For the Bernie supporters, how does it feel to know the DNC is fucking him over again? And that despite this, he will cuck to the nominee, again?
For the Bernie supporters, how does it feel to know the DNC is fucking him over again? And that despite this...
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I’m so fucking pissed. I gave so much of my savings last time and this time I worked a part time job to raise money and I phone banked.
Why the fuck are you giving your money to a rich jew? Is this bait?
No mother fucker. Our grass roots movement has been the strongest in my life time. Think about how much money Biden and warren have to spend
>Is this bait?
No, he wants the Bern to get him the raise he deserves. The investment of busting his ass for 7.25 an hour doubled to 15.
And I view it as an investment in my future
They don't "spend" anything. This is obviously bait, but ask yourself why the fuck aren't these people spending their own money? The only person spending his own money is bloomberg.
Ultimate ownage.
If he wants a raise he should ask his boss for one, or get a better job. Raising the minimum wage isn't gonna do a damn thing for anybody.
Biden gets it from super pacs
We just want the rich to pair their fair share
ITS TOTAL BULLSHIT and so obvious the DNC is pulling the same shenanigans working with the media like CNN to peddle their chosen candidate. Bernie needs to start his own party and run as 3rd party
You ever read "The Death of the Liberal Class"?
They're essentially digging their own graves by pushing out progressives because they make themselves redundant to the power structure.
>Rich Jew who hates Jews
>Israeli sock puppet president
Gee I wonder which one of these I want.
You probably weren't paying attention Sergey, but the DNC rewrote the rules about how nominations work.
The same railroad that worked last time won't work this time. We have them.
Once a cuck, always a cuck.
DNC didn't fuck him over. He lost by 3 million votes.
The DNC is lost, a totally corrupt organization. They fucked Bernie and they'll fuck Yang, too.
Ah yes, the classic "anyone who makes more than me is rich" argument. Too bad this doesn't work in real life.
Surely it will work this time
No more PACS!
Face it...Biden is wiping the floor with sanders
And where the fuck are you getting that Bernie hates Jews? He's literally the biggest jew running for president at the moment.
That's because the DNC is just the tails side of the same coin (not much different than Republicans other than sensationalism, for or against abortion / gay marriage)
The only solution is to revitalize the bullmoose party and get the first 3rd party win with a candidate who isn't pro NAFTA, someone who actually represents the American people.
Nobody needs millions of dollars
Anyone with assesses over 2mil needs to be taxed at 70%
To get his hours cut?...
Ok pussy. Get a spine and join Sanders this November
He got like 23 months left my dude give the guy is rest already
Populism is cringe
This is why I don't follow any sort of politics.
It's all corrupted bullshit propagated by brainwashed people who actually believe a "party" will make noticeable change that fulfills their bias.
We need a national socialist party here
Ill just stop the busines once i've made 2 mill... you can go home employee, come back next year.. or ill just go abroad, your fired. Wel done
Oh yeah thats believable especially since the same people are back in charge of the DNC like Debbie Wasserman
4 more years deal with it
Ok Chaim
>itt: low IQ commies cope with getting ripped off again by expressing their impotent rage
I mean I'm not surprised in just mad more fellow democrats aren't mad about it, and those of us who are, are powerless to do anything about it.
he was cheated out of the primary delegates you faggot they made the decisions ahead of time without giving a fair vote. this was already leaked from the internal emails
>Living wages are a bad thing
What a vile looking kike hag
>Ill just stop the busines once i've made 2 mill
Exactly, this is the perfect way to ensure millions of people lose their jobs overnight. All because you want to live your cummunist fantasy, even though that bullshit already exists in Cuba.
this dude has no clue what he is talking about...just spewing garbage words lol
I know how you feel, my wife and I gave everything we had, but be smart user Bernie won’t win. Just support Biden or warren so we can move on past the orange Nazi
lol WhAt?!?!
Biden has been out of this for months. He looks like a skeleton of a man. He lost a looooooong time ago. The fact that you can't see that shows how unintelligent you are. Go back to school, kid
DNC is corrupt for forcing their candidates on the voters instead of letting the people choose
and democrat voters have turned disgusting wanting WW3 more than the republicans just to get "told you so" points against trump
and republicans are disgusting for... well, i'm not going to waste that much time writing a novel for ya'll
time to burn it all down
Seriously it was her turn tho
Ok shill. How’s trump going for you?
Have you given enough money to Israel yet ?
Biden has already been selected as your next candidate by the DNC so enjoy another 4 years of Trump since none of you want to think critically about your party
Biden is leading ALL polls right now cleatus
wtf are you even talking about???? I think you're very confsued.
We are talking about Bernie being fucked over for the dem nomination in 2016....
We are NOT talking about the fact that Hillary got more votes than Trump.
What the fuck is wrong with your brain....catch up with the rest of us
Sad but true
ah hahahaha its funny how wrong you all are!!! hahahaha
Biden can't beat Trump.
