What did you dream about last night, user?
What did you dream about last night, user?
I don't even know
I'd kill to sleep right now
I was alive
Ex GF two nights in a row.
I'm weird as fuck about the break up, cause she contacted me earlier today sending me sappy shit for emotions and I didn't want to respond at all. But why am I dreaming that kind of shit, I'm like begging her back in my dreams, but in real life I don't want her one bit.
For some weird reason I dreamt about River Phoenix.
Apparently they decided to mummify his body. Which I ate a piece of and I then become possessed by him.
I cant stop thinking about it because I literally NEVER think about some celebrity I barely know of that died 20 years ago so I've been oddly bothered by it lol
I was a doctor from the dark ages but around every 30 minutes I would wake up because my body felt that my vr headset was in the wrong position, so I couldn't experience it really well but at least everytime I went back to sleep I would dream a continuation to my dream.
I haven't dreamt since I was a teenager apart from when I've been really fucking ill or when quit smoking. Is that normal? Does every one else dream every night?
It's quite normal not to dream
Can't remember, but it was good enough to have stayed for a long while.
I feel refreshed, focused.
i was touring a college and really had to shit so i went into the bathrooms. But they were really small and full so i went to another bathroom. this one was massive with like 4 different wings full of urinals and stalls. But for some reason i got weirded out and didn't want to shit there either. So i went all the way to the back of the bathroom and there was a door there.
I went through the door and it went outside and it was like this giant bathroom graveyard where there were just rows and rows of old toilets and stalls just out in the open. I really had to go so i finally picked one kinda in a corner with some weeds growing around it. The stall was actually just a chainlink fence that you could see through but I thought fuck it no one's around and i need to go. So i open the lid and theres a nasty shit sprayed all over the inside of the bowl. Fuck what are the odds! fine! so i zipped up my pants and decided to hold it.
then the dream ended.
what did it mean?
why don't you want her?
holy shit that's a really weird dream lmao. especially the eating part of him. what the actual fuck. I guess that's actually what people used to do with mummies but still.
you sleep with a vr?
Fucking your guys moms
I dreamed about a three-way fuckfest with my Supervisor at work (hawtt Black woman, modest and elegant)
and our new Intern, equally hawtt Eurasian Hapa hippie who wears clothing made by her Designer mom.
I needed a cold shower this morning.
dude your job and coworkers sound awesome!
Is the mom like famous or does she handmake the clothes?
I don't think she is "famous", but she makes amazing colourful clothes for her daughter,
who is known as "The Hippie Girl" at our office. She is smart AF and very beautiful.
damn wtf that sounds awesome. I've only ever known one asian person and it was a really hot guy from hong kong. I wanted to accidentally suck his dick if you know wht I mean no-homo
that i was in a grocery store and some how a time traveler
Walking around in the store, noticed things look all weird. I asked a stock boy what the deal is with all the old brands, and he said something like "they just came out" and I was like nope and I started arguing with him, like lol nope those came out in the 90's. I eventually just went to the check out stand and yelled "i'll give 5 bucks to anyone who will tell me what year it is". and only a kid answered. 1995. I recoil, everyone agrees, but I still feel obligated to give the kid five bucks. manger comes over and asks me to leave, That's when I realize it, I had money in my pocket, that it time traveled with me. it must be a modern bill that looks completely different. I go over to the kid and grab the money.
this Is where it gets fucky. its a modern bill, I notice the date, 2006, I flip it over. its not a normal bill anymore. its covered in text. I flip it back. the bill now is a 3 dollar bill. Lincon is replaced with a person i don't recognize. the writing is changing as I look at it. Its either written on the bill or a I just some how hear it, "the current strand has been broken" there is more text on the bill, a warring, I cant read it. I look away from the bill and tell the manger sorry and leave the store. the dream ends and I wake up.
