Is CSPAN's "Washington Journal" kino? I don't mean that to be silly - every morning, for 3 hours, WJ features a mix of angry old and/or crazy people calling in, as their guests (most of whom are very dull and staid journalists/academics/politicians) struggle to form responses to rants and bizarre "questions" from actual lunatics. There's nothing else like it on American TV.
Is CSPAN's "Washington Journal" kino? I don't mean that to be silly - every morning, for 3 hours...
Mad Money is better
>Hi, am I on the air?
>Yep... you're on the air.
>.... FUCK.
It is kino, yes. It actually shows what is on "Real Americans'" (TM) minds. Remember that these people vote.
it's actually pretty good and chill, yeah
can be boring sometimes but also some great interviews
>having cable
>having time to watch cable
Kino every time.
y'all soundgay, watch out cause I'm gonna caall
CSPAN is unironically based
No links at all?
sounds like a waste of time desu
but I could listen to /our president/ call in all day
>somebody's doing the raping, don
TV history
I didn't realize so many people called in to CSPAN to talk about cocks.
Ashman T. Baggah
>Assman Teabagger
this is kino OP, thx for turning me onto it
Probably the best unscripted comedy on television.
I love that vid
You Can Not EVER Make This Shit Up.
Here's some public tv prank call kino:
Sauce on vid>?
Dude pretending to be paki-aussie... waiting for punchline... oh wait, hes just rambling.
You can't tell if its real or not one call to the next! Kino!
C-SPAN unironically has a segment that has people call in to share their favorite website
>This should go well
If you listen to enough of these compilations, you start to recognize some frequent callers.
Why do so many of them ask about Howard Stern's penis?
>...war against the robots
>C-SPAN guy just going along with it cuz why not
see there's so many on YT. I had no idea that CSPAN got pranked so hard and so often
"Jed" seems to call in alot
Why do women never fucking make prank calls?
more kino, MOMMY edition
>And if the homo sapiens didn't place them here, who did?
>Possibly some sort of deity
my fkn sides senpai
1.) PM's Questions
2.) BookTV from a Southern or Western book festival
3.) The WH "Daily Spicer Meltdown" Briefing
4.) any history feature (First Ladies, Civil War)
5.) BookTV from Midwest book festival
6.) Debates and Moderated Forums
7.) Joint Congressional Hearings
8.) Senate Hearings with Celebrity or Random Nutcase
9.) Washington Journal
10.) Dinners and Galas
9001.) BookTV from New York or Boston or D.C.
9002.) Unmoderated Speeches
9003.) Interviews with academics
9004.) Panels on national security
900000000001.) The endless supply of Heritage Foundation events talking about tax reform
900000000002.) BookTV from the Reagan or Nixon library
why didn't they cut him off? talk about amateur hour. honestly, making that poor girl listen to that creep, what were they thinking?
I remember a caller who was baneposting.
Holy cow user, is this pasta? How do you know so many CSPAN shows?
That's the best part. As long as you don't cuss or aren't obviously pranking they'll hear you out no matter how crazy you are.
I'm just a True American who does my civic duty and watches a lot of CSPAN
PM question is legit my favorite shit on television. British MPs put Comedy Central roasts to shame.
>he doesn't spend all of his free time watching c-span
inspired to tune in more now, keep posting some classic calls
Whatever happened to Libby?
>Does Howard Stern have a -
What was he gonna ask?
Got a job as a full time correspondent for AJAM, but they went under and now I think she works for the Washington Post.
underage confirmed
Nigga are you serious?
in the mid-2000s it was a popular to prank call shows/stuff like this asking what they thought about the size of Howard Sterns penis.
>very dull and staid journalists/academics/politicians) struggle to form responses to rants and bizarre "questions" from actual lunatics
It's cool, she laughed.
You should at least have it on background when nothing else is going on, anything less is basically treason
Does public access on cable still exist? All I ever see is religious programs on the lower channels now
Move to a big city or college town.
Also, it sucks.
Damn. I have charter
Yesterday they were talking about math on npr and a real we wuz kangs guy called in to tell them moors invented algebra and not arabs
Public access TV is pretty much dead now. It was fun back when it wasn't intentionally "ironic," and it was made using basic tools by very dedicated, often nutty locals.
Protip: those are actual American citizens with real concerns and those aren't "journalists," much less "staid".
Liberal fuck.
mad money is on cnbc you uncultured swine
Surprisingly weak and unfunny. 2/10 because he looks like Bernie.
yes hello, you're on C-SPAN
>yes, thank you sir. My name is Ichbad Von Nutsack
Who will play Brian Lamb in the inevitable "The Social Network"-style biopic on the founding and rise of C-SPAN?
Someone post Buzz Aldrin exposing ayy lmao's on CSPAN
>tfw the hosts get nervous and reach for the button just in case
>was about to post this
>it's the second post in the thread
I love this board
A friend who lives in Scranton, PA says there's a local version of this that is pure kino.
John Voight?
>tfw I can't tell if someone is trolling or legit crazy
What the fuck is that triforce shit about?
post more paintable memes you dip