What's the best JRE episodes?
And is Eddie crazy?
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>is eddie crazy
he's the only on this show who actually knows what the fuck he's talking about 90% of the time
rogan is a retard
>And is Eddie crazy?
you sound like a dumbass, brainwashed idiot who watches MSM. I bet you think chem-trails are fake
Imagine being Joe in that episode and having to be all like "damn, Eddie Bravo, I love you, you're my long-time friend and overall great bro. I would totally spend time with you off-podcast, both my "Rogan" character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is talk to an actual human with a functioning brain capable of thought. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe and not only sit in that chair while Eddie Bravo flaunts his disgusting mind in front of you, the favorable audio quality barely concealing his raspy voice, and just sit there, article after article, hour after hour, while he perfected that "I'M CRAAAAZY" line. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking beliefs but his haughty attitude as everyone in the room tells him he's STILL A GOOD DUDE and DAMN, EDDIE BRAVO BELIEVES *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been having nothing but a healthy diet of professional athletes and celebrities and later alleged woke victims as guests for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in New Jersey. You've never even heard anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his wrinkled forehead as he attempts to understand subjects he knows nothing about, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "crazy (for that is what he calls it)" beliefs, the beliefs he got from watching videos by obscure YouTube channels in the previous years. And then the clock tells you you're there for another fucking hour, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
The Bill Hicks episode was really great
Binging the Graham Hancock episodes at 4 in the morning whilst eating chocolate chip pot cookies was a mistake
>tfw people are still on rogans side
>tfw it's almost 5 am
>tfw no pot cookies to space out on
>tfw control over life has been lost
why does Sup Forums love Joe Rogan so much?
You realize that in real life he'd think you're a weirdo and he'd kick your ass, right?
eddie clearly says he doesnt give a fuck and is just having fun. he says it like 20 times. and then rogan and his fagboi just goes nuts on him. the only one that is crazy is joe rogan.
better than rogan
>dude the world is round
I know but it might not be
>no dude it's round because science
Have you actually seen it yourself?
It's 4 AM here and I just woke up
"Working" from home at flexible hours leads to some interesting sleep schedules
whole episode is a psyops to make flat earth theories seem implausible
what is joe rogan trying to hide?
It's because Rogan doesn't try to pretend he knows all there is, all he knows is that it is in fact round because of the evidence laid out by people who spend their lives working on it, and he sees no reason why there would be a massive cover up about it. inb4 it's easier to control people on a ball or whatever the retarded quote was
and you sound like a dumbass, brainwashed idiot who watches gay pornography. I bet you think god is real
>tfw it's 11pm leaftime and I'm getting drunk listening to two leprechauns debate the shape of our earth
>Have you actually seen it yourself?
You can literally see the curvature of the Earth from most airliners
What kind of work?
>brainwashed idiot who watches gay pornography
>implying rogan hasn't done the same
we all know how he acts around gay guests...
CAD diagrams (idk wtf to call it in English) for layouts of Broadband fiber cables
I realized I could just do it from home and they sold my office space so it's win/win
Well shit, lucky you, man. Congrats.
its not luck, it's skill, pleb
>when rogan threads are the only time you feel happy
I hope these never die
If it's skill why did it take you so long to figure out you could do it from home instead of going to the office? Checkmate, atheist.
I'm like three times as tall as him.
If he ever swung at me I'd sidestep him so fast(no big dumb muscles to slow me down) and get behind him and snap his fucking neck before he took another breath.
That guy wasn't me by the way
Got the job through contacts whilst being only sort of qualified, it's definitely lucky
>And is Eddie crazy?
No, Eddie is functionally retarded.
I always knew he was an actor right from the start. He started playing Bill but quickly became his own force as Alex Jones.
>It's easier to control people on a ball
Well as before, congrats on it, enjoy that life because it sure is fucking better than common wageslaving.
I don't think anything can top the Jones episode for sheer entertainment. Some of the UFC episodes are great from a sports discussion standpoint, but that's not why 99% of us are watching.
wageslaving gets a bad rap
>less responsibility
>weekends feel all the sweeter
>make a comfortable amount of money and enough to save if you don't splurge on useless shit
>able to retire early if you start early
>easy to move up generally
The problem is you're too tired to do anything when you get home from work and then on weekdays you always end up feeling like you somehow wasted it, you get to it thinking it's going to be sweet but monday is endlessly looming over you and prevents you from fully getting into whatever you actually want to get into. Or maybe that's just me.
>every episode with Randall Carlson
>every episode with Graham Hancock
>every episode with Randal and Graham together
>Gavin Mcinness episodes
>Milo episodes
>Wim Hof
>Bas Rutten
>Steven Crowder for the argument
>Jesse Ventura
>Sam Harris episodes especially for AI will destroy us all discussions
>Dan Bilzerian
>Louis Theroux episodes
>Stefanie Molymeme episodes
>Bill burr
>some guy he was talking about backpacking deep wild big game hunting with can't remember fuck
>Shane Smith
>Christina Sommers
A lot of the best podcasts are the ones where Joe is so interested in his guests that he barely speaks other than to ask questions further and say "Whoa". Leah Ramini was kinda good just for how much she obviously wanted the Joe dicking right on the table. Oh and Neal Degrasse Tyson.
Tonnes more this is just kinda the ones I remember most distinctly for various reasons.
it's all about your own perspective, I just try my hardest enjoy the free time I have while I have it and am able to look forward to what I'm saving towards
Modest lives are underated
>you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down
Eddie would, and has, tied Joe up like a pretzel and Schaub would take Joe's head off.
ive been /fit/ lately and all the eps with Rhonda Patrick are great
>>every episode with Randall Carlson
>>every episode with Graham Hancock
>>every episode with Randal and Graham together
I like them both on stage, but Graham never fucking shuts up on JRE.
