What do you think of Fargo's third season thus far? Is it off to a decent start?
What do you think of Fargo's third season thus far? Is it off to a decent start?
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I know nothing about this show besides mew's ass
Can someone redpill me on this show
Is mew's ass kino?
Redpill: It's shit, you just need the webms of MEW's magnificent ass.
totally not her, body double
Kill yourself.
Pics of the ass???
Post mew ass
tfw you realize all mew threads and ass webms are posted by her numale bf so he can jack off to our comments about how we would fuck her
She looks disgusting, why is everyone obsessed with her
Trying too hard
She's playing bald obi wan right? It seems too obvious.
This is it
fake news
You're fake.
cute butt
I want to sniff her little toots
Implying she would lie to Yann "The BRAAAP Fan" Belanger
3rd already?
Why didn't they advertise this shit?
She's always wanted to show it off
Season 2 ended in like December 2015.
Normies that watch commercials aren't going to like it regardless. They have been promoting it online somewhat.
now we just need asr to show her ass
world can't handle that
Ummmmm, sorry sweetie
But I would fuck her.
Maybe MEW can talk her into it
I just do it for the (You)s
You want us to fill you in on a movie and 2 seasons of TV in one sentence?
A series of unfortunate murders in Fargo.
beautiful ass
likely a double
Likely you're a faggot.
That's not likely at all
itt people think that's her ass and not a body double
MEW should have gotten naked sooner. She looks very attractive without clothes.
i'm sorry to crush your dreams but it's true
Why? It's just a butt shot, she didn't show her tits or anything
well it is her ass
>those venus dimps
jesus christ
Prove it.
Ya can't!
Bless her
I'll crush you, homo.
I want to mouth-worship every square inch of MEW. I would let her do anything she wanted to me. And I mean ANYTHING.
Sorry sperm, you're dying in a tissue tonight
Very talented actress.
I would drink her gold.
Sounds like trolling
thanks user
Why no frontal nudity too?
Poor Gordo. I was hoping to see more of him. At least we get Shea Whigham next week.
It's good so far. The cast is great. No idea if it will stack up to S1 yet.
Also small towners being confused.
It lives up to expectations. Kudos to her for finally stripping off.
Who should be cast in S4 of Fargo?
it is a great ass, as confirmed last night
Saoirse Ronan
>it is a great ass
It's really not. Stop letting your infatuation with her cloud your judgment.
It's average, at best.
This is actually MEW?
save your kudos for when she does full frontal, faggot
Fuck off
Butt naked drenched MEW means yes, it is off to a decent start.
>webms of MEW's magnificent ass.
I'm going to drop the untouched Amazon 1080p rip in here.
im gay
The part where the air conditioner falls on that guy was kino.
Do it
>stunt ass*
>in Fargo
More like 'near Fargo'. Very few parts of the whole franchise actually take place in Fargo
Not even that great desu
Inb4 gay
It's clearly her. She has a pad on her tits in another shot.
do you see the ass in that shot?
Here's your attention.
Wait they actually went with the McGregor and McGregor meme?
I thought that was just an april fools joke?
No but if she's covering her tits, there's no reason to show the ass, either. She already said its her on Twitter as well.
>>No but if she's covering her tits, there's no reason to show the ass, either
That doesn't make sense. Also are they allowed to show tits on Fargo?
It makes perfect sense. If she's covering her tits, why would she include the ass shot? Following her logic, the camera wouldn't show her ass, either by simply raising it to only show her just above her ass crack.
It's clearly her, and FX has shown tits in other shows. She just didn't want to show her tits.
>She just didn't want to show her tits.
Odd, considering we've already seen them.
because it's easy to do a double for an ass, just film them from behind
my fucking cock ;_;
I hate living
They were shown against her wishes. Not the same thing, autist.
It's easier to just film her above the ass. She clearly did it because she wanted to show her ass off now that's she's in her 30s.
Can't really judge from the first episode desu. The setting doesn't feel very comfy so far.
That was the fappening. By that logic, Jennifer Lawrence should show her pussy in every movie because we saw it in her leaked private photos. Stop making retarded arguments if you want people to take your comments seriously.
>you will never have a cutiepi ride or die bitch like her.
>Jennifer Lawrence should show her pussy in every movie
Shouldn't she?
Thanks m8
But really it's above average at the very best
That's only because MEW is part Asian.
shes not
meh. it's your bog-standard arse
There is nothing but gap. Shes probably small & tight.
Did you make this one? It's great
my average looking gf has a much nicer ass