He's becoming Harrison Ford, it's pottery

He's becoming Harrison Ford, it's pottery.
>Telling people to torrent the movie


Other urls found in this thread:


Harrison today

I wonder how long it'll be until he's found (((overdosed)))

who was this cuckolded husband

what's the context of this ?



He doesnt give any fucks anymore


soon, he's literally telling the woman who spearheaded the new star wars trilogy and got the rights from Lucas to fuck off

he's clearly /ourguy/

Shatner confirmed to browse Sup Forums, Hamill must be a regular

He is right, the first movie doesn't even deserve to be torrented. The damn movie got me so damn hyped because of all the raving from the (((reviewers))) and then I went to the theater and... got a shittier version of A New Hope.

Considering what I've seen from the trailers, he is probably right.

Damn straight, he even knew that people would just spam the thread with gore or just spout memes

effeminate corporate pop culture """nerd""" host: SO ARE YOU EXCITED FOR A HAN SOLO FILM AS FAN?
Harrison Ford: "Uhhh"
I stopped right there. I laughed too much. I can't handle the rest of the cringe that is in this video.

George doesnt even want to say that star wars is his greatest creation, if i was in his position I would just say one of the earlier works

since thats what most of us try to remember lucas by at this point

>lol I already got payed so fuck the others

woah, what an asshole


Im pretty sure when Lucas said "white slavers", he meant corporate jews pushing around goyim.

I watched American Graffiti back in Film Study class in High School and I really enjoyed it from what I remember. Great movie.

fuck this was hilarious

Harrison got 20 mil for 1 movie.
Hamill only has a 6mil networth, fuck the greedy execs

>inb4 """""""""""""""accidental""""""""""""""" death

reminder that the jews will arrange your murder at precisely the point when they would more make money from you being dead than alive

screecap this post they will kill him between episode 8 and 9 to get a heath ledger situation

Heath Ledger got killed by a female actor, cant remember but they gave him the pills to overdose him. She claimed it was an accident and would testify in exchange for an immunity deal.

Masterful editing

something tells me that Luke dies in episode VIII
he's acting the same way Ford did for TFA

It's already confirmed at this point
see here
She asks if Luke will turn to the dark side, and he says its possible. More like he fucking dies, i.e something as stupid as turning to the dark side

You can just hear the Joker voice subtly creeping in at the edges of his normal ordinary speech.

Isn't it funny how Star Wars fanboys will roast you when you tell them a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford is a retarded, scummy, bottom of the barrel idea?

He does, hence the "LAST JEDI" with hamill and rey on the poster

I will torrent it. :) Star Wars isn't special at all anymore.

They defend Tarkins actor's corpse being subjected to digital necromancy, they'll eat any shit out of Disney's asshole


>Because it's a womans name or something

What time does he say that at?

>People are forgetting the great star wars 3 bubble

The fandom grew so big, it popped hard. It's gonna happen here as well.

I mean now we have weaponized star wars autism of:
>toy unboxing
>video games
>alternate history comics
>funko pops
>more toys
>more youtube shit
>spin off movies
>expanded universe deals

They still havent made their money back from the 4bn deal.

Best heel turn since Hogan

>tfw beginning to realize how faggy nerd culture is

I can't believe I bought into this mess

but they said none of those matter, and then immediately started cherry-picking from it, but still

look at the release poster for the last jedi, luke is not only in the position of the main villian, but he overshadows kylo. fucker is going to be the main villian of the movie.

no idea what he does, the main villian in every other movie has been a sith, but obviously mark hamill isn't happy about the character direction.

maybe it has something to do with the fact luke is training rey in the force while actively talking about the death of the jedi order.