>11,600 years ago
>11,600 years ago
>hmmm around about 11,600 years ago
It gets annoying after 30 minutes.
What the fuck happened here? Was Joe just being a dick or is there some spooky conspiracy going on with this video?
>>every episode with Randall Carlson
>>every episode with Graham Hancock
>>every episode with Randal and Graham together
I dunno was just gonna watch that cause it's controversial apparently. Joe can just be a retard sometimes.
>the NASA scientists that faked the moon landing are all dead now so that means that the new NASA is completely noble and trustworthy.
You gotta admit, that line of reasoning on Rogan's part makes no sense.
I don't think Joe was trying to be a dick, or that he felt threatened by scientology, but it would be cool if he was I guess.
I think Joe is just a kinda dumb and immature guy who smokes way too much weed.
He wants to have this guy on the show, but on a whim isn't really feeling it that night so he just goes through the motion and because of the weed doesn't quite realize when he's being an asshole, he seemed like a kid who just wanted class to be over.
>"was there an election?"
Ron came on to advertise his book.
Joe realized this fairly quickly and also realized the old man's bullshitting him quite a bit on the details.
Joe wants to cut off this extended commercial early and smoke weed and argue with Eddie about flat Earth.
whens part 2 where eddie drops the real crazy shit?
Yeah Randall is more fun than Graham. Randall's got that Minnesota accent and big Santa voice and look that just makes him palatable endlessly even though he hits the same territory every time he's on.
>when Jamie enters the conversation just to show off his "intelligence" and shitty Instagram photos
The government took his shit yo
I have no idea why Sup Forums loves Rogan. I tried watching his Netflix special and it was literally "FUCKING TRUMP" and him screaming at the crowd desperately trying to be anti-PC
>watching his standup
literal trash tier
Eddie Bravo & Bryan Callen are always worth skipping. Bryan Callen annoys me more than Redban
God his standup is sad.
I like some of the podcast though.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me that much if I liked Amy Schumers standup more than his.
Fuck off
Nick DiPaolo episode a couple of months back was great
>not mentioning Joey Diaz episodes
>"See how they used to live"
>"This is a painting though, not a photo"
>*Bryan Callen smiles and gives a slight nod and an approving "Mm" sound as if to say yes*
Joe always talks about " having too much muscle to do standup. He has become everything he rails against.
Calm down Eddie
>Bryan Callen
I can't stand that fucker
>not knowing what he means by that
Idk man. I've actually been to the 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu gym Rogan trains at and have seen him roll. He's a black belt and he is definitely not a punk. He is a seriously strong dude and I wouldn't doubt he could break your neck.
All he had to do was mention the space race we were having with russia in order to shut Eddie up about the possibly faked moon landings.
I thought he did and Eddie just started shouting muh globalists
>10th Planet Jiu Jitsu
Isn't that the franchise owned by Eddie Bravo?
>they have a gym in Bergen, Norway where I live
wow, that's surprising
Despite Eddie's conspiracy insanity he managed to turn a surprise win over a famed jiu jitsu competitor into a marketing opportunity he used to build a widely successful jiu jitsu franchise. Eddie believes some crazy shit but he's both a successful businessman and martial arts innovator.
Can I ask why the fuck flat earth theory is becoming popular all of a sudden even some of my friends entertain the idea of flat earth even the fucking ancient egyptians knew the earth was round
Are posts like these ironic is it just one major troll or are people really this fucking stupid nowadays?
are you really so dumb that you dont know chemtrails are real? or are you trolling
Did you even check out Buzz Aldrin's instagram?
Pull it up.
Lmao what does that even mean?
This was a horrible episode, it was painful listening to him.
Dude he'd fucking hit you once and you'd fold. You wouldn't be able to get near him.
Yeah, it's Eddie's. It's fucking legit too. It's not your average style of jiu jitsu. It's basically Eddies own type of Jiu Jitsu and Joe Rogan trains at the main one in LA that Eddie Bravo is an instructor at.
I listened for two minutes and shut it down. I will not suffer retards, unless I'm shitposting on Sup Forums.
Why the fuck would the government or whoever poison or whatever they're supposed to be doing to the fucking air? what are they going to breath their farts? it'll still effect them and if they were spraying something to a degree where it would effect people it would be very easy to detect
>thinking chemtrails are poisons
Jamie is possibly the most retarded faggot of all time even after me
I watched the Henry Rollins one last week, it's pretty great
That's what most people think enlighten me smart guy what are they
Theo Von had actual laugh-out-loud moments.
Why is Rogans stand up such fucking trash
why the fuck were they talking as though it was proven last week that they faked the moon landings?
Plane exhaust.
Joe is a faggot
>Neal Degrasse Tyson
I don't care how Reddit blackscienceman is, I love listening to that guy
when eddie revealed he didn't believe in gravity i had to pause the episode and just pace around the room
Eddie is 100% right about everything
You just have to look into it.
Dude I've been trying to just have fun with it but I'm still not redpilled. Halp.
Someone should send Eddie some breatharian pamphlets, get him converted to the ultimate redpill.
To be fair the old man was basically a prisoner at Scientology hq. He was living off $50 a week and was treated like trash even though his own son was running the org. Joe didn't seem to sympathise much with him.
*sucks your dick, but as an ironic in-joke between two otherwise-heterosexual men that enjoy the occasional brojob, not like some kinda fruity San Fran queer that would actually unironically enjoy another man's dick in his mouth*
>actually believing what that old man says
>Can I ask why the fuck flat earth theory is becoming popular all of a sudden
An organization who let's just say dosen't want to let Dr Pavel bring friends is promoting it to discredit real conspiracies.
this guy was the best