Talking to this trap on bumble. Straight married drunk man here thinking this Nebraska tranny might tip the scales. Thoughts from Sup Forumsros?
Talking to this trap on bumble. Straight married drunk man here thinking this Nebraska tranny might tip the scales...
I’d stick my dick in it
>Talking to this trap on bumble
Okay faggot.
Not really a trap. Looks pretty much like a dude. You're just gay.
Where in Nebraska? I also live there
Shame about that forhead tho
OPs a fag confirmed
Sent her/him this pic of my soft cock. Conversation slowed down. What do?
Hey you uptight faggots quit virtue signaling your straightness and help a nigger out. Whatever.. I'm a little gay, swf.. this trap might drain my blue balls. You should be so lucky. Fuck you, ya bunch of baptist fucks.
Go for it, life is too short to worry about what gender has the holes you're fucking
If you are a grower, send a pic with a hard on, if not, ya blew it.
Yeah im a grower, but not super impressive in any case. Guess i blew it.. oh well. I'll hate myself less in the morning this way kek..
>Yeah im a grower, but not super impressive in any case
In that case, try anyway. What have you got to lose?
Why would you send a tranny a pic of your flaccid dick anyways? They're the biggest size queens on the planet lmao
10/10, make love to that goddess
Thought we had a connection. Texted for hours