Ended up not meeting Justin's parents tonight, they were still an hours drive away bungie time we finished the chores. We did have a wonderfull time going out to eat at this great pizza place in his hometown tho. Amazing pizza
Unfortunate but you can always go another time
Maybe you should go with him and meet your parents
Besides that imagine Seras with the BFG, that would be really cool
cute and nice
Dont post her.
Also this gun is bigger
Anyway I have class tomoro
Also having some issues with my electric company that I need to deal with tomoro. So I should go to sleep soon.
Thats what i like
Really cool
what is this thread
i always see it
Sorry Seras is mine, shes the only girl I would get along with. The fact she isnt real is the reason I'm a faggot lol.
We talk about stuff.
I usually talk about my BF, or ask questions about peoples lives
We use avatars to Express emotion I guess
Is just a comfy thread
Talk if you want
Or lurk, no worries
Np about that
I just wanted to post that image
Seras look really cool with guns
Well... Almost anyone look cool with big guns
Have any of you had unexplainable stuff happen to you or around you?
Love gunz
super cute picture
I also like her trigger discipline. Also that gun isnt loaded
Not really
I dont believe in anything paranormal
Super cute haruhi
I reserve that there many thing I dont know. Mabey it's TRUE mabey not, depends what I see.
My BF believes had alot of creepy stories about his childhood home.
What kind of thread is this?
A comfy one.
I hope.
I like the sound of that?
How do I get started?
Tablet is about to die.
Guess this is goodnight.
I dont believe i anything like ghosts or the other world
Every single one of the paranormal stuff that i had seen are just hoaxes and with the people they resume to "trust me, it happened"
Just talk about anything
Good knight
Try not to be lude
Talk about stuff that make you Happy.
Try to make friends. Sorry to say I'm going to bed tablet is gonna die.
What is the meaning of life, konata user?
Alright, thanks. have a good one.
Theres not a meaning, just enjoy the ride
Whatever is meaningfull to you, which is something you need to discover for yourself.
For me its love, History, writing, singing, and discovery.
2% battery lol
are you here user
new site when