Hey Sup Forums name my band please.
Hey Sup Forums name my band please
We let the monkey out of the zoo
Overdue For Suicide.
One if these things just doesn't belong
the mentally ill retards 7
Oppressed and Depressed
They are 8...
8 Fags with bats
Morpheus and the left wings
Stand by for being bombed
7 men and a monkey
Oozing Gender Fluid
Identity crisis
Slave on the Handrail
I wanna buttfuck the redhead guy in the middle.
The Snowflakes
Free Palestine
60% of you could have been in the movie "Hackers."
And what about the rest of us, user?
The black guy tease
Shit, idk. Seeing a little Stranger Things in there maybe?
Yeah, that dudes killing it. Probably the leader.
The Not My Presidents of the United States of America
Bottom right looks like a super fat Masie Williams.
hey join our shitposting server!
The welfare cheats