Say what you will; this man is the real fucking deal.
Say what you will; this man is the real fucking deal
I'll be voting for him, just wish he didn't want to prevent the working class from arming themselves.
Only if you are talking about communist cunts.
Yes but the Dems won’t allow it they are already plotting to screw him. Again.
well that's what happens when you fail to admit that 13% of the population commit 50% of violent crimes.
Real about kowtowing to Hillary and giving her all his money in exchange for another vacation house. How's the corruption investigation into his wife going?
Anyone making less than $30,000 a year, Anyone without health insurance, Anyone who feels stuck without a way forward, please listen when I say, this system has made fools of us all. We all know the stick poking us into line is the threat of homelessness. Why not just take the power back by proving we'd be fine at least for a day? We all know the feeling of being stuck inside on a day off before a check comes. We know what it's like to have an empty pantry. Most of all, we know what it's like to feel like our needs aren't being met. The United States has 155,000,000 workers. An 8 hour shift at $15/hr comes to $120 before taxes. Even if your boss thinks they can't afford their workforce’s time for a day, here's a list of people who could single handedly pay literally every worker that amount with money left over: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Paige, Larry Ellison (I love that there's two larry's), Narc Suckernerd, Alice Walton, Jim Walton, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffet, Micheal Bloomberg, Steve Balmer, Rob Walton, Charles Koch, Julia Koch, Mackenzie Bezos, Phil Knight, Sheldon Adelson, Micheal Dell, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Jim Simmons, Lauren Powell Jobs, Elon Musk, and Rupert Murdoch. Needless to say, your boss can take it up with them. Hell, a lot of you reading this are probably employed by these people. They can't fire us all. If you're on work release, they can't throw you all back in jail at once; although, I'm sure Geo Group would love to try.
The day is only yours if you seize it. If you want to stand up for what you believe in, please, put this in your own words, find your inner courage, and come outside with us. Afterward, return to the status quo if you’d like.
America needs a radical leftist millionaire right now
agreed, comrade
hahahahahha you fucking tool lol. Thats a made up statistic you dumbass....I LOVE seeing people quote it because it just weeds you all out of the intelligent societal contributors LOL ....fuckin' dork
OP is a faggot
Got my support, anything would be better than Trump atm.
Need MORE tax CUTS for the Rich?
lmao fuck this old commie bum faggot
Not a commie.
i voted for trump last cycle because... hillary.
this time i'm 100% voting bernie
basically every trump boi i knew last cycle is switching to bernie this one. i'm a flyover
fuck the bible belt
We all know that Bernie ejaculates to the idea of goyim murdering their children, but what's his stance on mutilating genitalia?
yes he is. he's also a sneak thief and a fraud.
a real commie yes.
What's Bernies stance on convincing young goyim children to self mutilate so they can never reproduce goyim children?
What's Bernie's stance on his fellow Jews, the Sackler Family, murdering over 700,000 white goyim through an opioid distribution scheme with Jewish doctors?
What's Bernie's stance on supporting faggots adopting children?
BTW, for anyone who doesn't believe that this story happened, go look it up. Couldn't be any more sad or true. Thank the Jews when you see them.
What's Bernie's stance on Jewish men dressing up like women and fondling children in libraries in the hopes that they can convince goyim children to mutilate their genitals?
Doesn't matter how real he is, the DNC has already decided that he's not the guy for them, and now the corporate media hounds are slowly starting to sink their teeth in.
Does Bernie have a fucking opinion on anything relevant or are you just mindless dipshit NPC who wants his (((college loan))) paid for by other people?
Where the fuck are you OP, people have real fucking questions in here?
Put down that child you are attempting to rape and tell us why you support this filthy fucking Kike.
I'm guessing it's the same as clowns dressing up as performing for children. That being: What's the fucking difference and who fucking cares?
There's yet to be a drag queen to rape rape and murder children and bury them in their basement. A few clowns have, but we're all still ok with clowns for some reason. So what the fuck is your point you stupid myopic fuck?
Have you ever actually read a history book? Emperors in Rome literally had trans wives.
You go to the gulag first.
I am just waiting for a strong White Nationalist to run. But a republican is better than any of the communist the left is running.
Is there a private clown island where they rape and murder goyim children?
Like neros boy that he married and was castrated
Uses Kikepedia as a source.
Too much concentrated wealth at the top is destroying the economic well being of MOST
of the country. Time to move in a direction.
America's heyday WAS 50yrs ago.
No fucking way, there are still people who don't know that Wikipedia is run by kikes?
No one's falling for it. Bernie is a kike and Trump is a kike lacky. You kikes keep pedalling your shit, nobody is falling for it anymore.
These are your bernie the Kike supporters. Mindless fucking idiots, just like the Jews like.
What does Bernie think about his fellow Kikes genociding white people?
Let me guess, absolute fucking crickets.
I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to believe the goyim are this stupid.
How many books has the "socialist" millionaire Kike Sanders written anyway?
And your solution is to expand the canyon-wide division between the upper & middle class.?
Gone too far, gotta turn the country around.
Guys like HERO Steve Jobs suppressing software engineer salaries. It's the way the economy is TODAY.
Change or where going to be THIRD WORLD country.
>unironic 1350 posting
>in the second decade of the 21st century
>socialism means no book writing allowed
wew lad
Rich guy. Never had a real job his whole life. Sounds real to me.
Putting a Jew in power has solved 0% of any problems in any point in human history.
Sanders doesn't want the U.S. to be Venezuela.
Carry-on with the socialism BS.
that man wants you dead before him LOL
Economic Justice. You mean give you free money because it's not fair that the doctor who went to college for all those years and studied hard to get good grades has more money then you and your pothead buds who just hung out drinking beer after highschool. Fuck off loser.
>divide between upper and middle class
Who exactly is hurt by people who have money making more money? The pie isn’t fixed. Otherwise we would’ve run out of pie a fucking long time ago
Another Ignorant Stereotype.
We don't need a dirty Jew as president.
The 'pie' is lopsided. We are not better off than were decades ago. Not even close.
By what metric? Less worldwide poverty higher global GDP lower crime rates, hell just America is experiencing the greatest economic expansion in our lifetime BY EVERY ECONOMIC MEASURE. Neck yourself
a real fucking faggot is what he is
You guys have school shootings, to first world countries that makes you third world.
Explain how the younger generation is prospering, where are most going to own house(s) besides Idaho, or some other F*cked-up place. The greatest economic expansion since the collapse in '09. Recession, FTL.
I agree w/ Trump on one thing. We need about 100 Million LESS people in this country.
discord gg eDa8Ny
>greatest expansion since 09
No, I meant our lifetime. As in the last 60 years. Kinda difficult to argue with someone who doesn’t have a firm grasp on the English language
>how the younger generation is prospering
Unemployment among 18-24 year olds has gone largely unchanged since 2017. Which is actually amazing given the popularity of archaic min wage laws crowding out unskilled labor. The economy is growing enough to offset what should’ve been an increase in unemployment of the youngest workers.