Best Hand edition
/got/ general
Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?
Can you guess who all these characters are meant to be, /got/? No cheating.
Stannis talks about /got/
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
because he's a retarded faggot
Kek we deserve it desu
> Aegon will be next on the throne. I don't care which one.
ASOIAF is NOT fantasy
From top to bottom...
Jon Snow
The couple is probably meant to be Eddard/Catelyn even though he looks like Jaime.
The dead(?) guy No idea. Terrible Robert? 60 years too young Jon Arryn?
I'm probably wrong on most of the non-obvious ones because it's most likely all the top characters...but they don't look like much.
If Bottom left is Varys I would expect LF to be there but no ne looks like him. Unless "Eddard" is LF? Then the dead guy is maybe Eddard?
ah, the dead guy is probably Drogo I guess.
ah well. I'm not good at this.
Gibe answer pls.
>George says repeatedly that it is fantasy and not scifi
>faggots keep thinking it is
No u4u
You didn't read it
Why would i help that site get ad money?
What do you think best girl will think of the soon to be released trailer?
And do you think it will be out tomorrow? I forget which season but I remember atleast once HBO didn't do it before what ever show premieres this Sunday (I think Silicon Valley) but they released it on a Friday afternoon to blow up the internet for the weekend.
It's my free wordpress. It's not clickbait.
So you're shilling your own site?
I want feedback for my theories. I don't want to post on reddit.
Are the Sandor scenes in the Broken Man comfy to anyone else?
I don't think you are wrong especially with your scale between what is fantasy and what is sci fi. But I do think ASOIAF is fantasy enough to get that label without any question. As you point out GRRM has written both genres but he clearly wants this series to be considered his fantasy series.
Also when you reference Tolkien being a world war veteran you should capitalize the W's as he specifically served in World War I.
People think of WW2 as more about good vs evil. Tolkien served during WW1 but he wrote just before and during WW2. I didn't write in that whole distinction because I was trying not to be too wordy. There's probably a better way to write it.
>Q1 2017 almost over
>Still no book
Ah ok all good then that makes sense
can you post your bran and jaime theory
Going by Dance's announcement to release its now impossible to get it before the next season airs.
But let's be honest we are never ever getting another book. GRRM is only human and his heart has to be close to exploding.
how come since the Sup Forums invasion namefagging is so in now? you guys really hate being anonymous and indistinctive that much?
So shilling?
You realize you could just copy and paste your shit here without having to reference your blog?
Bran is one of the three heads of the dragon, meaning one of the three parts of Bloodraven's big plan. Jon is the dragon/greenseer king, Dany is the dragon hatcher, and Bran is going to be the real authority, the big brother behind the scenes. Basically Bloodraven's heir. Meera is meant to make greenseer babies with Bran to be Bran's heir.
Jaime might be the Sword of the Morning figure meant to oppose Euron as the Bloodstone Emperor reborn. Thematically there needs to be someone, and Jaime and Brienne fit the best. I like Jaime more because of his dynamic with Arthur Dayne.
Also there's the whole Tyr/Fenrir thing with Jaime and Bran obviously
yup, you nailed it. I'm pretty impressed desu, I wouldn't have gotten drogo and yoren if I hadn't cheated
reminder that this is the scene the season cold opens on and they couldnt even be fucked to invest 2 more dollars to make the color grading and lighting look better than season 4 tier shit
>Benjen didn't leave them a sled
>Meera has one anyway
And who wants to be that they'll act like the trip to the Wall is long and grueling when it's only a mile?
benjen should have just left his horse
>Sup Forums invasion
there were like 4 new ips over the course of 5 hours
That's reserved for the Prince that was Promised, not the Last Hero
>The only living starks not to be on the pic are rickon (a baby) and sansa (a major PoV character with like 20 chapters or something), still doesn't warrant her a spot
Sansafags BTFO. how will they ever recover.
being a camera doesnt make you a major pov. littlefinger deserves a spot up there before his cameraman does
I've been posting on /got/ since I started the show in season 3. I only name fagged a year ago and briefly tripped last year when Bradamante made a bunch of people start using names. It happened again so I brought it back.
It has nothing to do with a made up Sup Forums invasion it's just we are getting closer so there are more posters.
But if we are going to discuss ourselves and not the series I need to admit I am only phone posting because my computer crashed and I lost all my memes I made over the years. The only one I have is my original double daggers pic did anyone happen to save the others? This was from off season between seasons four and five.
Also is double dildos poster still around?
Please bring back thank you uncle benjen posting.