>Twins, one male, one female
>Just like Luke and Leia
>The female "discovers" the Force at a place that becomes known as the "Force Tree"
>The female twin founds the Jedi Order
>The male twin is evil and kills the female.
>Before she dies she makes a prophecy that she will return as The One
>Meanwhile Darth Sidious creates Anakin Skywalker to be a false prophet / golem type creation
>The Jedi are fooled into thinking he's The One
>The Jedi only realize their mistake too late.
>Anakin destroys almost all the Jedi
>Luke tries to redeem his evil father who literally slaughtered children.
>Rey is born and she is the perfect reincarnation of The One. Flawless in every way.
>She finds Luke Skywalker, who now just like his evil father, wants to destroy the Jedi Order

Rey will stop Luke's plans, restore order to the galaxy, and will destroy the dark side. She will also bring about the rise of the new Jedi order as predicted by Supreme Leader Snoke in TFA.

Rey being the reincarnation of The One explains why she is such a Mary Sue in TFA. She's literally a perfect super being.

The entire Star Wars saga is now about how women are good and men are evil.

The women are all leaders (Padme, Leia, Rey, Mon Mothma)

The men are all drawn to the dark side (Anakin, Palpatine, Snoke, Kylo)

tl: dr = Men are bad, women are good. Thanks Kathleen Kennedy!



thats straight from the last eu book series those fucking unimaginative faggots



this is why you don't explain shit people didn't want to know

Now even Luke is being drawn to the dark side

The fuck? Anakin was the chosen one tho....He was ultimately the one to kill palpatine and restore order to the galaxy.....


Fuck this movie, not even gonna torrent this piece of shit.

so why does luke want to destroy the jedi order?

Stop shilling your fucking youtube channel you lame bitch

>If you had a question to ask Mark Hamil what would it be.
if I felt like being serious.
>Do you prefer acting or do you prefer voice acting.
if I was being unserious.
>How much pussy did Star Wars get you.

Has there ever been an actor who has reached the iconic status of Ford while blatantly not giving a god damn about any of the movies he's started in? He was a hunk who couldn't act for shot that made it big and coasted. I love his interviews. He's a casual guy who just endures the stupid shit.

Theres two different channels with diff Hamill content, if I was shilling I would just use 1 channel you dumb nigger

He sounds drunk as fuck

I hope dark rey is a thing

He looks like he just wants to retire but doesn't have the heart to refuse

Also what the fuck is with that nerd, he looks like if Skrillex cut his hair

>BoJack Horseman: the human

fake news

So? It's still shilling if another guy is shilling his other video, get the fuck off my board you son of a bitch

If this shit is true I'll burn all my Star Wars merchandise.

I'm seriously starting to believe George Lucas should have remained at the helm.

Sounds a lot like you know about shilling your own youtube channel. Are you butthurt that people ripped apart your shitty content?

Kill yourself seriously

>I'm seriously starting to believe George Lucas should have remained at the helm.

>Just now noticing that the jew mouse would have fucked up the series

Where have you been?

He seems pretty based, but he's a total cuck on twitter

>cuckolded husband

is hamill, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

Well on the internet he's at leisure in his own home.
When he goes travelling, he drops the act.

Very common occurance, also a lot of celebs dont even manage their own accs.

Do you leave the house much? Thats a pretty typical haircut these days.

All true. Confirmed over and over again by multiple reliable sources

In order to keep the plot rolling and the tension cranked up the equivalent of the power creep principle comes into play.

Remember Empire? Well this is SUPER Empire!
Remember Death Star? Well this is Death PLANET!
Remember Palpatine? Well this is HUGE and even OLDER Palpatine!
Remember the chosen one? Well this is an even MORE chosen one that can do jedi master stuff without even being trained!


I personally hate it but it's very normal in space opera settings. If we compare it to Lensman books in those at the end they were flinging black holes and star systems around with alien tech after a while.

Confirmed that Luke wants the Jedi to end and Rey doesn't want this so she teams up with Kylo (Kylo agrees because he wants to "finish the job" after he killed all of Luke's students) and they defeat Luke and then Kylo realizes he has a thing for empowered female protagonists and he and Rey have hot steamy force sex where Rey pegs the everloving shit out of him with a strap-on krayt dragon dildo

Roll credits

Screencap this, virgins

>when you hear that little bit of Joker in his natural voice

>implying someone wanna be the faggy good guys
The evil characters always were much more popular.

