If Hillary is elected and you are forced by law to pay 10% of your annual income to blacks, how would you react?

If Hillary is elected and you are forced by law to pay 10% of your annual income to blacks, how would you react?

by changing my status as a white male to a black negro male like shawn king... besides, its just on paper, face value id still be white

I would cut my losses and shoot up Detroit

if she wins. am I going to have to pay a bachelor's tax?

what if your Jewish ? do you have pay

jews will just quietly wipe their slave trading history from the books

Wtf I love slavery now

We already pay them more than that.

I wouldn't tip them at a restaurant to make up for it.

we pay more than that in NYC...

Sorry, bitch. Y'all already got the Plantation, and the niggers back in '65. We're square.

You already do, they are just disguised. Look it up.

Just say that you identify as a black jewish faggot and you won't have to work a day in your life.

I would check to see if this tweet was real, which it isnt

It's coup time.

If 100% of all of your paychecks goes to restaurants then you might be on to something.

I sexually identify as a slave nigger. Your move, politically correct President o

someone please tell me this is fake

I already do?

This is fake right?

Please tell me it isn't. Openly supporting reparations would fucking tank her. But I just can't imagine her actually making such a ridiculous misstep.

No way she would ever push that through

>implying you are not already paying reperations
>What are "the projects"
>What is affirmative action
>What is Planned Parenthood
>What is Wellfare

Educate yourself. Embarrassing when a germany knows more about your third world shithole than you.

its real

wait, is that america? i thought you guys were the beacon of whiteness in the planet

you lied to me again Sup Forums!

Jokes on her. I don't have a job! haha

civil war

>implying this isn't already the case

If she does this, it'll actually be a way to syphon more money from whites. She won't actually give the money to blacks.

Fake and gay