suit
I really grew fond of that all black suit. But every time I watched the opening (I loved the opening of DD), I got a little hype when I saw the 'paint' pouring over the old school DD mask...and then seeing the over the shoulder look when the opening ended.
It was a letdown when I finally saw the full outfit in the final episode of season 1.
They did fix it up. But it still doesn't look as good as the all black low budget version.
>This is the worst superhero costume in the entire genre
Well, it got better because the first one broke.
>still doesn't look as good as the all black low budget version.
maybe because actual super hero costumes never look good on screen?
remember when arrow used to have an old rugged hood and a smear of paint on his face instead of mask? heaps better than what they did with it later
Good, they should really take their time after the train wreck that was Season 2's ninja plot.
I'd literally kill them just for wearing those outfits. Only the men though.
where can I watch this piece of shit?
>where can I watch this piece of shit?
How come the old batmans looked so much better than this shit, despite being even older?
The body is okay, reminds me of the grey DD suit, it's the mask (like Cap in the first Avengers movie... the actual Avengers movie, not Captain America: The First Avenger) that sucks.