I hope Based Hamill can use this new fame and do some other movies.

>Dr Mr Hamil, after all the years and all the money you have obtained, do you finally have enough to tell Hollywood to piss off, if so, when do you plan to, if not, I am sorry.

I never make OC, how about that huh
You should be the one to kill yourself

>krayt dragon
not canon

Maybe in 100 years kiddo

cringe, Sup Forums is not your personal blog

>The men are all drawn to the dark side (Anakin, Palpatine, Snoke, Kylo)

But this whole deal only shows how men get shit done and quickly while the republic led by Mothma & leila didn't achieve jack shit in decades.

He doesn't hate it, he's just tired of it. I would be too if half of my life was based on some film I did in the 70's.
All the autists worship Star Wars and spill their spaghetti and sperg out over a bunch of movies that aren't nearly as great as these people make them out to be.
You can like something without being a giant fucking autist about it, these losers dedicate their lives to a 40 year old movie. Fucking move on.

>Say one sentence about yourself to deflect someone's accusation

If leaks are true, i think he probably disagrees with luke wanting rey to kill his nephew and last living relative after leia dies. luke this his deadbeat dad was worth forgiving and trying to save after slaughtering jedi younglings, killing obi-wan kenobi, bringing down the galactic republic, supervising the enslavement, genocide and subsequent extermination of the geonosians, allowing the galaxy to be enslaved, destroying the planet his daughter considers home and the billions of people on it, imprisoning his daughter, attempting to murder his children multiple times, etc, etc.

all that can be forgiven but kylo is irredemable because he killed han solo? it's fucking retarded.

Sup Forums is not your personal blog

give it time, their bringing everything back far as I can tell, its more like a massive ret-con like the comics do, their slowly brings everything back just a bit different

luke thinks*

This is fucking retarded. Whoever you are, please stop posting for a while.

Well folks he said it again, how funny, how rich, how fucking rich

Sup Forums is not your personal blog


The closer we get to release the more of a complete fucking fiasco this is shaping up to be.

Damn shame. Fuckin' Disney...

I agree
Everybody is turning more and more self aware bit by bit and laugh at it now, but they'll realize the shit they're in

but how does that make him a grand villain on par with a sith lord like darth vader?

Grumpy old man gonna grumpy old man

Shats did it better

I'm thinking that luke reads something in those books that paints the jedi in a very bad light.

maybe everything he says to rey, about the two children and the force tree, is a fabrication, and he burns the tree down to hide the evidence.

maybe the jedi order is the violent boy, and the sith the murdered girl, with the form of the sith being one of revenge and the jedi order being designed to continuously destroy them and maintain snokes power.

Sup Forums is not your personal blog

>but how does that make him a grand villain on par with a sith lord like darth vader?

he's not. that's the point. he's not who he pretends to be deep down and he knows it. there's still light in him. he feels compassion for rey. he was weakened by killing han, not empowered. he's not the grand villain of the story, snoke is.

yea always a a good sketch
heres Ford btfo of a fan for real

Yeah, everything about this just undermines the OT. The sequels should have been set hundreds of years in the future.


He's also really passionate though, I feel. Which is why he's so upset over the bastardization of Star Wars.

I was talking about luke skywalker, not kylo. luke overshadows kylo in the poster signifying that he is the actual threat in the movie.

>tfw you will never see a Star Wars film be with Mara Jade

>tfw you will never see a future star wars trilogy be about Jacen/Jaina Solo

Fuck disney.

Holy shit, they're literally cucking the original trilogy.

ahhahahahaha this is fantastic

I'm fine with this, the entire saga was completely fucked by the time disney took it over, they're doing even worse with it, but come on that shit stank, remember the 13 sith? I remember