>tfw no one using BB reaction images anymore
Tfw no one using BB reaction images anymore
BB was shit.
it was the only thing i looked up too every week
breaking bad was shit. it is shit because reddit likes it and it was popular, therefore I do not like it and it is shit.
Do they have reaction images on Reddit?
Started out as a black comedy with decent likable characters, became meme action
these posts were shit
Breaking Bad has the shelf life of mayonnaise. It may as well have been a reality show.
Compelling while it was on, but since it ended, I haven't given it any further thought.
Breaking Bad was really great, but has literally zero replay value.
Those BrBa live threads we used to have were fun as fuck
You'll find a lot of shows that get their attention based around 'OMG WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT' don't last very long in the public consciousness. In five years you'll see a hundred times more discussion of Mad Men than Game of Thrones.
It was a breddy damn good show.
BCS is better tho
Implying all TV shows aren't like this
Walt ruined the lives of thousands of people and we're supposed to like him. Why?
They're not. I've seen the same episodes of the Sopranos, Simpsons, Wire, Seinfeld, Batman, Star Trek, All in the Family, etc. over a dozen times each because they're little half hour/hour long masterpieces. Breaking Bad is literally just a 60 hour soap opera I never want to watch again.
While we're at it, Game of Thrones is another show that won't outlive itself. When it's over, nobody's going to give a shit anymore.
Because he managed to become a force of nature even though he was stuck in a shit job, with a shit wife, and zero respect from anyone. Walt is who we all wish to be deep down.
I could rewatch season 1 over and over again
>not rewatching breaking bad
Mad Men reaction images are more evocative and relevant to the average user
Are they more relevant than lean-kino
He was nothing compared to Chuck.