cute gayboi shota thread
Cute gayboi shota thread <3
/r/ing this uncensored
The 3dcg stuff on the previous thread was amazing. I hope we get some nice things ITT too.
Artist's name is Lunaflame.
yee, although a lot of the time the 3D stuff gets so creepily uncanny it hurts to look at
you the homie!
Damn missed it.
actual photo of 90% of participants in these threads
Yes, it makes my dick so hard it hurts.
no i mean like
uncanny valley uncanny
like, painfully creepy "almost human"
gives me the anti-chub
not enough naota in here
Any imageboards with daily active shota threads? The ones here are dead.
they're not so much dead as filled with pointless arguing and label debating
that said, second on this /r/
>filled with pointless arguing and label debating
True. People on this board have become retarded. A decade ago we would just coom in our respective threads without arguing.
What a lovely life
I wish I didn’t have this fucked brain chemistry
No one exists on purpose.
You might be surprised, some of us are very wealthy Holywood elite politicians according to Sup Forums
Im scared some people looking at these is going to get the retarded notion they can go sticking their 7in cock in some poor kid
They would be fucked in the head before they arrived. Are you going to use the "violent video games create mass shooters" argument, normie?
this has always been one of my favorites
have you watched his show, Sup Forums?
Me neither, but damned if I don't take advantage before I die. You only live once, you shouldn't spend the short time you have here on Earth moping or feeling guilt. Fuck that.
good man
"life is a series of yeets and YOLOs"
>They would be fucked in the head before they arrived
Case in point:
I want to hope he meant something else by "take advantage"
maybe "love yourself?" >.>
Underrated shota
the best shota for me
your post is the best shota for me
well, #2 next to Young Link
you people gay
you need spanked
then you will be right
Spanking me ain't gonna help me stop being gay, user :v
we need him in heroes
what's everyone up to my fellow shotanauts?
does anyone know the artist for this one?
wow and here I thought I'd swept the web for every YL shota pic out there
Of course.
Do not lewd the ghost!
looks like it's a little late for that
There are very few mistakes that can't be fixed. No lewding shotas unless it's by age appropriate partners and consensual.
>wow and here I thought I'd swept the web for every YL shota pic out there
hot thread, more pls
Not sure of the artist's name, but they don't seem to have a permanent gallery anywhere from what I remember. There are some Imgur galleries, but you'd have to find the links somewhere.
Stop making shota threads please, I already coomed three times today...
i didnt seem to find anything through image search too, but there is an Sup Forums archive if you look up the second pic that i posted there are 3 more from him
Have you tried not being gay?
I did for a few years, but it didn't work.
Where dat 3D at?
not in this place
3D is just weird looking to me. I like cute 2D stuff.
I'm not.
this style is too realistic for me, I just prefer cartoon bois. Real life boys are fucking disgusting.
>Hey son, take a look at this weeb!
Bet he has nice smelly feet.
Hell no, Charlie Shotwell smells like peaches and strawberries.
doesn't look appealing to me tbh
you get the bullet
sauce of show and artist?
no >:C
Show is Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, don't know the artist.
It has a lot of cute boys, but it's focused on a hetero romance and the main character is female if these things matter to you.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Cocky bratty shotas, so naughty!
Ew, a real boy
Here I was thinking that only lolicons were pedos in denial
lolicons and shotacons have always been in denial.
>I fap to drawings of kids but I'm not into kids I swear!
But I fap to lolis because they look like kids and I’m into kids
I don't fap to shotas though, I had an awful childhood and just seeing shotas that are happy in situations where I wasn't happy brings me comfort, like living through them and erasing my abuse. I've never fapped to shota.
Thing is the cartoon form is just the most optimal and idealized version of them that it makes the real thing look ugly by comparison.
What kind of nonsense is that.
Somebody’s never seen a naked child
The kind of nonsense from an emotionally damaged mind that just wants to find a little bit of happiness and feels soothed by seeing what he didn't have but also doesn't have a sex drive. At least I recognize I'm damaged and don't just deny it. All I do is explain it's a different type of damage.
Looks better than 2d drawings. Imagine how soft his feet must be.
What happened during your childhood?
I'm worried saying what happened might make people uncomfortable, but if you really insist I will.
Go on please.
You can see that in just a foreign French film or something. And they tend to be twig-like and scrawny and bleh. Shotas can be perfectly thicc and athletic and all that.
I was born in a really small town, almost no kids my own age, an older boy let me be "friends" with him and his group of friends and because he was older I though he was the coolest, and one day we were out riding our bikes and he and 2 of his friends dragged me in to a corn field and took turns raping me, and they stole my bike too and just left me out there. Since then I've never wanted to have sex or even masturbate, I sometimes have erotic dreams and night ejaculations, but I can't really help that. Looking at boys around the age I was when it happened actually having a good time makes me feel better.
Like which?