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Embarrassing, let me show you how its done.
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embarrasing, let me show you how it isn't done
Eden Sher Double D dubs
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dubs are lame, no one wants them anymore
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dubs noticed
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Dubs of truth user is a fag.
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Attention everyone
if I get dubs, I fucked OPs mom last night
if I get trips, I fucked his dad
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If I don’t get dubs I blame captcha
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i would like to have dubs, but there would be no problem if that wasn't the case.
aaah so close, well, patience is a virtue all of us should have in these troubled times, i would wait for my dubs with great excitment.
My digits smile upon me imperial, can you say the same?
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Close user, close, now watch how it's really done.
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ha ha. only faggots and niggers get dubs.
Do you think this is a game
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I'm a meme
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I'll leave now
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amateurs, check these
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if dubs I will touch a girl boob this year
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Casino dice wizard
Attached: 397EF61B-C886-4B0D-B04E-F715410FE517.jpg (250x221, 16K)