I like the Thanksgiving one
I'm looking forward to Linda's reaction more desu
>cold open
Thanks, uncle Benjen
Anyone miss /roof/ posting?
>implying the mind trick queen isn't about to pull an epic mindtrick on littlefinger
God damn I forgot how good Edmure is in that scene with Jaime in seasons six. He never got to flex his acting muscles like this in season three. This is the Brutus I love.
When does Stannis come back?
Soon, user.
cue warrior of light theme
Where were you when you realized that Davos Seaworth is the best character in the series?
he is pretty good, although i still sort of wish they didn't cast the tullys 20 years older than they're meant to be
Not sure where I was, but I know WHEN I was;
Anytime before S6.
>where were you
2 minutes away from realizing my mistake and that the best character in the series is actually Bran
He's close to his book age tho.
Edmure is past 30 in the books and the show is past the books now so you can add a few years to that, it could bring him up to 35 or so.
The actor was 41-42 when they shot S6, so he might have been only 6-7 years older than the character.
not so bad when you consider shows/movies commonly cast 30y/o to play highschool students and stuff.
are they brantards, or fag hags?
>Edmure is past 30 in the books
just ladies with evolved taste
prove he isn't with a quote?
burden of proof is on you, user
regardless, there's no definitive proof of his age, but him being over 30 would be dumb
>Her two older brothers had both died in infancy, so she had been son as well as daughter to Lord Hoster until Edmure was born.
So Cat is basically raised to be the heir for a significant bit of time, implying there's quite a few years between them. If she was like 3 years old when he was born like you're implying, she wouldn't have been 'son as well as daughter' at all in her memory.
Also the fact that he's not married at the start of the series.
Dude is in his mid-20s.
Why did Aegon name both his sons Rhaegar?
Why did my father leave me?
>Also the fact that he's not married at the start of the series.
Not arguing against his age, but this is kind of irrelevant because it's obviously a plot device from GRRM.
It makes no more sense if Edmure is unwed at 25. he's the heir to Riverrun and unwed at 25?
People even think it's weird that Robb (at 15) wasn't betrothed already.
And Hoster is still being an hardass about the Blackfish not getting married and he's just a brother and 50-60 so he doesn't really matter.
No way he would let his heir be unwed at 25.
It was obviously just put in because GRRM needed the red wedding, and I guess having his wife died very young would've felt cheap or something.
Hoster was basically bedridden/useless as of a few years before AGoT. IIRC he tried betrothing Edmure to the fat nigger whore at one point, but that didn't work out. Maybe he was trying to get another great-house marriage like the 2 he already had, then started wasting away before he could go anywhere with it.
i can see him getting twow out before his heart gives out
but after that? nothing, probably.
twow as in The Wildcards Origin World?
yeah it's probably happening.
of course, what did you think I meant?
Maario Naharis
it's implied Hoster babies Edmure because he was his youngest child and only son, he never got his son a wife because he never fully saw him as a man
Yeah, Cat babies him as well
>I know there are more important things, spare me the sermon, septa.
Awesome, CP is in the catalog again and apparently no mods are online.
/got/ is a beacon of quality posting in a board consumed by shit
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
>tfw your big sister catelyn will naver babysit you
>tfw still no winds of winter
It hurts.
>swn let you nuzzle your face into her tits because mummy is dead and you're lonely
why even fucking live
That's Sansa though.
and sweetautist yeah
I imagine they had a similar relationship :^)
Guys, GRRM will release TWOW this year to your local bookstore, we only need faith and patience in GRRM.
>best hand
Damn straight. He will do great things for the realm.
Daario Naharis is a hostage of the Yunkai. What will the Yunkish do to him?
Make him king.
King Naharis of Yunkai
kelly c will come back to bring him some freedom and remove him with muuh dragons after she is done conquering westeros
>kelly c
>conquering westeros
She'll get BTFO by Jon's army and dick
Direwolves > Dragins
>got fucked up by Lady, Rodrik, and Luwin dying
>no one gave a shit about any of them
lady was a good dog she dindu nuffin
they should've killed sansa instead of lady.
Azor Ahai
hi /got/. maybe you don't remember me but i was called puppyfu.
i'm not dead and i'm not in denial or suicidal over cia dying, i've just been focused on other shows and movies.
i'll be back to shitpost here when the new season starts. :)
hope you all have a good day.
literally fuck off
>be freezing your ass up north
>wear loads of furs
>wear absolutely NOTHING on your head, not even a hat
stop pretending to be puppyfu
can I get a quick rundown on puppyfu?
just some fag
An /got/ thread