I know for a fact that you cannot read text in dreams so the changing text makes some sense, and i was recently posting in a 90's nostalgia thread so there is that bit, but I never had a dream before that fought back after me being aware of the logic breaking down. its quite troubling.
it means never shit in a dream, you will shit the bed in real life. pee pee is a classic anxiety dream subject matter. you know you cant just pee anywhere, but the dreams logic breaks down and you cant decide if its ok or not. but ya really gotta.
They are both tall, slender, and gorgeous ~ but so different in appearance. Supervisor wears grey tweed dresses
and Intern wears multi-colour flowing gowns. I am just a lowly entry-level coder, so I have no chance with either of them,
who could have anyone they want, male or female, rich AF, and high society.
oh my god i would be so incredibly sexually frustrated hahaha.
That's really cool that you get to work with them though! maybe you'll meet some other gorgeous classy lady by association with them!
>I know for a fact that you cannot read text in dreams so the changing text makes some sense, and i was recently posting in a 90's nostalgia thread so there is that bit, but I never had a dream before that fought back after me being aware of the logic breaking down. its quite troubling.
>read text in dreams
I've read text on the ceiling immediately after a dream before...Can't remember what it said as the dream was a nightmare of some significance and imprinted on my mind something powerful. Oh and I threw a pair of scissors at the message.
i read in dreams all the time wtf
All the other men gawk at them constantly, but I try not to look because it is so unprofessional.
I am coaching the Intern about company software, and she is so sweet and attractive
that it's hard not to make a complete Fool of myself ~ the same with my Supervisor.
At my dream girls party having a good time, and outta nowhere my good friend show up and blows a hole in my hand with a .38.
I don't even remember the dream i had but it was mostly just my head going through every single bad possibility that wouldnt ever happen between me and my gf. Like my eyes were closed one minute and the next they were open with existential dread filling my head.
Other than that couple nights ago had a dream where we fucked my rabbits.
you cannot read new information in dream, you can only 'see' memories of things you have read in the past. if you become aware of it in a lucid dream its quite trippy. the the words appear in the margins of your field of view as you sort of decide on what it says. you can also do that with music and things like painting, which is I'm sure why so many artists use psychedelics. you think it, it happens.
ooohhh that's really crazy actually. Cool!
Really? I can't. I can see text in English but I just can't read it.
good on you being professional user. That sounds like a really nice job. I think its enough for me just to be around people i like. Then it feels like life is oozing out of the walls. Or like sylvia Plath wrote "the world is splitting open at my feet like a ripe, juicy watermelon".
yeah i can clearly see in the dreams what I'm reading a lot of times. I mean it might be different when I look at it again, but it's definitely clearly visible on the page.
I talked to one guy years ago that said when he dreamt he would go into a library and read 1 or 2 books a night in his dreams. interdasting stuff. All i ever read is one sentence or a sign on the wall.
oddly enough about being in a retarded cop training... somehow, for some reason they had a small target practice in their office and I was "practicing aim" with a gun that made barely any noise, i remember missing the first shot which didn't even hit the target then i leaned slightly forward and idk few shots almost center and then I was doing pushups for some reason. i've no idea at all why i had this dream, random as fuck.
very similar to my dreams recently, user
>oddly enough about being in a retarded cop training... somehow, for some reason they had a small target practice in their office and I was "practicing aim" with a gun that made barely any noise, i remember missing the first shot which didn't even hit the target then i leaned slightly forward and idk few shots almost center and then I was doing pushups for some reason. i've no idea at all why i had this dream, random as fuck.
They want you. They'll have you soon enough.
>That sounds like a really nice job.
It is. The pay is good (for entry-level) and I got it only because the Department Chair at my college recommended me.
It is my first *real* job (not working for my dad) and I don't want to fukkup, so I am very careful about my time and my work.
My Supervisor and the Intern are the only two decent people there; all the others are assholes, so I have nothing to do with them.
I hope all company offices are not like this, but I fear they are. I don't plan to stay there long.
>which is I'm sure why so many artists use psychedelics
I can confirm this