Think about the two guys arguing for 60 seconds, and how that video looks.
Now think about the same thing with Bernie, and how that video looks.
Trump? I'm not a Trump supporter..I'm a dem.
You are one confused, sad, sad soul.
Bernie has already beaten Trump. All he needs is the nomination.
>Bernie has already beaten Trump
No he hasn't retard
you could not be more wrong.
Warren and Biden would both be defeated by Trump.
The ONLY person running who can, and will, beat Trump is Bernie.
Get your head out of your hopeful ass.
I’m just a random troll who jumped into this thread.
Biden will not be the nominee. Most Ds understands what happened last time around.
@Ivan: Don't tell Trump
He's not wrong in the sense that Bernie is NOT going to get the nomination. The fix is already in and has been from the start.
yes, yes he has.
If you cannot see that, then you are less intelligent than a Trumper.
If Bernie gets nominated, then Trump has already lost.
Sucks to be poor. You should have thought it out before dropping 150K on a humanities degree.
Your high. Biden has accomplished more as VP than Bernie has in his whole career. Debate me I dare you.
Also you are nothing more than a trump shill trying to D&C
>Biden will not be the nominee
Lol, you people really don't get it do you? Biden has already been chosen. The DNC is GOING to nominate him whether you like it or not, just like they did last time with hillary. And you will be expected to win for him. That's assuming you're even old enough to vote in the first place.
Lol get a load of this faggot
>If Bernie gets nominated
And he WONT be, so he hasn't beaten Trump. Thanks for proving my point dumbass.
He criticized Netanyahu. In America, any criticism of the Israeli government is anti-semitic, anti-democracy, and pro-communism!
>Biden has accomplished more as VP than Bernie has in his whole career
Like what?
>Get your head out of your hopeful ass.
Coming from the person that thinks Bernie will be the nominee.
Oh the ironing!
I’m an intern with the DNC and I can confirm this sadly. Anyone who doesn’t toe the party line gets black balled
I don't need to debate someone who is clearly incorrect.
You can keep hoping that you are right, but you are not. You will see. And when the time comes, you remember me telling you how wrong you were.
btw - it would be "you're high"
learn English
it's funny how dumb you are.
Bernie has already won. It's over. Deal with it and stop being such a sad little virgin.
" #VoteBlueNoMatterWho "
Nah, nobody thinks deeper than winning the popularity contest
the ironing? Are you ironing clothes or something? or are you really so dumb that you thought ironing is the word irony? wow, you are stupid
Go back to redd it
Subtract the superdelegates from the total, guess what? The result doesn't change. Voters did not want him.
>I base these numbers by stirring shit around in a toilet and reading it like tea leaves
You didn't even account for inflation or class redistribution. Are you trying to create busy work every 15 years??
So far Biden is in the lead. I’m so fucking pissed bro’s
Bernie is our only chance for REAL
Communism in America
I just want everyone to know I have been trolling and playing both sides and everyone took the bait!!!
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
And mostly
FUCK NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!
>or are you really so dumb that you thought ironing is the word irony? wow, you are stupid
I remember being 12. So cute!
I wouldn't really care about Bernie or might even be willing to vaguely consider his platform and his candidacy if he didn't go full SJW retard and basically promote extreme anti-white shit and absurd toxic nonsense like reparations.
Once you go down that path you become absolutely worthless and can only reasonably be supported by self-hating whites and immoral, self-interested minorities (often carrying irrational victim complexes).
Bernie voters are also cucks that will vote for the nominee. So they probably feel nothing.
The fact super delegates exist should be a clear indication what their party thinks of them
>implying the whole thing isn't rigged
You'll vote for whoever the media tells you to vote for. At least most will. Theres not enough of you that can think one step ahead.
^unauthorised footage of what they talk about during commercial breaks. It's not pretty.
>omg mom would B so mad aT me for typing that LOL jokes on her!!!1
lol wah wah wah wah
nice try, cuckboy
ah ahahahahahahahaha nice try
it's funny how butt hurt you are about being a fucking retard
Haven't read the thread yet but can only assume there are trump supporters being completely fucking retarded again.
Cool story kid, now go finish that homework
Guess again, the retards in here for Bernouts
I don’t think they are here. It’s mainly clowns supporting a failure of a senator
Democrats will do what they did last election. Fuck over their base, split them in half, and lose because they split their voters in half.
It’s all done that’s why I’m here on b now.
Although I have a report on economic elasticity due and I’m kinda stressed out about it
Let’s hope that the Bern can then cut his hours. that he can then give the Bern his savings. it didn't actually matter if he made 7.25 or 15.00
Wait until you take algebra kiddo, things get really ruff!
At least that’s black and white
Just like you
Will AOC be blackballed for not paying her dues then?
not as black as that nigger jew post malone