With all the reboots and sequels happening lately, which movie would you love to see get a reboot/sequel?

With all the reboots and sequels happening lately, which movie would you love to see get a reboot/sequel?

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2001: A Space Odyssey

Thank Christ Zemeckis and Gale control the rights and even after death have instructions to never let anyone remake it.

Go make your own time travel movie you lazy shits

You know this movie has a huge plot hole that is never addressed. Bugs the shit out of me.

You take it back OP, you are an absolute faggot. What is it about the original Back to the Future(s) that you feel need to be rebooted? Is nothing sacred to you? Are you ok with Hollywood industries ruining classic cinema moments just to make a couple of bucks? I genuinely hope you're being the ironic ebin :P maymay master here.

Literally none. Fuck this reboot rehash reheat bullshit.

fuck no

B-but, what if they get the casting perfect and story good, and it all is fucking ebin.

The True Grit remake was fucking kino, as was The Departed. The Ring? Grudge? It doesn't always go to shit like Ghoastbusters

Groundhog Day 2 staring Paul Rudd

It's 2017. You get Kate McKinnon and like it.

Escape From New York without the limitations of a low budget and 1980's special effects

You know their doing that.

The Groundhog idea was replicated too much.

The Running Man, starring Idris Elba

The budget and 80s effects are part of the charm though.

They would fuck it up so hard. It would either be full serious and gritty or full comedy shit rather than that fun, campy 80s action.

But not well as a comedy.

Dude, it was fine as is.

Wait wait ... how is Escape from New York NOT gritty?
1) Practically everyone you meet in the film is dead by the end, but for Hauk, Plisskin, and the President.
2) Even the President is missing a finger.
3) Pretty casual about the grim cannibalism and manrape ...

I just ... how is that not serious and gritty? Because there wasn't a lot of fun/campy in that movie.

Highlander. The original is a decent and fun movie, but isn't great, and the rest of the franchise is garbage. Plus is has an amazing premise that a lot can be done with. It's basically perfect for a reboot.

This, starring Idris Elba as Duncan Mcloud of the clan Mcloud.

Hrm. Interesting.

I'll greenlight this one, IF you can find a soundtrack as good as the Queen soundtrack.

Hmm, maybe I'm remembering some LA scenes as NY. I'll have to watch it again.

I just watched it (it was on Netflix) a couple of weeks ago, and I was surprised by the fact that it was just as grim as I remembered.

I'm so old, not only did I see this when it first came out, I read the book.

ThunderCats and He-Man movie.

You wanna BttF sequel? Go read IDW's BttF comics, that's pretty much a Part IV.