Is Oklahoma City super hollywood-left propaganda...

Is Oklahoma City super hollywood-left propaganda? Like i'm a lefty myself but i don't wanna watch it if it's just hurr nazis bad

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Oklahoma liberal here. Liberals are hated in Oklahoma.

As someone who is from that region, I can tell you that regardless how conservative this place is. If you defend that event, people will hate you for it.

It'll probably be more like
>s-see!? Non Muslims are terrorists too s-so just stop talking about it!

For clarification I mean the documentary that just came out on netflix about it. Sorry i assumed you guys would know

>/po/tards literally "HE DINDU NUFFIN HE A GUD BOY" an inbred hick who placed a bomb in a gov buildingm, right in front of the daycare area

let me guess, he also isn't a terrorist because he isn't brown amirite?

This is another thing i was fearing. I'm a lefty but i'm a skeptical lefty

Your probably too young to know this but until 9/11 Timothy McVeigh really was the face of terrorism.

>he wasn't a terrorist because he wasn't brown meme
Literally nobody relevant thinks this, reddit. A bunch of liberals just sit around whining about 'why isn't it called terrorism' when it actually is.

>blows up daycare

>le millenial pepe le trumptard frogposter

didn't he get caught cause of some stupid shit? they always get caught for stupid shit

Yeah, but terrorism was a lot rarer back then. And no one defends/apologizes for the Branch Davidians like they do for Islam.

Prove me wrong.

iirc he got caught when they identified the rented truck that had the explosives, via the VIN on the axle

>he used his real name

Sup Forums's whole shtick is to defend Hitler who murdered tens of millions of kids

He didn't really have a chance of getting away with it.

>HURR the waco siege proves the government was evil even though there is proof that david koresh was a pedophile and no legitimate evidence as to who started the fire
>better blow up a daycare DURR

Branch Davidians aren't a major world religion. If Islam was 20 people in a bunker there wouldn't be people defending it neither.

>never identified second bomber video taped with McVeigh
>footage is "lost" by FBI
>dopple ganger of only witness gets murdered, followed by the actual only witness
>nothing to see here folks

>story feds never told you
That phrasing is always a red flag for me

a cop pulled him over for having no license plate and he was later connected to it by the rented truck while in custody

mcveigh was pretty cool

I mean they chose to lay siege to a complex filled with crazies willing to die instead of just arresting the guy when he went into town weekly. Either they are retards or they wanted a show of force and didn't care who got killed along the way.

youtube told me timothy mcveigh was a government agent

yeah it was that, they had to dig between the rubble to find that shit
>go through the trouble of baking all those explosives
>don't get fake ID to rent the fucking truck at Uhaul

What about Ruby Ridge? Government snipers shot a young boy because of bad information.

So when is the federal government going to start bulldozing Synagogues as punishment for all the rabbis sucking on bloody infant penisis and ultra orthodox jews molesting kids?

Oh wait that's never happening ever