Will he rise again?
Will he rise again?
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considering he's still desperately making threads about himself? probably not
lol no
fuck off sam
The chosen ones have dumped your ass, you will never make it
His hairline will keep rising.
He's probably too angry about losing his show to put out anything of any quality anymore
I actually got to meet him in New York and he was really friendly, talked to my friends and I and signed whatever we wanted to who cares who he offends he's humble to his fans is what counts
I heard fox has a timeslot open.
No he got crucified.
I'd support him with a kickstarter or buy directly from him, probably up to about $20 for good content.
This fat fuck needs health insurance first
>tfw hyde ruined his own career by placing his focus on the most volatile cancerous group on the internet
like pottery
Failed again sam
He was doing the same schtick when adultswim gave him a contract.
He didn't ruin his own career, Tim Heidecker did.
why did he fuck a tranny?
>cancerous fanbase tied to political ideologies shown blatantly in "comedy" show
>places the blame entirely on guy who had te balls to not show constant support for the show even though he has zero connection to the creators
>places the blame entirely on guy who bitched to adultswim execs to have the show cancelled
He's right. Sam ruined what made mde great when he changed the demographic of his fanbase from comedy fans to a bunch of Sup Forums teenagers who think it's hilarious to spam "cuck" and "he can't keep getting away with it" on fucking everything that Sam was involved in.
HE ruined the magic that 2012-2015 mde had.
and if you disagree you probably only started following mde last year
To be far, tim had nothing to do with it. It was the jew.
My mistake.
The bottom line is that the show got cancelled because some uppity liberal fag at the network couldn't handle it.
>believing what sam "the con man" hyde told you
>implying it wasn't a combination of the sketchy audience, his pointlessly political sketches, and his watered down tim and eric """humor"""
>asking for autographs
Why haven't you killed yourself
Stop making shit up.
Sam always had the same tone in his material, even with the TEDx shit.
Mistake again. Sam insulted a buzz feed "journalist" who wrote a slew of articles and AS didn't want the negative attention.
Sams mistake was calling Tims call in show and whining. He should have known tim was just going to fuck with him the whole time.
The thing that gets me is that Sam has said he enjoys Tims comedy, so I don't know. The whole thing is weird.
he needed to otherwise his show wouldn't have had as big of an audience, which is unfortunate because now MDE is stuck with it.
Why do you guys blame Jews for everything? They've been blamed for everything throughout history including the bubonic plague even though they didn't do anything. Even if they disappeared centuries ago, you would still think there was some kind of mysterious elite preventing you from getting a job at Mcdonalds.
Sam's show got cancelled because the ratings for it were bad (under one million for most episodes) and the comedic material had no depth to it apart from the kind of shock humor you would see on Family Guy. Adult Swim should have given a show to Rockcock64 instead.
Whatever, all you fags have your own headcanon about what happened.
I don't really give a fuck.
yeah, with subtlety and a focus on being FUNNY. You know what comedy is supposed to be.
Once he went full Sup Forums his comedy deteriorated. It's like how when comedians get famous or when liberal comedians pander to liberal audiences. When the crowd laughs at everything you no longer know what is genuinely funny.
It's shit that the show got cancelled but aside from a few good sketches like the Charls in prison one it wasn't even that great and most of their youtube sketches are light years better.
The comedy is more important than the fucking agenda.
>They've been blamed for everything throughout history
So I guess it's more logical that everyone else in every other century was just wrong
You're just spewing your own opinion like you're some sort of authority on comedy.
Fuck off.
This. It was a bad rip off of Wondershowzen and (unironically) T&E.
What are your favorite things mde has put out?
When most of the stuff they've been blamed for throughout history is as stupid as them causing the bubonic plague, then ya. Minority cultures in Europe and throughout the world have always been oppressed for stupid reasons. Romans fed Christians to lions and made events out of their torture because they were different.
>Rome becomes Christian
>About 70 years later it falls after 1000 years of strength
Really makes you think
This get is for Sam. He will rise from among us.
Parts of the show worked, and some didn't. It's pointless to get specific.
It's also retarded to think he went "full Sup Forums" when he had that same vibe in his youtube videos.
It fell because it was way too big and they had Germans constantly trying to siege it.
oh totally full Sup Forums in his past videos!
only his recent videos had a Sup Forums vibe you fucking neo/pol/ t_d faggot, stop claiming shit that isn't true. You're probably one of those underage pieces of shit that just spams cuck and claims someone is your guy when he has the same retarded beliefs you have, but when they don't you call them a bunch of libcucks. Get bent, fag. You're not a true MDE fan.
Also WP getting cancelled was 100% Sam's fault. You don't stick your dick in a hornet's nest and expect not to get stung.
>turn the other cheek
>it doesn't work and everyone dies
Fuck off. I'm not humoring your autism anymore.
