My IQ is 196. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence. Unlike most of the millenials, I'm a Republican and a proud Trump supporter. . I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people.
While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week.
All this and I'm an 18 year old still in high school.
> My IQ is 196 > I'm a Republican and a proud Trump supporter
These two aren't compatible, only one can be correct. So which is it?
Elijah Flores
Tits or GTFO
John Fisher
140+ is genius level dip shit, try starting with a softer lie and maybe some tards will buy it
Zachary Johnson
Sadly it seems like you have a shitty personality for thinking that you are any better than "millenials", people your age, or humanity itself. I hope you become more mature and start to see the value of the world around you
Austin Wilson
I genuinely hope you're raped and murdered
Jeremiah Ward
Describe your synaesthesia please.
Ryan Lee
If you're currently 18, you fall in the "gen z" generation, but im guessing a genius like you would know that already
Actually, there's correlation. IQ is an OUTDATED "measure" of something that (till this day) can't be measured objectively. So yeah! Idiot brainlet confirmed.
Hudson Fisher
Finally a genius I can ax questions to. 1. Are bees real? B. Who invented the color red? 4. Are you smarter than an computer machine/$pellcheck?
Isaiah Cruz
ITT dumb lies
Justin Lewis
Fake and gay. If you were that smart, you would have skipped grades and not stay in high school with 18 years. Just because your parents think you are smart, doesn't necessarily imply that you are actually smart.
Justin Roberts
>196 iq not smart enough to post with timestamps retard
Skipping grades is not an option for most middle and lower class persons.
Xavier Hall
>Uhh, it's called salt
Landon Myers
low quality bait try harder
Brayden Ward
lmao imagine not graduating from high school early.
Colton Hill
Oh shit, you're actually a cute girl. I was gonna insult you for being an arrogant dumbass who will never understand the careful nuances of a social environment but now I'm just aroused by your dominating and superior attitude.
Now look > Supports Trump, yet mentions having IQ which isn’t a double-digit one > Listens to non-mainstream music just to prove something > Goes on Sup Forums just to lie and fake flex on others
Just kill yourself 7 year old chubby kid, if you had an IQ of above 140 you wouldn’t be even wasting your time flexing on others, would realise life is pointless as our existance and things we achieve impacts nothing on our lives, patriotism is bullshit and so are wars, however we can not die due to quantum immortality so we are forced to endure this existance surrounded by a bunch of idiots who fucking cries when their gf’s cuck them or someone humiliates them. If you had an above-average IQ you’d just spend your time on way more important stuff you fucking cuck. > 146 IQ, so you can suck on this tard
Nigga, nobody got an IQ of 190. They wouldn't be on Sup Forums. Plus most 190+ IQ people either kill themselves cause life's boring or they became math majors at age 3.
But again just shitty b8
Tyler Reed
Its 230.
Ian Foster
Old copy pasta is stale copy pasta
Jason Johnson
"I'm an 18 year old still in high school." Do you even English bro? LMFAO
wow I can't believe all the hate your getting op. What a bunch of disconnected losers making fun of a girl when they are down on they luck.
op do me a favor and ignore all these idiots and don't accept any adds because it most likely won't end well. They are just sad maggot dicked autists that don't know how to even start up a convo with a person let alone a girl
here add my skype (hitman90001) we can talk about life, games whatever you want and hell you can even use my shoulder to cry on if you feel like it. I been there and it gets better.
oh also idk if you play overwatch but I have an extra copy of origins and I can always use more people to play with lol, don't worry it's not a hard game I can help you out im a pretty high rank (gold sr)
anyways add me on skype (hitman90001) pls thank you