2070 Paragram Shift is /poll/
I don't know who you think I am, but I already posted a shitload of proof, and I can post more if you aren't happy with that. I haven't seen you post any proof to your stupid claim either.
No, it's just Sam making fun of Ted talks.
>"the resources in the future will dry up and there will be wars and your children's children will play with islam barbie dolls"
How is this not Sup Forums?
I'm sifting through all his old videos to prove some autist on the internet wrong, so take this and kindly go be a little faggot somewhere else.
His shitty new book is practically Sup Forums shit.
"im not really that political" my ass
*not sifting
>Has literally always made a joke out of conversion therapy, the holocaust, hiroshima, etc.
>Somehow being Sup Forums is new.
have you even seen the weeb-con video? I remember seeing that shit way bad when I thought he was a loser NEET that woudn't amount to anything.
jokes in older videos coinciding with Sup Forums doesnt mean he didnt change his comedy to pander to a new audience.
no u
How does Sam do it, He's so autism yet fucked a decent tranny
because the video is full of more absurd statements like that and just because Sam mentions islam in a joking manner doesn't make it some stupid Sup Forums redpill, they also mention jews a lot in other older videos, doesn't mean he's pandering to Sup Forums, this is just common conspiracy shit.
WOW, a more recent MDE video where Sam makes fun of tumblr snowflakes on a twitter panel.
You do realize this is standard MDE shit, right? Making fun of retarded cultural phenomena like that. Hell, majority of Sup Forums hates PC tumblr culture, saying this shit is Sup Forums is just reaching. Accept it user, your recently favorite comedian Sam Hyde didn't always pander to Sup Forums.
You're wrong.
Deal with it.
Post his patrician kinocore vertical videos
You're retarded. Sam has found different shit funny other than politics for awhile and still does. Just go look at his old rants and see what sort of demographics he bagged on. It's the same shit Sup Forums has always bagged on. Gamers, NEETs, college kids, weed smokers, minorities, himself etc. Just because he is more open with a political view now doesn't mean that has changed.
Leftist retards like you have this conspiracy theory implanted in their mind like all of a sudden Sam "sold out" when he's probably making only like $25,000 a year and it's the same exact fucking people in the audience and around him from 10 years ago. People have just gotten more vocally conservative lately.
>WOW, a more recent MDE video where Sam makes fun of tumblr snowflakes on a twitter panel.
That video is from like 2011. It's fucking old. The fag-pedo connection is a Sup Forums talking point. Nothing has changed. He does not "pander to Sup Forums" (whatever that means).
I find it funny that someone as pathetic as Sam Hyde almost made it on the back of material essentially entirely based around berating others.
I would be very surprised if he ever gets the chance again.
He hasn't fallen.
The culture war is shifting; getting fired by (((them))) for your personal beliefs is a badge of honour.
>a vocal group who may or may not be a majority blames jews for things
>this riles up mobs
>mobs kick out jews
>this means jews really were evil
>convince idiots that certain women were witches
>they burn the "witches"
>this means they really were witches
You are an absolute moron, not saying jews never did anything wrong, but your argumentation is fucking bullshit.
Retards blaming them for the plague are untermensch. The only thing jews are responsible for are economic crisis, I don't want to hear your idiotic collectivist logic about how because some bolsheviks might have had jewish heritage that this means the whole of communism was an evil plan by da joos.
Go back to stormfront you dumb cuckold, because your dumbass isn't welcome on Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>>You're just spewing your own opinion like you're some sort of authority on comedy.
he's right go away
Damn, holy shit, you really proved me wrong with that statement.
>Sam has found different shit funny other than politics for awhile and still does
>It's the same shit Sup Forums has always bagged on
No, it's the same shit over half of Sup Forums has always ragged on, Sup Forums wasn't the only place in the internet making fun of hipsters, tumblrinas, dindus, fags, kikes, etc., 5 years ago, and like you said, Sam always had more content included in his videos and rants, not just the things you could consider Sup Forums back in the day.
>Leftist retards like you
First of all, thanks for proving one of my very first points about underage retards always claiming someone that doesn't agree with them must naturally be some sort of libtard cuck, you're doing god's work here. Second of all, I'm not even a leftist, so suck my cock you fucking alt right pussy faggot, I don't need a label for my beliefs, the moment you hold one ideology to be the one and only truth might as well be the day you give up all rational thought, so get bent you fucking underage edgelord.
>implanted in their mind like all of a sudden Sam "sold out"
How can he sell out when he ruined his one (and probably only) chance at commercial success? I wanted him to succeed, sadly he fucked everything up.
>The only thing jews are responsible for are economic crisis
lol. You say that so nonchalantly.
You've already been proven wrong multiple times.
It's not my fault you're a stubborn idiot.
yeah, okay, fag